I love MFP.... what are your plans today??? EXERCISE??!

PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
I just wanted to say...I am having soooo much fun right now!!! The house is quiet...my i tunes are going, rainy day, sitting on the couch with a blanket the dog and my MFP!!! You Guys rock!!!

On a MFP note...I love this site.... I have been really successful and met lots of great people!!! I have also turned into a workout freak! Hitting the gym...spin,zumba, step, kickboxing,,,running, (not my fav yet:tongue: ) love hiking, and have signed up for 2 months of Hot Yoga...

Today will be day 7 of exercise for me this week...so I might rest...stay on MFP or go to a Hot Yoga class. Enjoy your weekend and Keep up the Good work!!!!!!! (or get started:laugh: )


  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Today I'm strength training - going to go extra hard and get a good pump going.
  • jocemorg
    jocemorg Posts: 26 Member
    i'm going to the gym for a cardio day! starting my 3rd week of C25K, feelin' like a big shot.

    now if it would only stop snowing so i could actually get there... -__-
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Sitting on my butt at work.....
    Leaving @ 3 and going right to the gym for 45 mins on elliptical at least, maybe some upper body strength training if I have time before I have to meet my husband. Then we are going ice skating for a minimum of an hour. Then out to dinner and drinks :drinker:
  • XED_gnarlydog
    Ran 3 miles with my wife and did an hour of intense strength training called "the 500". It's 20 sets of 25 reps with 2 min of cardio every 4 sets (100 reps). Mostly body weight stuff (push ups, sit ups, etc) with some weights for shoulders, back and arms. I am pooped. Next is lunch and some freelance design work. Have a great Saturday!!! =)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Today so far has been wake up, breakfast, work out, lunch, shovel snow (which ended up being a workout), snack. Later will be dinner (quesadillas :glasses: ), fkn around on here some more, perhaps a snack again (I have a lot of calories to eat back -.-) then sleepy time.