Core exercises

Anyone have awesome core exercises? I'm apple shaped and carry the majority of my weight in my tummy area. I need some serious help flattening it out and getting some strength there. Example pictures would be helpful as well.



  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    So, No one has advice, or examples of what they do? I have a hard time believing that. :huh:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Plank. I do it modified with my arms on the end of the couch.
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I do that hip hop ABS... its like dance training I guess but I like it
  • Tiffysinsanity
    Tiffysinsanity Posts: 69 Member
    I haven't had much luck with getting any advice on here either. I've got the same problem. It's all my low tummy and hips. Always but this is the first time I've ever tried to do anything about it. Ripped In 30 is a workout I always recommend. I've lost about 4 inches from my waist doing it. A lot of planks veriations. lol
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member

    10minute abs workout, i do it every morning after 30ds

    BTW, ill say what everyone else says.. you cant spot reduce, keep up the full body circuit training and cardio workouts.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Unfortunately, whatever anyone says - you cant spot reduce an area on your body. You lose fat all over, so to lose fat on your tummy, you need to do exercises all over.

    I have just started lifting heavy (well, heavy for me) weights - and this is showing a difference all over my body.

    If you do just want core exercises, the Plank is a good one, along with side bends (with a weight in one hand), crunches, leg lifts, abdominal twists etc

    Look at my exercise diary for this week and you will see what I have been doing x
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Crunches. Reverse crunches. Oblique crunches. Planks. Side Planks.
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I believe the most effective core excercise is the plank. It is not only effective but versitile as well. It can be done on your elbows or hands, to the side, one leg up or on your knees. You can even do it on a ball for an added challenge. Any level of fitness can benefit from planking. Good Luck!
  • Saftlad
    Saftlad Posts: 35 Member
    Crunches. Reverse crunches. Oblique crunches. Planks. Side Planks.

    And bicycle crunches, spidermans, mountain climbers, supermans, ab roll-outs
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I know I can't spot reduce, but my gym doesn't have a designated core area. I run, do the elliptical and then do the weight circuit machines that consist of legs and arms. I know I need to ad core exercises in and in my case ever little bit helps. Thanks for the advice!