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Creating a New Challenge/Motivation Group~Let's have fun!



  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    1) Name - CeCe
    2) Current Weight - 257 or 256
    3) Goal Weight (for the end of the first challenge - be realistic so you stay motivated! ) - its 3 months right? 226 lb (30 lbs less than I am now) but since january's almost over i doubt i'll hit that.
    4) Non-weight goal - I want to be able to burn 300+ calories when working out...not there yet
    5) Brief Introduction of Yourself. - not sure what to say...i'm new to all this, but i really want to change. My husband and i go to the gym now and it's good, but i need an overall lifestyle change and the motivation to keep going. I'm tired of being others THINspiration.
  • 1) name-Jenny
    2)cuurent weight-163.2
    3)goal weight- 153 by end of my first challenge
    4)non weight goal- to be more fit and have energy and motivation to do more.
    5) mother of 14 yr old son and wife of 13 yrs and i didnt really realized that i was gainingmuch weight, but didnt like what i saw in mirror and when i would do something like hike etc. I just felt frustrated at how unfit i was.
    I want to have energy and look and feel great.
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 235 Member
    1) Name: Donna
    2) current weight: 182.5 lbs
    3) goal weight: 172.5 lbs
    4) Non goal weight: To feel healthier & stronger. Tired of looking fat in pictures.
    5) Mother of two boys (16 & 12) living oversea in Saudi Arabia (husband's job) for the past 2 years on a company compound. Prior to moving I had worked full-time (15 years) at a somewhat stressful job in the food industry with yummy food all around. The weight just crept on through the years & the past 2 years I took to a very relaxed mode so gained even more and now I look really bad in family pictures! The weather for the most part is great here which allows a lot of outdoor activities which I enjoy. Walking along a beach path is my best motivator. My ultimate goal is to weigh around 120 lbs again.
  • I was part of a group that sort of fizzled, so I'm up for a new group!

    1) Name: Willow
    2) Current weight: 174
    3) Goal weight: 163
    4) Non weight goal: get a freaking job already!
    5) I'm a sahm of two girls and recent college grad. (yay BA) I've been looking for work since August and I've had a lot of interviews but no offers. I've been 10-15 pounds overweight my whole life and after my kids were born I my stomach was destroyed and I can't stand how much it sticks out! I'm desperate to lose this weight and look like I used to. Between being unable to find a job, having no friends here close by and feeling so fat I have basically no self-esteem. I did power 90 in high school and I was the skinniest I've ever been after just a couple months, so I'm so going to try starting from the beginning again because though I currently exercise several times a week and watch what I eat I'm not seeing any results! Eventually I want to get down to 145 and after that maybe I'll set an even lower goal.
  • Im in! This looks like its shaping up to be an awesome group.
    My name is Jules but im happy to be called by my nickname - Fifi.

    CW - 207 pounds / 94 kgs
    GW - 185 pounds / 84 kgs
    Goal - My goal right now,......... is to look sexy in my roller derby gear.
    About Me - I live in Queensland, Australia, I teach art classes at my home studio and have been studying for my Diploma in Life Coaching. I share my beautiful tropical 2 acre property with my partner and my 16yr old daughter plus 3 dogs, 4 cats and three goldfish.

    I am looking forward to the challenges, and I like the surprise element of not knowing what the next challenge might be each week.

    some name suggestions?? .. GOAL BUSTERS!!!
  • Good day to all! Im so in this challenge!

    1. Teresa
    2. CW: I'll step on scale tomorrow morning then post.
    3. GW: 142
    4. NWG: Cut out fountain diet Dr pepper (yes I'm an addicted)
    5. INTRO: 42 yr old proud mother of 2 daughters (17 & 15). Big spring and summer for me. Oldest daughter graduates and youngest starts driving! Married to the same man for 21 years. I work at a head start program. I'be lost 30 pounds following Weight watchers but I have gained 15-20 pounds back. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you while going through my lifestyle journey.
  • Wow, I am just so tickled with how many participants we have. This is going to be a great challenge group. There are such motivating stories. I can't wait to get us going. One more day to go!

    I will close the group tomorrow night and move us into a permanent group. You will (or should) each get an invite from me as the group moderator. If by Monday morning you haven't received the invite to the group, let me know so I can fix that. It looks easy enough, but it's my first group, so I am not sure what to expect with the system.

    I will be starting discussion links in our group:

    "Recipe's That Rock" - Sharing your favorites or healthy recipes

    "Total Fitness" - exercises to get you going. I will put directions to the challenge exercises here, and feel free to add your own exercises and directions that work for you too!

    "Music to Burn the Calories Away" I am a music performer and teacher, so I know what motivation music can be. We can discuss our favorite music to workout to, or just what music we love.

    "Weekly Challenge" - Also, each week I will start a thread for that weeks challenge. It will be labelled with the dates for the week and the challenge #. Our first "Season" challenge will Start Monday 1/23 (challenges posted Sunday night for the week)

    "Weigh-In" - I will also have a link for Weigh-ins with the Weigh-in date.

    "Miscellaneous" - And lastly I will create a discussion for miscellaneous. Questions or concerns, etc.

    I don't want to be a control freak, but I'd like to be the one to start any discussion threads only to help keep our group from getting so overwhelming. That won't do any of us any good if we are too overwhelmed with topics to continue going to our group. However, If you have a topic you'd like added, please let me know so I can add it. Again, this group is going to have a lot of information and discussion topics already, so I'd like it to not get too overwhelming. I understand that other groups have fizzled out, and I want ours to be strong and not lose its spark! I don't want anyone losing motivation because there is too much information! LOL.

    Wow...I am so excited to get us started. I already have our first challenge ready. I am starting fairly easy, because I see a lot of us at different levels of diet and exercise. There are also many different diets out there, and many foods that some may be able to eat while others can't. So challenges will be more with exercise and water intake, and maybe just a fun activity. I will however always share what has worked for me as I hope you all will share what works for you.

    Looking forward to a great challenge! Have a great day!

  • We are up to 37 participants ladies. Wow, what a motivational group we have! I have friended most of you and have a few left to friend, but I can only do 5 at a time every 10 mins. So I will get them out asap! LOL.
  • Hello!

    I would love to join the group. Here are my stats per your guidelines:

    1) Victoria
    2) 190
    3) 175
    4) Keep up my workouts...5 workouts a week and perhaps increase it to 6. I'd really like to look my very best for my upcoming trip to Florida the first weekend in March.
    5) Opera singer who is making some serious headway in the industry and trying to change the perception of "it ain't over until the fat lady sings" to "it ain't over until the bombshell sings!" HA!! Let's have some fun!!
  • I'm so excited for this group!!! Can't wait for our first challenge! Thanks, Ivy, for putting this together!!!
  • No problem. I'm super excited to do this!
  • angellady0206
    angellady0206 Posts: 25 Member
    Ivy - thank you so much for having the vision and starting this group. I know I'm not the only one who needs motivation and support. Hopefully we can all lose weight and become friends while on this journey together.
  • buffy612
    buffy612 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm all in!!!

    1.) Geena
    2.) CW - 143.8
    3.) GW - 130 (Ultimate goal weight is around 125)
    4.) Keep up with my workouts. I walk at least an hour 5 times a week and just started a 3 day per week aerobic class.
    5.) I'm a happy WAHM (work at home mom) and wife. I cook and clean daily, volunteer at my 10 yo son's school weekly in addition to work. I'm only 4' 11" so a little weight on me goes a long way and I want to get fit and lose the belly flab. I'm married to the greatest man who loves me just as I am, but I want what show on the outside to match what I feel on the inside.
  • ivi1214
    ivi1214 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Please count me in!!
    1. My name is Ivette and my nickname ivi1214
    2. CW: 222 lbs
    3. GW: 200 lbs (ultimate goal 160)
    4. I want to work out at least twice a day. Use my bodybugg, login all my foods and workouts on MFP
    5. I am the VP and COO of a Clinical Research Facility in Miami. I am very ambitious and driven, I am also positive and strong. I had a gastric band on 2003 and last year I had it removed and changed to a gastric sleeve. I have the tools but my mind hasn't been right. I'm focused this year, I know I can do this. I have lost 6 pounds since the beginning of the year.

    Thanks for all you do. AND LET'S GOOOOOO,,,,,

  • Ivy - thank you so much for having the vision and starting this group. I know I'm not the only one who needs motivation and support. Hopefully we can all lose weight and become friends while on this journey together.

    You are more than welcome. I am excited to have such a group. This is going to be fun, and you are not alone; I need the motivation as well. It will keep me accountable! :wink:
  • My official wi weight is 151.2:noway:
  • Okay Ladies! Today is the day!

    1) It's the last day to sign up for our group, so if you know of anyone who wanted to join and hasn't yet tell them to hurry! We currently have 40 members and I know of one joining this afternoon, so 41! Woo-hoo, what support!!!!

    2) I am working on putting all of the group info together. You will all start (or should start) getting invites to our NEW GROUP PAGE. We had some great ideas and after pondering all, I have decided to call it the "4 Seasons Support Challenge". Each 3 month challenge will have it's own nickname, and we are starting with "Whittling the Winter Weight Away". Please remember friends to take this one day at a time. Do not get discouraged! We are all here for support and motivation. Let's lean on each other. We can do it!!!!! This week we will be starting simple and work our way into difficult. I don't want anyone to lose momentum!

    Thank you ladies for turning this into such a fun adventure! I'm excited to get us going and help to motivate all! See you in the group page!

  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I'm karen
    CW 168
    GW in 3 is 154
    I want to walk the dog everyday. Shes actually my sons dog and he walks her, but I figure its a nice gentle way to get me back into exercise. If weathers lousy then I have to do the wii for half an hour instead.
    I'm 43 and a mum to 3 boys 18, 14 and 7. We have a black labrador. I work as a doctors receptionist, so i spend an awful lot of the day sitting on my bum. I've done the job for 3 yrs, and gradually put the weight on over that time. The patients are forever bringing us in cakes and chocolates, which is really nice of them, but not so good for my motivation. I cant wait to see what challenges you put our way.
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    1) Amy
    2) Current Weight: 167
    3) Goal Weight: 155
    4) Non-weight goal: Consistently Track 6/7 days/week, Run Outer Loop (we live on a small post and outer loop is the road goes around the entire main part of post it's 6-7ish miles *about*.
    5) I'm 34, wife to a soldier, mother of 3 (7,5,2), RN by trade but currently a SAHM. I started this weight loss journey Jan 2011, lost 40#'s last year and started with C25K. Since then I'm still not consider myself a runner but am enjoying the challenge that it provides me. I'm up to 4 miles, I started participating the monthly 5K's on post and my children are even running them with me. I don't run for time, I run for distance, I may be the slowest but I don't mind. We have another year at this post and not being to work has been a blessing for my health, not exactly for our pocketbooks. My goal this year is to get to my goal weight and maintain. So when we leave here and I reenter the workforce and life gets even crazier I'll at least have that going for me.

    I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone, I started this journey alone (we had just moved here and I didn't know anyone) and although now I've met a great group of women we all have different levels of motivation and I'm definitely and currently the most motivated and although I love being the cheer leader I feel as though I'm constantly trying to motivate them. Which after awhile can be rather draining, I'm needing some friends who are just as dedicated to share my accomplishments with. They are struggling and I hate to say "I lost 4#' this week" so I find myself not celebrating my successes as much which is why I've turned here.
  • Penina26
    Penina26 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel and would love to join.

    CW 210
    GW by end of March 185 (ultimate goal 155)
    I moved to NYC almost a year ago for a new job. The transition has been really hectic and stressful and the weight has piled on.I used to work out several days a week, but have become very inactive here. I have never been this heavy and am ready to make the changes necessary to reclaim my body!

    Thanks for setting this up, Ivy!