Why can't I lose any weight?

I watch what I eat and I walk/run on my treadmill everyday and do some resistance exercises on Monday, Wed., and Friday. Nothing is helping. I eat every 3 hours or so and not even the tape measure is budging. I am so frustrated I don't know what to do and hopefully some one out there can help me.


  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Start logging all of your food intake, your cardio etc.

    What does a daily day of food look like for you?
  • how long have you been trying to lose weight?
  • vdsmith: Do you count calories or are you just monitoring what you eat and trying to eat healthier? Also, is the treadmill the only cardio you're getting in?
    Personally, I have to seriously restrict my calories (never going below 1200) and work my butt off. When I reach a plateau where I can't seem to lose weight no matter what, I switch things up a bit. Your body can get used to your routine. When you switch it up your body reacts. Most often in a good way :)
  • If you would tell me how to make my food log available for others to view you would be able to see.
  • I have been trying to lose since October. I did log my food religiously (sp) and walk or run on my treadmill and then some on a stationary bike. I weight 154 and have teetered back and forth from 154 and one day it was 149. I have been under my calories alot because I just can't eat all day long or every 3 hrs as suggested. But for the last 2 weeks I have tried to do that, breakfast, then 3 hours later fruit, then lunch etc. Doing the treadmill and kettleball workouts as well as resistance bands.... you name it!

  • chachan
    chachan Posts: 31 Member
    This may seem like and odd question, but do you take any medications? I have been doing a lot of research on this and have found most anxiety and/or depression drugs cause a significant portion of the population to struggle with weight gain AND with trying to take it off while on these medications. This in NOT universal for everyone though.
  • I'm not a big fan of the eating every 3 hours theory. I tend to eat way too much. It's a basic calories in, calories out thing. Eating 3 times a day or 6 times a day doesn't really matter. As long as you're not consuming more calories than you're burning. Do you belong to a gym or are you an at home exerciser?
  • Yes, I do take medication as I am Bi-Polar and one of the side effects is weight gain. But I just don't believe that the weight cannot come off.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    What is your water intake like?
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    You do not have to eat at certain intervals like every 3 hrs. That is an outdated myth. Eat whenever you want. Your daily intake is what matters most.
  • Water is my favorite beverage and I average about a gallon a day.
  • nanasudo
    nanasudo Posts: 18 Member
    I just went back on my medication for bi-polar at the end of fall and before you I knew it 16 lbs come back on. I just can't stop eating. Doing the food diary is a reality check. It is making me much more conscious of what I am putting in my mouth. I am not going to let it get the best of me. I need that med. It helps me be well adjusted. I just have to have more self control of about what I am putting in my mouth.
  • Getting water is definitely a must. That's one of the things I struggle with. Have you ever tried Zumba?

  • I wonder what is in those meds that make us FAT! Why can;t we be skinny and happy instead of fat and *****y!
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    I wonder what is in those meds that make us FAT! Why can;t we be skinny and happy instead of fat and *****y!

    Any medication that adjusts brain chemistry likely adjusts hormones and hormonal responses. Ask your doctor about what effects the medication could be having on your weight gain and if there's anything you can do about it. High dosages of EPA/DHA (omega 3) for instance. I skimmed a book once that touted high omega 3 dosages as a god send for regulating hormonal levels, especially in women. I have no sources for this so just something you might want to look into.
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    Hey! I just viewed your food diary and it's not very consistent... I know it can be a bit time consuming, but you really need to log every little thing in.... not go below 1200 calories and get as close to your protein as possible.... also eating healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins are the best way to get your calories. i went to see a dietician to help me recognize healthy foods and met up with a nutritionist at my local grocery store to help me find the best and healthiest versions of the foods I like....
    Keep at it and with the help of all my great MFP friends I've been able to do great, I am sure you can too! Get a few days of consecutive logging and then we can get a good idea if there could be any tweeking done!!
    Hope this helps!! :)
  • I have done a lot of research on weight and its not about the calories as much as its about what you eat.....the foods that causes that belly fat and stays with you or eat t the foods that burn that fat.....and also exercise ....I just started this week I found it harder to lose now that Im 44 years old but have lost 3 lbs and I just researched foods that will burn fat fast and have been eating those foods......and believe it or not dark chocolate is one....and I try to work out at least 1 hour a day.....so far its working so I will try it and Im not starving myself.........
  • It is extremely important that you do not go under your calories. Eating under your calories will slow down your weight loss at the pace of a snail. Maybe water retention is the source of your problem. How are you doing with your fruits (4) and vegetables (5) as they are natural diuretics? Water retention can amount to 3-5lbs easily. If you eliminate the water retention than your true weight loss would be revealed. I just started and lost 5lbs in one week which I attribute to eating all my allotted calories, fruits (4), and vegetables (5) everyday. Also, I have been eating 1-2 pieces (120 cal) of dark chocolate everyday just because I love chocolate. I did not know it was a fat burner which is even more important to include it in the diet.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Hey! I just viewed your food diary and it's not very consistent... I know it can be a bit time consuming, but you really need to log every little thing in.... not go below 1200 calories and get as close to your protein as possible.... also eating healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins are the best way to get your calories. i went to see a dietician to help me recognize healthy foods and met up with a nutritionist at my local grocery store to help me find the best and healthiest versions of the foods I like....
    Keep at it and with the help of all my great MFP friends I've been able to do great, I am sure you can too! Get a few days of consecutive logging and then we can get a good idea if there could be any tweeking done!!
    Hope this helps!! :)

    How were you able to view her food diary? Just curious.
  • Hi, just a word of encouragement, if you set your goal with myfitnesspal and follow it daily you will lose weight. I have been following my calorie count since Nov 29 and have lost 32 pounds. Find things you like to eat and count the calories, dont try to do like everyone else just be yourself and eat what you want just not much of it . No matter what the scales say, stay on the calorie count you will get use to it and lose . Look forward to hearing when you hit your goal.