I want to break free

from the diet madness. I've tried so many diets and here I am again. But somethings changed. I'm more determined to do it this time. I've even gone so far as to start a journal about it and have started tracking on MFP. I have a coworker doing it with me.

Would love to find some friends on here that I could check in with on a daily basis for support and vice versa. It's so hard to do it alone and if I need to turn to complete strangers - so be it. :) It's depressing to log in and see no emails, no visitors to my blog, no comments. :( I know I'm doing this for myself - but still, it can be really disheartening.

So tired of losing weight in the first few days only to have people around me say "Oh thats just water weight..." As if it isn't some sort of freakin accomplishment. Such a downer comment.

BTW = I've lost 7 lbs in the past 3 days. I don't look at is so much as water weight - instead I choose to look at it as OMG - THAT'S 3 lbs from 10!!!! WHOO!!

I'm 5'8 and weigh 251 as of this morning and my goal is to lose 100lbs by Christmas. I started at 294 a year ago and then had to go in for knee replacement surgery last September because of an injury 3 years ago. So now I'm severely limited in my exercise. And to add insult to injury I may find out on Monday that I need more surgery on it. Are there any exercise I can do that don't involve using my knee? Just how many calories does a sit up burn?

I'm going to the YMCA today to look into possibly signing up with a personal trainer. It'll all depend on the cost.

Any way - glad to read everyone's story on here and I hope to hook up with some people that share the same plight.



  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    You can add me. You will get great support from me!!!
  • Zardpack
    Zardpack Posts: 16 Member
    Add me too! I have a long way to go too and just started a week and a half ago. I have lost 3. Everyone so far seems to supportive. In a way, I am preferring to share with people I don't know. I did weight watchers two years ago... lost 40, but I think that my friends tired of hearing about the struggles. Many of them didn't have the need to lose like I do. So, let's go on the journey together!
  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    Love that photo!!!!