


    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    If you eat something like a Big Mac and take an Alli - you will poop out orange oil. Or yellow oil. Oil. And it's the worst smelling poop you've ever smelled. And if you get gassy, and you let a little toot loose, you'll likely also let some oils loose. Basically, eat very healthy while you're on it - and then you won't have to change your pants every time you've got the booty toots.

    I hope that this helps you. Good luck on your weight loss journey.

    Exactly what this says. You need to eat healthy and it works.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Sorry there are so many rude people on here what it does is it stops a percent of fat from being absorbed. So you only take it when you consume foods with a high fat content aka pizza. It does you no good to rake it with meals that are low in fat. I have never heard of the nausea thing what it does is when you poop it expels the fat that was not digested(or consumed). It kinda looks like a mini oil slick in the potty. That is all it does.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    These medications prevent your body from absorbing fat, don't they? What about sugar, surely that is by far a bigger culprit for us dieters???
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Sorry, are you saying that a Doctor prescribed Alli for you?

    Yes Dr do prescribe it because it has no side effects unless you eat a lot of fat. The Alli on the market is 1/2 the dosage of prescribed. This is the only aide the Veterans will prescribe.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It makes you poo yourself if you consume to much fat. That's it.
    Avoid fat, no pooping yourself.
  • josiesumerlin
    I took Alli for my wedding and lost 14 lbs however I really wanted a quick fix and after I stopped taking it I ended up falling back into old eating patterns had a baby and am now working to get the weight plus some back off! For me it comes down to self control and really deciding I want it. I have read Alli is bad for your liver something to think about since a liver is hard to replace! I'm sure your a smart lady as well as your Dr and you will make the right choice for you. Nothing will ever beat doing it the natural way! Take it off slowly keep it off long term!
  • Adarsta
    Adarsta Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you, I appreciate the help and support,. It is helpful to know about other peoples experiences. I have been doing it for 2 days and feel fine. I have had no side effects but when I out my normal diet in the calories counter it came up that I am eating around 1600 calories which is my weight loss target anyway. I do appreciate your help as I have only just tried this website and was debating not using the forums. It is frustrating when people write posts without reading what you actually said.

    I am going to continue using them with my low fat diet and the tablets and hope I will start to lose some weight. Losing weight is really important to my self esteem so lets hope they work.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Why the heck would you want to block fat intake. Your brain needs fat and in all honestly is FAT. People need to research a bit more in the fact that high fat diets don't make us fatter. I am the type that refuses to accept that a prescribed medicine is in fact necessary. I think prescription drugs screw you up for eternity. Prescription drugs are in fact toxic to our bodies regardless of function. Regretfully some people have no option but to take them to live. It's not fix and the fix is something we need to strive for naturally if possible.

    I personally think that modern western medicine should be the last ditch option when EVERYTHING else has failed. Me and my wife really haven't been to see a doctor in over 25 years and seem to be perfectly healthy. We rarely get sick and i can't remember the last time i had a cold .. Maybe in 2005 if memory serves me. Our bodies are of perfect design. Taking something like Alli is not natural. Taking a statin for cholesterol is not natural. Avoiding saturated fat goes against our bodies design. Eating healthy basically means if its not made by nature then don't eat it.

    The sad fact is alot of folks whose metabolism has been trashed by taking prescription drugs have a near impossible feat of trying to lose excess pounds. Best of luck to the OP. A freaking Dr. suggesting Alli for weight loss is an uneducated quack.
  • lolibunny
    lolibunny Posts: 15 Member
    When I was 18 my doctor also recommend me going on the alli diet after gaining almost 100lbs due to years of medication that never worked for me. I was on it for less than half of a year and it worked wonders for me. I followed it exactly how you were supposed to i got help from people who knew about it and were also taking unlike half the people on here. I got the free membership for myalli.com. After i stopped using it i did gain about 5lbs back out of the 30 I lost.
  • Adarsta
    Adarsta Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you newpurple! Apart from some people who genuinely want to help, I have been astounded by the rudeness of people have never met. I have said from the start that I follow weight watchers and have a healthy diet and exercise. Some people do not seem to understand this and continue to say I should be doing what I am already doing!

    Thank you for your help,

  • SparksFly460
    SMH Orlistat does not block ALL the fat. You're suppose to eat fat as your body needs it. It is advised that you eat a LOW FAT diet with this pill in which turn you will not get the adverse side effects. If you go over the recommended (by the pill) amount of fat at each meal then you will be poopin it out. Hence it's actually meant to teach you and limit you to necessary, healthy and inexcessive amounts of fat.

    It's the only weight loss supplement that's FDA approved and marketed at this point.

    So h4zelhunt I hope you find the results you are looking for with this. Best of luck.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Sorry, are you saying that a Doctor prescribed Alli for you?

    Yes Dr do prescribe it because it has no side effects unless you eat a lot of fat. The Alli on the market is 1/2 the dosage of prescribed. This is the only aide the Veterans will prescribe.
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I have used Alli before but didn't really lose any weight and got some pretty bad side effects as far as going to the bathroom was concerned. However, I found some old pills once I got started on this site about a month ago and had started my "diet" and exercise routine about a week prior and I've been taking the pills about twice a day and haven't really felt any side effects. I did one time but it was after eating a big meal at Kanki and I was expecting as much. I have told my doctor and the pharmacy where I work and as long as you follow the instructions, it works. I know I made sure to clear it with my doctor first though. :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I was just a bit surprised that it was the solution proposed by a doctor - but if that is the case, and you are sticking to the diet that goes along with it, then I would give it a fair trial.

    I'm afraid I've no other useful comments, as I would be a person who avoids pills - but I hope you can find some others here who have experience and can share their ideas with you.

    And good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OP- I am sorry you have felt attacked on this thread. MFP members as a rule, will go against any quick weight loss pills or diets. That is why they are here. That being said............


    This poster is new and seeking REAL information for her REAL problem. Please read her post, then reply with helpful-kind information, or don't reply at all. The words you use may help someone to stay the course, or do things in a different manner.


    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation
    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day:flowerforyou:
    MFP Moderator
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Seriously I really am shocked at some of the responses this post has gotten, I'm not surprised Adarsta feels attacked!!

    I too was prescribed Orlistat a few months ago by my doctor, I like Adarsta have a medical condition which means that it's very hard to lose weight the normal way. I know this particularly well as 8 years ago I managed to lose 7 stone and I know it was a world of h*ll to lose it because of my condition, and yes I did gain the weight back but that just goes to show how difficult it is with the condition.

    I can no longer lose the weight like I did before as I used to have to exercise for several hours a day, which is not possible with my arthritis, but I do and have always had a healthy diet, so my doctor prescribed Orlistat to try and help boost my weight loss. My doctor is not a quack and I support her decision and I wouldn't have taken it if I didn't think it was worth a try!!

    As far as the scaremongering about side effects go I can truthfully say that I have been on them for 3 or 4 months now and have had complete control of my bowels during this time!! Providing you eat within the limits (approx no more than 15g fat per meal, or 40g a day for Orlistat, this might vary a little according to body weight) then there should be no issue. I have had the occasional oily orange poo, but this was over Xmas when I admittedly didn't always manage to keep to the limits as I was staying with relations and in less control of my food.

    In truth I don't think I'll be taking the Orlistat for much longer as it doesn't seem to be helping me much, it doesn't help everyone but you don't know until you try and this certainly wouldn't discourage me from recommending it to others in the same situation!
  • adrianphart9
    I was on orlistat for a while but told i was not taking in enough fat to make the tablets work after the doctors put me on them as eat a lot of lentils, beans and brown rice. At present i have had more success in UK, on prescription gym and now attend the gym 4 times a week, from none 8 weeks back.
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    Sorry, are you saying that a Doctor prescribed Alli for you?

    Yes Dr do prescribe it because it has no side effects unless you eat a lot of fat. The Alli on the market is 1/2 the dosage of prescribed. This is the only aide the Veterans will prescribe.

    i asked my Dr a couple of years ago if he would prescribe Alli for me and he told me to stay away from that stuff.

    now i just count calories, eat chocolate and ice cream every day. i am losing weight, albeit slowly, but it is going