The book "Skinny B!tch"



  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    I read part of the book, thank goodness for samples from amazon. If I could have burned it I would have.

    I'm from the midwest. Farm country, my son-in-law is a dairy farmer (2nd largest in the state), I have many friends are farmers. most of what she says is garbage and untrue.
  • JennL418
    I read the book as well and didn't care for it. I will admit that some of the topics in the book did make me think and I no longer drink milk. I do not count out all dairy products, but I just can't sit and drink a glass of milk. I try to limit my meat intake as well. That being said, I felt that the writers were crude and rude in the book and tended to shove their beliefs down your throat. But this, like any self help book, is not going to help everyone. Just take from it the things you find useful and discard the things you don't. It just wasn't for me that's all.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I thought about reading the book, and have had it suggested to me by quite a few people. I never did actually pick it up though. From what others are saying, it sounds very biased. That's most of why a lot of people (I think) seem to view veganism as such a ridiculous and radical diet / lifestyle. Many people (not all) who are vegan are just as bad about promoting their way of life / eating as that book seems to be. Just like with any other belief or opinion, you cannot shove it in someone's face and expect them to change their way of thinking just because you want them to or think if you scream it loudly enough that they will. There is nothing wrong with being vegan, whether it's a lifestyle or simply a choice of diet - but there is something wrong with promoting starvation and unhealthy habits under false pretenses.

    It is EXTREMELY difficult to maintain a vegan diet AND be healthy / happy in this day and age. I wish anyone luck in their journey if that is what they choose to do. I wish I could myself, but it is expensive, impractical, and just plain frustrating to maintain. The ONLY reason I have even considered becoming vegan is not because I think eating meat is wrong, but because I hate factory farms and don't wish to support them AT ALL. I also don't buy clothes that contain animal products or anything from China anymore. I try my best to research companies and make sure I only buy from true organic or local farms when I do buy foods that contain animal products. But I certainly don't judge anyone for not doing things my way or try to push anyone into doing things my way - if they ask about it or mention it, I'll offer advice / info, but that's the only time I'd even bring it up.
  • berrieblu
    berrieblu Posts: 15 Member
    get skinny by going vegan? least half of the vegans i've met were fat....and had been vegans for years....

    calories count whether they come from a plant or an animal.

    i have much more respect for someone who becomes vegan to support animal welfare or the environment than i do for someone who does it because they think it'll make them skinny.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    get skinny by going vegan? least half of the vegans i've met were fat....and had been vegans for years....

    calories count whether they come from a plant or an animal.

    i have much more respect for someone who becomes vegan to support animal welfare or the environment than i do for someone who does it because they think it'll make them skinny.

    This post is becoming a little misleading, I think. Aside from fear tactics, I never remember reading anything that says vegan = skinny. It is more like processed *kitten* = unhealthy and dangerous.

    I also don't think it is fair to say a lot of vegans are fat. All of the vegans I know are really thin. I'm guessing what you are thinking of are "vegans" who eat tons of pasta and junk food. Processed food is really not supposed to be part of the equation.
  • cmhickey616
    cmhickey616 Posts: 85 Member
    She never once says to eat a 700 calorie diet...All weight loss books support different ways of eating, and what they have found to be the healthiest is a whole foods, plant based diet. It's not only better for our bodies, but also the environment and animals. i'm sorry you didn't like it, but just because it isn't a way of eating that you would like to follow doesn't mean that it is bad dieting advice. I have personally been vegan for 4 months, lost 20 lbs, saw a 20 point drop in my blood pressure to an essentially perfect number, and dropped my cholesterol 60 points to below 150. I also have way more energy and feel better about myself and my choices. It's not a lifestyle for everyone, but it's definitely made a huuuuge difference in my life. O and I also eat about 1500 calories a day.

    The book is also in no way pro anorexia as someone had mentioned earlier. She also explains in her Skinny ***** cook book that the term skinny ***** was used partially for shock appeal/to sell more books and a skinny ***** is not meant to mean someone who doesn't eat and is mean/has attitude. She uses the term to describe someone who cares about her body, the earth, and animals and is very careful about reading labels and caring about what goes into her body.
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    I'm disappointed with Skinny ***** by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. What I though was going to be an awesome motivational book with some hard truths, turned out to be a push for veganism, bad language (although that's the part I found funny in some parts, other parts, it was just rude)...and belittling. I just finished the book, and it annoyed me more than it motivated me. It's extreme popularity is over-rated and just because Posh Spice was spotted carrying it around, doesn't mean we should all be on 700 a day calorie vegan diets. Don't buy this book, it's not worth the $7.00 i paid for it, and I can never get the time back I wasted in reading it!

    I felt the same way!
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    My mom bought that book. From what I've seen, most of the sources were web sites and not anything super scientific.
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    Skinny ***** is one of my favorite books. I read it the summer after 7th grade and it changed my life.

    They do not encourage you to eat 700 damn calories a day, they encourage you to eat healthy and in moderation and tell you all the disgusting things about animal by-products.

    You dont have to go vegan, but dont bash a book just because it wasnt your cup of tea.

    The only reason why I went form over 300 lbs to 260 is because of that book.

    The only reason I am a healthy strong person today, is because of that book.

    It thought me the skills that I am going to need to loose the next 75lbs.

    Some people are okay with making minor switches to their diet, but I was extremely unhealthy and morbidly obese. (size 16 at 8 years old) and I needed to make extreme changes to my diet and being vegan gave me natural constrictions and gave me control over my diet.

    Its not for everyone, but It has CHANGED LIVES, don;t discount that.

    EDIT: I read it almost 5 years ago, when I wasn't vegan.

    A book is not the reason you got healthier and lost weight. It was you and your own will power. Give yourself more credit. You were the one motivated enough to stick with it. I can read any book and not loose a pound, its me taking those ideas, fitting them into my life and keeping myself on track. It may have give your brain the ideas, but you were in charge of how active you were and what you put into your body.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Skinny ***** is one of my favorite books. I read it the summer after 7th grade and it changed my life.

    They do not encourage you to eat 700 damn calories a day, they encourage you to eat healthy and in moderation and tell you all the disgusting things about animal by-products.

    You dont have to go vegan, but dont bash a book just because it wasnt your cup of tea.

    The only reason why I went form over 300 lbs to 260 is because of that book.

    The only reason I am a healthy strong person today, is because of that book.

    It thought me the skills that I am going to need to loose the next 75lbs.

    Some people are okay with making minor switches to their diet, but I was extremely unhealthy and morbidly obese. (size 16 at 8 years old) and I needed to make extreme changes to my diet and being vegan gave me natural constrictions and gave me control over my diet.

    Its not for everyone, but It has CHANGED LIVES, don;t discount that.

    EDIT: I read it almost 5 years ago, when I wasn't vegan.

    A book is not the reason you got healthier and lost weight. It was you and your own will power. Give yourself more credit. You were the one motivated enough to stick with it. I can read any book and not loose a pound, its me taking those ideas, fitting them into my life and keeping myself on track. It may have give your brain the ideas, but you were in charge of how active you were and what you put into your body.

    man if all it took was to read books, i'd be skinny minny by now...i'd have to cut back the amount i read because my bmi would be to low...wouldn't that be a perfect world? lol