How do people enjoy running?



  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I frequently strongly dislike the first 2-3 miles...but after that it's often like someone flips a switch and I find a groove. I wish someone would have told me that YEARS ago. I tried to take up running so many times before I figured that one out. Knowing that the first few miles usually suck gives me the incentive to keep going. I often wonder how many new runners stop after a short time, assuming that if it stinks for a mile or two that it won't get any better.

    I agree: for me it's about 10 minutes into the run.. Then the switch flips and I start to enjoy it. But the first 10 minutes are always hard. I would say, persevere: there's nothing like the feeling after a great run. :)
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
  • wantmorepies
    I love running!
    I find it mentally relaxing because I just sink into a pace and a comfortable breathing pattern and I can just go on and on.
    I totally zone out when running and my brain just relaxes and wanders.
    The running community is so fab too, really supportive!
  • calibellcollins
    when i first started running i hated it and sometimes the idea of getting up to run is not pleasant. but i think why i disliked it so much is i didnt know how to control my breathing or my pace. i was running to fast for me. my legs hurt, the back of my neck would go numb. as i FINALLY got the pace and breathing under control it was more enjoyable. i now have internal conflicts about taking a rest day. even though i know i need to i hate missing a day of running. i feel balanced and accomplished when im done and of course the endorphins play a big part. i say keep trying and listen to your body. i think the more you do it it will take hold of you and you'll be hooked!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Try walking a bit more. When I felt like I had to run a 5K without stopping I hated it ... when I started inserting schedule walk breaks from the beginning the time just flew by. Run 1 and walk 1 is my favorite interval! Before I know it an hour has gone by :) I have used the same strategy for my half marathons, and plan on using it for my first tri someday as well.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I feel the same way about swimming. I do it for the benefits of swimming. I want to love it but it just sucks...but then I am a runner. I think you just have preferences. I can get through a swimming workout and and hoping that my kids swim coaches can help me become more effecient but I am not going to try to love it...rather appreciate it. who knows maybe it will become a love...I can't explain why I love to run so it would be difficult to help someone else love it.
  • samuel249
    Listen to music, slow pace to start off with then gradually increase the pace
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I frequently strongly dislike the first 2-3 miles...but after that it's often like someone flips a switch and I find a groove. I wish someone would have told me that YEARS ago.

    Yup! Thats me almost every run. Also why I almost never do my short runs unless I'm really strapped for time or too tired to do more.

    That said, duathalons do exist, why not find one without the running?
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Here's the deal:
    I'm a hardcore walker. I can walk almost 5MPH and it's awesome. I can go for hours like that.
    Jogging? No way jose.

    I was always afraid to run because I hate jogging. It's like my lungs collapse and my throat closes. Yes, I focus on my breathing when I tried. It was weird.

    When I started sprinting, however.. it was like a light came on inside of me.
    Maybe you could try this approach? All or nothing. Also, it looks like intervals of high-stress exercise like sprinting alongside brisk walking/low-impact stuff is better for fat loss and health!

    To each their own; but that's my experience. Maybe try running for your life and see if you learn something about your exercise personality.
  • gatecityradio
    I hate running, so I ride a mountain bike and I'm in the process of building a single speed road bike. I find that if I actually like the exercise I am more likely to do it.
  • kmbrly84
    Genesis Pure look it up on the Internet!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I HATE running.

    And, you know what? T here's loads of other exercises available, I don't need to run.

    ^^ My sentiments exactly! But if it's something you want to conquer, then go for it! Best wishes ~ :flowerforyou:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Listen to some of your favorite music loudly.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Seriously, I try running and I just can't bring myself to like it. It's a big problem too because I need to train for a triathlon coming up in a few months. I absolutely love biking and swimming but I just hate running. Any tips to make myself like it more? Or just running training tips in general? I ran cross country in high school even though I hated it just to stay in shape for swim club in the summer, so I can run, but I just don't know how to make myself like it.
    I have learned to like it, but at first it was miserable.
    I am not saying to keep on running - no!
    There are so many cardio alternatives.

    Just find what you enjoy, and do it. I perform no less than 10 different cardio exercises.
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    I actually love running. :bigsmile: To be honest it's one of my "releases". The reasons why are these: I get to just listen to my favorite music on my iPod Nano, I get to just have time to myself and I get to let all of the stress from the day leave me. It's an awesome experience to me. The best thing I can say is to just zone in and try to run in pretty areas. I live in Austin so we have Zilker Park, etc.

    Edit: To give you some people that I listen to that help with my workouts: Dirtyphonics, Noisia, Netsky, Camo & Krooked, Blokhe4d and Falinox.
  • beautyreaps
    I love running and do it for fun rather than exercise. I think it's a matter of perspective. Personally, I take a run as "me time" and I love every minute of it. I recollect on things when I run; what I want in the future, what I'm doing in the present and how far along I've come from my paste. Just re-adjust your attitude towards it. If you look at it as a tedious chore of an exercise, then that's all it'll ever be to you. Good luck.
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    I love running. I think I love running so much because when I first started, I couldn't run. So it gives me a sense of accomplishment. It's also my time to zone out and clear my head and just listen to my music. I don't get much me time with being a mommy of a 1 year old.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I already can run 5K but I hate every minute of it. If I just keep on practising and training will I eventually start to like it more?

    Only you can answer this. If you continue to convince yourself that you hate it, you always will. If you change your perspective and try to enjoy it, then yes, you can eventually like it.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Maybe try trail running instead of road running, or some other change. Otherwise, maybe you should choose another conditioning exercise instead?
    I happen to love running, but if I didn't like it I would just have more time on the bike.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I actually love running. To be honest it's one of my "releases". The reasons why are these: I get to just listen to my favorite music on my iPod Nano, I get to just have time to myself and I get to let all of the stress from the day leave me.

    Same here. I do a walk/run rotation, because I can't run for long distances, and I don't run fast by ANY means. But I love it. I love it because of how I feel afterwards. I'm far too anxious for my own good, but after a three-mile walk/run, I feel so mellow.

    There is other cardio out there, and lots of it, and you don't have to run if you don't want to. But it's my favorite.