30 something with 50lbs to lose - anyone else in the same si

Hi there, im new to MFP and im looking for like minded friends for motivation & support:)


  • JerseyGirl081
    JerseyGirl081 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm here for ya. 31 here and looking to lose 40 lbs. Add me
  • TPD1980
    TPD1980 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new here also, 31 6'3 208lbs looking to get down to 180. How long you been at it? See any progress yet?
  • Hello and welcome. I am thirty plus and I need to loose close to 60 pounds. I did alot of stupid fad diets and lost and gained back even more. I'm doing this the right way this go round. Exercise and healthy eatting in moderation.

    You can add me if you like. :glasses:
  • Hi there I'm also 30 something looking to lose at least 55 lbs. I'm in no rush don't want to feel like I'm starving myself or depriving. need a buddy i'm here for you...we all need someone who is traveling on the same road to a healthy life....:flowerforyou:
  • Venice57
    Venice57 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 31 with about 40 pounds to go. :)
  • I'm mid 30's with lots to go! Feel free to add me. The more support, the better I say!

  • Hi CJKane2005, been battling with my weight for the last 10 years, did really well when i was working part time as i had plenty of time to go to the gym (still ate whateva though, lost about 50lbs) but have gained about about 35lbs back since i stopped going. now i am working full time, have to get up at 5.30 to exercise, trying to eat the right way this time around.
  • Hi everyone, thanks heaps for the friend requests! look forward to working out and eating right with you all.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    hi. i started 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am in my 30s and have a minimum of 50 pounds to lose. I would really like to lose 90, but 50 is my first goal. Add me if you'd like :-)
  • MrsSYDL
    MrsSYDL Posts: 65 Member
    I am 33 and I have 56 pounds to BANISH. Feel free to check out my profile and if you are interested send a request. Good luck on your journey. Take it one day at a time.
  • srl2673
    srl2673 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 38, fairly new here, I have 50lbs to lose. You can add me if you like.
  • Hi there, great crowd also in the 30s and 50 is my goal :)
  • Hi. I'm new here as well. I'm 38 with a minimum of 50 lbs to lose (problably more like 70). Add me if you like!!
  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    34 y/o with 50+ to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • 32 yr old with 60 plus pounds to lose....new on here...just did my profile. Good Luck everyone :)
  • I will support "you"
  • I'm 32, aiming to lose 40 lbs from my starting weight. Down 9 so far!

    Feel free to add me, folks!
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 459 Member
    I am in the same boat... I have lost 86lbs so far but still have about 50lbs to go..

    Always looking for new MFP's for mutual support on this long journey :)
  • disp53
    disp53 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 32 and wanting to lose 51lbs total. I was at my heaviest in 2007 at 290 lbs, I dropped down to 179 in 2008, currently 223 lbs.

    I started MFP on Jan 9th and went from 231 to my current 223. 180 lbs was perfect for my build so that's what I am aiming for.

    I see you have a horse in your profile pic as well.
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. 33 and about 40 pounds to loose. Been on since Aug last year, had some sucess but pretty slow. Looking for support, to and happy to help keep you motivated, going good on the excercise still stuggle on the food.