Opinions on me please

kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
I struggle with how I feel about how I look....It doesn't help when people don't tell me the truth..
So I was wondering since you guys are a group of honest people who I will probably never meet will you tell me what you think about me physically?
And maybe help me explain why guys don't ever ask me out or hit on me..
As far as I know I don't have an horrible personality traits..


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'll start:

    - red hair
    - warm eyes
    - cute face
    - awesome smile

    - Self esteem

    Deal with the con and you're brilliant!
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    What everyone needs to do is take a look at this girls profile pictures and see the pic of her in the blue shirt where she looks hot! I thought her profile picture was cute but I like the one in a shirt!

    I refuse to believe you never get hit on.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    From what I can tell in your pics you are a very pretty young lady.
    There is no way I can guess about guys in your social circle,my only thought is regarding your second pic on your profile.
    It has nothing to do with you physically but looks like you are dressed to just hang out.
    I wonder if that is the norm so maybe you come across as just a pal to shoot pool with,play darts and so on rather then as a "date".
    Just a guess so forgive me if I am wrong.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I refuse to believe you never get hit on.

    ^ This.
  • stevepierson
    I can only guess that the guys that you're running into are somehow intimidated by you, because there's nothing wrong with you...
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    I honestly don't....And I even live on a college campus. That's why I can never figure it out...I haven't been asked on a date in over a year
  • irisheyes42us
    :flowerforyou: Kelli,
    I am a grandmother and wife. I have a daughter with red hair freckles and short. You remind me of her. I think you are very cute. You have accomplished a lot by meeting your goals. Don't sell yourself short, you are still very young, and just have not met mr. right yet. sometimes it takes a while to find him. Concentrate on your studies, and get that done first. then maybe you can concentrate more on finding a guy to love. I feel that God is in control, and he has a plan for your life. Just be willing to go along with that plan. There is not a thing wrong with you. YOU are beautiful. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, then you will be ready to love others better. :)
  • chelleymarie88
    :flowerforyou: Kelli,
    I am a grandmother and wife. I have a daughter with red hair freckles and short. You remind me of her. I think you are very cute. You have accomplished a lot by meeting your goals. Don't sell yourself short, you are still very young, and just have not met mr. right yet. sometimes it takes a while to find him. Concentrate on your studies, and get that done first. then maybe you can concentrate more on finding a guy to love. I feel that God is in control, and he has a plan for your life. Just be willing to go along with that plan. There is not a thing wrong with you. YOU are beautiful. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, then you will be ready to love others better. :)

    This ^. You are veryyyy beautiful.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks guys for the compliments
    I graduate in May and while this is a great accomplishment I still wish I had someone to share it with

    Thanks again
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    You're gorgeous!! Maybe they're all just intimidated =P
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Thanks guys for the compliments
    I graduate in May and while this is a great accomplishment I still wish I had someone to share it with

    Thanks again

    Ask someone there to share it with you.:smile:
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    confidence goes a long way.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    omg Kelli...You are gorgeous! Maybe the only thing in your way is the way you see yourself. If going on dates is what you need, put yourself out there, make your beautiful presence known! The fact that you've made this post tells us that maybe you've got the wrong image of what you see in the mirror and perhaps walk with your head down....and potentially not seeing opportunities present themselves. You are a doll! You're in school, so you must be intelligent! Get out there, hold your head high and let the world know that you are there!! :flowerforyou:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I honestly don't....And I even live on a college campus. That's why I can never figure it out...I haven't been asked on a date in over a year

    Confidence. That's all you're lacking.
  • chelleymarie88
    If you're having trouble meeting people.... PlentyOfFish.com is a decent place to meet other college students.. Just be very very careful. <3
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I see nothing physically that I can imagine would be a 'turn off' to a guy. But, I'm female, so what do I know?
    I recently was talking with a social worker, socially... and she commented that 70% of women state that they don't like their appearance.. and, that the weight of the people had statistically NO BEARING on their feelings (i.e. just as many slim women disliked their bodies as overweight women)...so you are not alone, but perhaps some women focus on it to different degrees.
    I somewhat agree that a good self esteem makes a woman more attractive.. as long as she isn't cocky about it.
    My husband always says that many guys don't hit on a girl, or ask her out unless they are pretty sure that they will have success. He says many men 'date down' because they would rather do that than be rejected by someone that they think may be out of their league. You are also in a very female-oriented major at school. My guess is that you don't interact with a lot of guys on a regular basis.. so you 'pool' may be small. Try attending a few things that you'd genuinely enjoy that have a bigger male:female ratio if you'd like to meet someone. But above all, enjoy being you.. you are terrific with or without a guy beside you!
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    I know that this can be a very real and often painful experience. It has been my experience that you don't find the right guy when you are looking. When you are leading a full life, happy and confident with what you as an individual are doing with your life... Men will find that attractive and you will have lots of choices. The others have given good advice here too so put it all together and enjoy the journey. You don't know where on earth (literally) Mr. Right is... If you settle for some local boy for the wrong reason then you won't be free when you and Mr. Right finally do meet... And you will meet :flowerforyou:
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I know that this can be a very real and often painful experience. It has been my experience that you don't find the right guy when you are looking. When you are leading a full life, happy and confident with what you as an individual are doing with your life... Men will find that attractive and you will have lots of choices. The others have given good advice here too so put it all together and enjoy the journey. You don't know where on earth (literally) Mr. Right is... If you settle for some local boy for the wrong reason then you won't be free when you and Mr. Right finally do meet... And you will meet :flowerforyou:

    What she said!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    Men are not really as aggressive as maybe they once were. At least in my experience. There are plenty of women who will do all the work so they don't have to. I would prefer a guy approach me, too but it doesn't seem to happen that way. In college, I was the gal pal, too. I liked being one of the guys even though I wasn't a tomboy. They liked me, and they usually wanted to make out with me, but when it came to socials and formals, I wasn't asked. I don't know. I think do activities you like to do where you can naturally spend time with men and women in groups and see if something sparks. Dating is dead and has been replaced with "hanging out". There is nothing wrong with you. Be yourself and let yourself be in the vicinity where you have a greater opportunity to be seen and mingle. Throw it out to your friends to keep you in mind if they have a cool guy they think you might like. There is no rush. You are young. It always seems like everyone else is getting dates but that is usually not the case. Don't sell yourself short. I know you've seen really ugly people with mates like I have, so it's about a lot more than appearance. lol Opportunity, circumstance, friendship, there are many roads to love. It will happen. I'm still waiting, too. lol
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    I only skimmed the above responses.................

    HERE'S YOUR ANSWER, where you hang out will largely dictate if you are getting hit on by men or not getting hit on by men.

    I.e. In a classroom, you are less likely to be approached even if people are interested in you, same for a store/shop/etc.

    If you want to get hit on by men, hang out a Dive Bar. You will get hit on, perhaps not by the highest quality of men, but still hit on. Hang out at a coffee shop, you'll eventually get hit on as well, likely by a nicer man than in a bar. Where you hang out will dictate how much you get approached.

    Also, smile at Boys if you want them to approach you.