Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone! I am brand new to this site, but it was recommended to me by my wife, so I thought I would try it out.

A little background about me, I am 31yrs Old, male. I currently weigh 340lbs, and have been ordered by a doctor to lose at least 50 lbs in order to get a medical test (won't go into details). Anywho, I've tried losing weight with fad diets (atkins, south beach, You on a diet, etc), and various supplement plans (U-weightloss etc)..

Never had much success. I decided this time I would take it into my own hands...no special prepacked meals, no pills, no books, etc. Not gonna spend a cent more on programs for weight loss. I decided it was time to get educated, and join a community that will help me, not try and get my money. So here I am!

Anyhow, I have recently changed my eating habits (trying to!) and have lost 12 lbs so far. My goal is a healthy 185-200 lbs. I have no illusions that this will be easy, or quick...but any progress towards my goal is good progress.

Just thought I would say hello!


  • greenstonekirstin
    greenstonekirstin Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! glad to see your on board :) Good for you for making the choice to make a life change :) all of us on here are trying to become more healthy, fit versions of ourselves and i think you will find the people on here and there weight loss stories pics etc very encouraging and hopefully motivating!! Good luck to you on your journey !
  • Pinwarp
    Pinwarp Posts: 9 Member

    Yeah, I've never been hugely talkative when it came to my weight or health, except to my wife.. Seems whenver I talk to someone, they all have suggestions and tips for weight loss....and most of the time, its contradictory to what the next person says. It's all so overwhelming, that I stopped talking about it....However, this site seems good so far. I've been reading the forums, and the amount on positive encouragement is...well...encouraging!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Hey! You have a secret weapon! Your wife! My partner and I have been using this site for 6 or so months and between us have lost 100lbs!! I cant tell you how good it was to have him by my side - the best motivation and support a girl could ever ask from - my best friend!!

    All the best for your journey and here's to your health!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    welcome! You're in the right place! Glad to hear you say you're through with the gimmicks....keep it simple and stick with it and you will succeed....just move more and try to eat clean. remember that protein helps you feel fuller for longer and drink tons of water...good luck... ;)
  • Pinwarp
    Pinwarp Posts: 9 Member
    Sigh, the post about the Zeal system thing is what I am talking about....I couldn't even get through one introductory post without someone trying to sell me the Next Big Thing in diet plans/supplements. I said straight out that I am not going to spent any more money on diet books, plans, supplements etc. I will do this using real food, because if I lose weight using some weird supplement...what happens if I stop using it? I don't want to be dependant on a 'formula' or 'pill' etc. I will learn to monitor real food, coupled with moderation and portion size, and exercise.

    Its frustrating is all :P. Anyhow, thanks for the welcome guys!
  • Bjfavara
    Bjfavara Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! It is good you are being realistic about what goes into starting a new lifestyle and yet remaining positive. Just remember when you have days when you go over your caloric intake not to fret or worry but just carry on and you'll do just fine. Don't punish yourself by overindulging. Good luck to you!!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Sigh, the post about the Zeal system thing is what I am talking about....I couldn't even get through one introductory post without someone trying to sell me the Next Big Thing in diet plans/supplements. I said straight out that I am not going to spent any more money on diet books, plans, supplements etc. I will do this using real food, because if I lose weight using some weird supplement...what happens if I stop using it? I don't want to be dependant on a 'formula' or 'pill' etc. I will learn to monitor real food, coupled with moderation and portion size, and exercise.

    Its frustrating is all :P. Anyhow, thanks for the welcome guys!

    Its odd that you mentioned it and this women then posted. I havent seen that before. Saying that - I did report the post. Its against the rules lol and just plain rude. Feel free to report too!