question for those that had 75 lbs or more to lose and have

Im Kimmy.
I started at 270 and am currently halfway to my goal of 165 that means Ive lost 52lbs but the problem is my body doesnt look half way there. People arent noticing Ive lost much because almost all my loss has been just waist. 6 inches waist only inch and half hips and inch bust...
Since Im at halfway will I start losing not faster but more noticably? 50+ lbs down and only just over a jean size seems blah to me. I'm thrilled Im losing but simply annoyed and impatient perhaps lol.
What has been ya'll experiences?


  • catcufflings
    Disheartening isn't it. i know most people would say measure measure measure.. but i find that when i measure i am up and down and all around lol.. are you measuring in the exact same spot each time??

    I just had a peak at your pictures and i can definitely tell a difference! looks like you've lost more than what you say inch wise.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I'm not there yet, but I do know from reading other people's experiences that rather than speed up, your weight loss tends to slow down as you get nearer your goal.

    It's annoying that you can't spot reduce, but it's awesome that you've lost 6 inches from your waist! I bet dresses look brilliant now.

    Stick with it, 52 pounds is a massive achievement!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Im sure if you've lost over 50 pounds you can notice it... that's alot of weight. Put a few pictures together and have a look -
    You've clearly been working hard, step back and check out your progress. 6 inches in your waist is great!

    if you need a change or another jump start, try changing up your exercise routine.? If you havent seen anything yet, im sure it will come soon.

    good luck and keep at it!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    People who see you everyday don't always notice the change because they see the gradual transformation and become visually accustomed to it. Put together some before and after pictures to see your progress. Keep it up! You are doing great!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Oh, and if you ever feel like 50# is a small accomplishment....go to the store, pick up a 50# bag of dog food and carry it around while you shop. That will definitely remind you how far you have come!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I was the same way!! I lost alot from my legs, arms, chest, waist at first and barely anything from my hips. It eventually started to melt from that area:) As long as you keep up what your doing it will eventually start going away. You have done great so far, 50 pounds is a huge accomplishment!! Keep up the great work and good luck!!!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    thanks all... Yeah Im measure as close to the same as possible and I know actual loss will back off some just hoping the appearance of weightloss will seem to be appearing more now...
    Lol when waist loses but not hips or bust cant try on smaller dresses lol
    yeah I know the weight of 50lbs I work retail and lift that much often. Im not downplaying my loss Im thrilled to have been doing so well just wish it showed more than it seems to.
    Again thanks girls.
  • diva8679
    Hmm I've only lost 18lbs and have gone down 3 pant sizes! It's just a part of everyone's body being different
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I've lost nowhere near as much as you (well done btw, thats fantastic!) but I've already started to notice that you just wake up one day and it seems to be gone! I've not changed my clothes size at all yet, but just yesterday I put on some jeans and realised that they looked better than they did a few months ago. Like I say, I've only lost just over a stone, so can't compare, but it took me a few months to notice the difference in myself. No one has really noticed anything on me yet, hopefully soon!
  • Lantanalimited
    I'm in a similar situation as you; I didn't go down in size hardly at all until the last 10 pounds or so. In fact, when I was this same weight in college I was a smaller size than I am now. I'm hoping that these last 16 pounds will do the trick for me, but i can't see how they will make more of a difference than the last 49.

    I just try to focus on how much better I feel about myself, and how much healthier I will be in the long run. Just know you aren't the only one out there who feels this way!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    self bump
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I am at my halfway mark too, I started at 302 and am now 229.. with a goal of 160. I can barely notice some changes, but people comment on it all of the time. It honestly takes me getting out old pics and comparing them to current to see that there is some big differences. Also, pant sizes will drop more the smaller that you get. It's like it takes forever to get out of the bigger sizes. It was close to 50lbs before I dropped a size... now I've dropped from a 24 to an 18. You have had an awesome accomplishment, embrace it! We are our own worse critics (I know that I am SO hard on myself!) 52lbs is an incredible loss, congrats!!
  • arlyn70
    arlyn70 Posts: 55
    maybe your body shape? i suggest you as the other said to share pic before and after..i can see the diff with my cloths, they are not to tide lol...
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    thanks all :)
  • BellydanceBliss
    it will come off the rest of the way you just have to stay at it and for the love of god and all that is holy eat enough calories dont restrict yourself from things you enjoy sitll as long as in your range, and eat non prepared food when ever possible. I started out with a 190 lb weight loss gained like 50 back after gallbladder surgery my own damned fault. Feel free to add me if you wish I am hell bent to lose the rest of my weight this year to be healthy not skinny.
  • danapearl
    Stay the course. Try to hang in there and just continue your journey. I think for those of us who start out with much more to lose, sometimes it take quite a chunk of weight for those around us, and even ourselves, to really see a huge difference. For me, it took a lot more than losing half of my desired weight before everyone took notice. I suppose at some point far past the half way mark I finally stopped looking "fat" and started looking "fit".

    In the past when I have tried to get healthy and transform my body, not seeing results fast enough was one of the reasons I gave up the fight. Something changed this time with my mindset. Hence, I made it over that hump without too much worry. You'll get there. :)