bad eating day... what next



  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I had Pizza Hut last week & ate 800 calories over my limit, so the next day I just ate how I'd normally eat.
    No use beating yourself up about it ;]
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Acknowledge it and move on to be honest. Some people go down the "I have to make up for it by punishing myself" but it isn't the right way if you're making a life style change rather than just losing weight. You're always going to have 'bad' days, it's human. Tomorrow is another day and tomorrow you will do it right :) Of course if it's a regular thing you need to sit and analyse why, what happened that day or those days and work on that - the binge eating or 'bad' days are a symptom of something bigger in my opinion.
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    Forgive yourself and know that one day isn't going to make that much of a difference. Start over tomorrow!
  • I so agree with the "Tomorrow is a New day" posts. I find it also heaps to unload to someone (friend, partner, even this message board) as it makes me feel like a bit of the guilt has been lifted. Every single person has "bad" days, and they make the following good ones feel like even more of an accomplishment :)
  • This weekend has been horrible. I am up on the scale 10 lbs and the worst thing is I had ankle surgery 6 weeks ago and cannot workout strenuously still. So tomorrow I am going to do what my trainer always recommends and lower my carbs and stick to lean proteins. So frustrated with myself.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    These days are going to happen. Sometimes you can't avoid it, especially around holidays. My thing is that I know if I don't have occasional "bad days" and I mean VERY occasional, I won't stick to this for life.

    I am trying to keep my bad days to two per month, although it's not easy. I try to do extra workout time on days that I over indulge.
  • malloryh2o
    malloryh2o Posts: 7 Member
    Don't punish yourself! Get back on track tomorrow! I'm not sure what your limits are for the day, bit sometimes I go like, 300 over. So the next day I work out enough to burn about 200, and eat 100 calories less than I'm supposed to. Voila, 300 calorie deficit. Granted, I've only lost 4 pounds (in 2 weeks).
  • TheKSop
    TheKSop Posts: 7
    Unfortunately, I rebound poorly from bad's more like a splat. Whatever food I binged on...if it's still nearby, I keep wanting to eat it since I have a taste for it again. I am going to take what you guys said and use it as an example, though. I already intended on working out, and I have dinner plans, but it's gonna be a very light veggie lunch.

    The amount of calories consumed last night in a 4 hour period is staggering, though! Movie night at our place is a high risk time...every week! I have a friend who is a baker and bring over leftovers; all my friends bring junk food, and I have no willpower! Eek! Gorging on air-popped popcorn it will have to be.
  • I had a day like that yesterday. I was a bit shocked about how "bad" I was, because it didn't happen until I got home from a full day out and then sat down and noshed... and noshed. Key to keeping on track, to me, is 1) Be honest. Don't lie when you enter your foods. I say that because I'm sometimes tempted not to log in everything, but that's worse, I think, than the actual overeating.
    2) Adjust the next day's meals by subtracting at least one protein that will add more calories. I'm doing South Beach along with MFP, so I'm on a low-carb eating plan. I don't call it a diet. So yesterday I was "undone" by some amazing mac'n'cheese, which I hadn't had in MONTHS. I don't even usually eat it, so this "transgression" was temporary!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Log it and move on.
  • Absolutely right - I had such a day yesterday,which is why I'm on this board! It's my first day of posting to the community after seven weeks following MFP. It was only my 2nd "bad" day out of 48, which is pretty good! After my first four weeks on MFP, I added South Beach Diet to my eating plan, so that I was taking out most "bad" carbs. The weight loss has been slow but steady - about one pound a week, which I think is a good way to go. I'm back on my regular routine today but took out one of the regular proteins from my breakfast to reduce the calories. The hardest thing about my current situation is that I've just returned to teaching and won't have the same opportunities to go to the gym, but I'm going to have to figure this out!
  • Log it and move on.

    Agreed ... Can't be perfect all of the time ????! One day is not make it or break for any goal.
  • parrillr
    parrillr Posts: 16 Member
    Lately I've been having bad days of 4,000 cal a day once a week for the last month and still loose 0.3-1.5lbs a week. It's all about what you do long term :)
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I logged my Little Caesars crap-fest earlier in the week. Like I ate 2 days worth of calories almost. It was horrible. Then I hopped on the scale this morning and I had still lost 2 pounds. I didn't let one horrible day take me down the next. I made wiser choices, drank a crapton of water, and didn't go over my calories for the remainder of the week.

    No point in kicking my own *kitten* over one meal or one day. There are many other meals and days ahead of me to do better on.
  • scookbey
    scookbey Posts: 84 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday..ate almost 3 cups of moose tracks ice cream--it was so bad. I worked out and then ended up eating the exercise calories (i know :( but TODAY I am back on track! Getting in some fruits and planning out my meals so that I won't go over my calorie goal. Just bounce back from the "bad day" and move forward to better days.
  • megcorey
    megcorey Posts: 49 Member
    golope wrote: »
    I can relate. I went to a wedding this weekend and the first day I didn't follow my plan, but wasn't too far off. The second day I ate like I had no limit. I know it was in part because I drank too much at the reception. Who doesn't want to follow up a night of drinking with a giant breakfast buffet? I ate fruit, pecan roll, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage and french toast with syrup. Then the wonderful bride and groom brought out pizza for lunch for everyone (this was a 2-day wedding) and of course I had 3 slices of that and a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels. Go big or go home, right? lol UGH! When I got home and tracked all that I'd eaten over the weekend, I realized that colorie-wise, I'd eaten the equivalent of 2 1/2 days of calories in one day. This morning, I weighed myself and found that I'd gained back the 4 lbs. that I'd lost just by screwing up those 2 days. I feel so depressed having basically thrown away the hard work that I'd done to lose those 4 lbs. I'm back on the plan today, but its difficult to get back once you fall off. At least for me. When I get depressed about having screwed up, it kinda makes me say - Whatever, I guess I'll just be fat the rest of my life. I know thats a horrible pitty party for myself. So I'm back on the wagon now and I hope that you can work through your bad day and get back at it too. You're not alone! :)

    Thank god im not alone!!! No wedding but my husband and son were on a trip so mama was free i ate and drank awful nd gained back 5lbs i hate myself rite now