I Need Motivation/Support

Im 25, 5ft0, from the UK. Last week I weighed 14 stone 3 today I weigh 13 Stone 10. Its not enough. My meals are smaller than ever. I have two cans of fizzy a day compared to the large bottle I used to consume within 2 days. I am addicted to the stuff. I feel ill whenever I try the diet stuff and I dont like fizzy/flavoured water. I count it every day in my calories. I do wii zumba 5 days a week. I walk a lot when its warm out as I have a 2 year old to keep me busy. I really dont know what else I can do to make the weight drop. I cant afford all these fancy groups people go to and I dont eat processed food as I have IBS. Im currently coming off my antidepressants which ive been told make metabolisms worse when your on them? I need to lose weight and be 8 stone. I have 5 reasons.

1) My hip/health (My one leg is shorter than the other)
2) My Wedding in 2013
3) My Holiday in April 2012
4) I don't want my little girl to be bullied when she gets to school
5) I want another baby

Any help/friends anything welcome.


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    You've lost 7 pounds in a week and you want more??
  • ViolentShadows
    Yeah. Ive been told my first week I should lose a lot more
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Yeah. Ive been told my first week I should lose a lot more

    This doesn't sound realistic, or healthy in the very least! And telling yourself you NEED to be 8 stone I think is likely to set you up for failure - don't get me wrong, I'd love to be 8 stone again as well, but do I need to be? Nope! I definitely NEED to lose weight, and I WANT to hit 9 1/2 stone maybe, but I am not looking towards that because I know I'll be disappointed with myself too often.

    Especially given that you are coming off antidepressants, the last thing you need is to feel like you're not getting there, when you ARE, but you really won't see it in a week.. or even two :) I wanted to come off of my antidepressants for the same reason, but my doctor advised against it atm so it's something I'm trying to work around. I think you're doing great by realising where your weak points lie (fizzy pop!) and you've done very well by cutting down the amount that you have.

    Don't expect too much too soon, especially when it comes to being a slave to the scales! I'm really just starting out my journey, so my mini victories are the current indicators of my progress; staying under my calorie allowance, completing a workout.. from tomorrow I plan to start the C25k, and I've downloaded some podcasts that time all the sections for you (and I believe has a music beat as well, found it free from the NHS of all places!). Even getting myself in the midset that I WILL be doing that is a victory for me. Well known learning theory, if you set yourself up for success, you are more likely to see progress.

    Whoever told you that you SHOULD lose more in one week SHOULD probably check their facts! *hugs*
  • lisahoyle
    You are heading towards your goal (not away from it)
    You are clear about your motivation
    You will get loads of support from this site - if you look in the right places
    You have managed to reduce your use of anti-depressants so you know that you can make changes
  • ViolentShadows
    I usually give up on diets after a while. Im trying to stick to this one as I really hate how I look. I have a stick insect for a sister (UK size 4), boyfriend and also my daughter. Im surrounded by thin. If I could even get down to a size 10/12 id be happy. I have never been this. Im about the size i was before having Ruby.

    Does anyone else get fed up when they hear all their health problems being blamed on their weight and when you ask what can you do to change it they say cut out fatty foods... I dont eat fatty foods it makes me ill.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I feel for you. I went to my doctor a few months ago when I had become aware and concerned about my fairly steep weight gain, which incidentally started when I was put onto my antidepressants (for anxiety/stress rather than depression, but it sure seems like they just like to throw the pills outs there...) His answer? "Antidepressants won't make you fat (hello major listed side effect?!), and besides, you're on the pill, so it's far more likely to be that - in fact, it's not even the pill that makes you fat, it's because you're in a happy relationship and therefore eating too much" Direct quote. O_O I have never been so gobsmacked in my life, the sheer nerve of his assumptiveness! I mean he didn't even check that I WAS in a relationship, or ask what I ate, how much I ate, how active I was...

    I have trouble with overly fatty or processed foods as well due to near-constant gastritis - I'm a big stress head! And I have a lovely skinny 6ft boyfriend as well lol. Not that I'm complaining about that hehe!

    What size are you now? I think aiming for a size 10 is still too far - not that you can't reach it, but you'd be better off making many smaller milestones, rather than just realising everyday that you've failed to reach the BIG one! I got a horrible wakeup the other day when I had to buy new trousers for an interview - and I was needing a size 16 to accomodate my thighs and bum - only 8 months ago I was in size 10/12 jeans! In my head I am secretly aiming for being comfy in those once more, but there's no way I'm going to try to squeeze myself into them any time soon, I know I'll only cry!

    Tomorrow I'm starting on C25k, I think it's going to kill me as I have buggered knees and my back is dodgy at best, but I'm determined - have you thought of giving something like that a go?
  • ViolentShadows
    to be honest i havent thought of much besides my eating less, diet and zumba. its hard to how far i can push myself as i have a very low pain barrier. the problem is atm that its cold so do as much as i can in the summer. I was doing swimming lessons up until christmas then they finished. im a size 16/18 atm
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    7 lbs in your first week is freaking PHENOMENAL. Don't sabotage yourself now. You CAN do this. You ARE doing this. Your two year old needs her mama healthy, and 7 lbs per week won't get you there.

    If you want to be a size 8, work it off. It's gonna be slow, but you can do it. You really, seriously, honest to goodness gracious can do it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your body can take a few weeks to adjust to changes. However, since you lost 7 pounds the first week, I'd say you are well on your way. If your progress stalls, you may need to tweak your calorie settings and then see after a few weeks if there is progress.