Can someone help me out?



  • Kona54
    Kona54 Posts: 30 Member
    if you crave snacks..get some cucumbers/celery...lots of raw green least 2 to 3 servings of fruit..there are some low calories breads outthere..melba toast is good..look at the seving size..weight your need more calories when you are breast feeding..tons of water..stay off the SODAS even the diet ones..I would just concentrate on eating very very healthy..for You and Your baby....the weight will fall off..
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello!I know that Pop & Sugar does have a Big effect on weight loss, actually anything that is made in a manufacturing facility has lots of stuff in it that can stall weight loss, but it is hard to only eat Fresh Fruit and vegetables. If you have a sweet tooth this recipe was just given to me on another site.
    take 2 sheets of graham crackers (flavor of choice) and put 2 TBS of Lite Whipped cream between them then wrap in either foil or saran wrap and freeze. They say it taste just like an Ice Cream Sandwhich with a lot less calories. (I would not eat this everyday). For your exercise I know that JM's DVD's have a lot of strength training so you may be building muscle, if you are looking for weight loss you may want to do one JM dvd then either go for a fast paced walk or jog outside or get an aerobic DVD. One thing is for sure EVERYONE is different. For instance, It is really hard for me to lose weight for the past 1 1/2 week I have follow my diet to a tee and I have been doing TurboFire and Insanity EVERYDAY and I have not lost any weight. I know it will happen I did it before it will happen again, I went out of town for 2 weeks and Bam I gained about 10lbs I have been busting my butt for almost 2 weeks and nothing. I will not give up.
    When it is my time to leave this world that is the 2 ?'s I want to ask God, Why does it take 5 minutes to consume 1,000 calories but takes hours to burn that many calories. Why does it take 1 week to gain 10lbs but 2 months to lose it????? That is the ?'s I would love to know the answes to.LOL
    I wish you luck on your health and fitness journey,
  • aimesuk
    aimesuk Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.

    As I said ^^ up there somewhere, I think I really knew I was eating too much sugar. I think the leftover from Xmas (plus twins birthday on Tuesday hence the Pizza Express pig out!) hasn't helped but also I am not eating enough. I had a really lovely stir fry the other day and I need to start thinking more about that. It is hard with the children though to try and eat what they will eat. I have neither the time nor the patience to cook more than one meal!

    Ok, here is what I will start to do from today:
    - focus on a good breakfast, either have eggs or porridge
    - start buying skim milk again! I actually like it, just got fed up of bringing the semi and my milk home
    - buy more salad, make up some rice/pasta salad to have for lunch rather than a sandwich. I will try to switch to brown
    - DON'T let myself get talked into take away again!

    And another thing from a completely different angle:
    - Put in lots of dark leafy veg as I can, as I sometimes get anaemic but my body doesn't absorb iron tabs at all.

    And I will continue with the exercise, it's been a while since I did anything but I am really enjoying it.
  • Hi,

    Let's be friends and do this together. I'm new here myself. My 49th b-day was on the 18th, I got off track a couple of days:) Yes, I did, I was celebrating. I'm back on track and I promise you, the week before I turn 50.... I WILL BE THE SAME WEIGHT I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL, 137. You'll have great days & days not so great, we'll keep in movin... as a team. LET'S DO THIS!!!!! If you have to vent, talk be motivated, I'm here and I'll do the same. ANYBODY ELSE IN ON THIS?? LET'S BE FRIENDS BYE:)