My hobby is cooking fattening food!

I am obsessed with cooking. I have always enjoyed it, which is probably why I gained thirty pounds in the last five years. What sucks is that other people can have hobbies like playing an instrument, or sketching, or collecting things, while my hobby makes me fat!

Last night I made stuffed shells with three cheeses (ricotta, mozzarella, Parmesan) and thought it would be ok, since I had 404 calories left, which would allow me to eat three of them. But I filled them soooo stuffed with the cheese mixture, that I decided to only eat two. So I had a giant plate with nothing on it but two stuffed shells. It looked ridiculous So then my husband and son fill their plates with like 10 of them and came back for more.

AAAAUUGH! This is killing me!

Do any of you love to cook so much that you think you should have made it your profession? I mean, I start planning the evening meal in the morning, and after work will go shopping for the ingredients, and cook for an hour of two after work. Just because I love it. I also like eating it.

What are your hobbies, by the way?



  • 2901
    2901 Posts: 4
    I'm with you! i absolutely love to bake. If i had the money and a good enough location i would open a bakery, not that i think i'm that good a cook really. lol. But love it so much that i would make it my profession. I to start planning my dinners in the morning. And would spend all day in the kitchan. My husband always tells me that i have to make some kind of gourmet meal for myself since i dont eat most of the things my husband and boys eat. I would proboably even give up on dieting and counting calories if the opprtunity of baking for a living presented itself. Because i to love to eat it.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    I too love being in the kitchen! After getting married and having a kid (I now have two) I decided to go back to school in culinary, lol. I love finding ways to make things healthy (like using applesauce instead of eggs/oil). I have recently been thinking of experimenting with gluten free.

    In the instance of taking only two and having an empty plate, I would suggest having some steamed veggies on the side or something. I often have mine plain cuz I like them that way. ;) And eat the cheesy pasta really slow to reeaally enjoy it and feel like you are eating more. :)

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Take all that passion and talent and become a really healthy cook.

    Recipes can (and often should) be altered... explore some new styles of cooking. Try out the Mediterranian methods, or Indian cookery, or fat free vegan...

    I took all my kitchen passion and had a great time learning how to prepare raw vegan food... lots and lots of prep time, etc.

    You can skinny down almost any cuisine, if you try.