
Hello...I'm not really new to MFP. I'm just new again. You know what that means. Anyway, my name is Mark and I'm a food-aholic from Indianapolis. Anyone else from around here? I tried MFP for the first time about 3 years ago, I think. I was about 300 lbs. Since then I've run 4 mini-marathons, and gotten down to 235....three times. Now, here I am back at 290, and back on MFP. I love MFP, and the tools it provides. I simply need to truly embrace eating healthy and being active for the rest of my life. I hope this is the time. Any support would be greatly appreciated. I've never tried the Community portion of this site. Maybe it will help.


  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi Mark, I am 'new again' also. As a matter of fact my story is a bit like yours: joined MFP about 3 years ago when I was 230 lbs, lost 30 lbs over 1/2 year....stopped coming to MFP and gained it back! The numbers & weights might not be exact, but you get the idea...
    Now I'm at 240 lbs.
    I love MFP too. I am a food-aholic just like you, I LOVE food, especially ice cream and home made strawberry shakes!
    I'm on the treadmill everyday except Sunday walking at least 3 miles per hour for however long it takes to lose 200 calories or more, usually 1/2 hour. I am posting every single bit of food that goes in my mouth and trying really hard to stay under my calorie limit, and sometimes thats hard because I love food, especially at night when I'm relaxing watching TV or reading. But I know if I keep it under control, and really try, by the summer I should be down several lbs.
    And so will you!
    We can do this! And hopefully this will be the last time we see ourselves at this weight!
    Good luck to you Mark and welcome back.
  • lslater4
    lslater4 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome Marc and Suziblues.....I have not been here but a couple of weeks and this is my first time. But I love this site. the people r great and supportive.

    I too am a food-aholic. I eat every calorie I have for the day and want more. But I fight every step of the way. Hang in there and You can win thiss war., just like I will.We all have to stick together and this is a good place for it.

    There is a long story behind me on why I gained so much weight. Maybe I will blog it soon. I went from 150 to 250 in less than 2 years. With medical issues.

    Any way feel free to friend. Together we all can do this
  • :smile: hi my name is amber and i am definatly new and helpful tips would be appreciated
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Welcome newbies! I have been here since the first of January and love the support and info this site offers! Feel free to add me as a friend and we'll take this journey together! :flowerforyou:
  • im new for the first time lol but im happy to help or offer any tips or just moral support
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Welcome all you new and new again MFPers. I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey. I welcome new friends so you all can feel free to add me as a friend. Best Wishes.
  • Hi everyone! I am no longer new, but this is the final time I try to lose the weight! I love food and have been overweight or on a diet my entire adult life. Feel free to add me as a friend. Support and tracking are two of the biggest keys to success. You accomplish both here at MFP!
  • nashirad
    nashirad Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome Mark!

    I'm also (chronically) 'new-again', though this is the first time I've tried this particular site. I can relate too to your lose weight/gain weight cycle, and the fact that it seems like when you're on the right track, you're REALLY on the right track. When I'm good, I'm great, and when I'm bad, I'm terrible. I know part of my problem is that I'm too extreme in my approach, and that I'm a fiend for food. I love talking about it, reading about it, planning meals or restaurant trips, dinner parties, the food network, you name it. I enjoy going to the gym regularly, but I HATE watching what I eat. I'm really trying to change this.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter how many times we've tried, and maybe won, and then fallen off the wagon in the past. Change is always in the present moment. Good luck.