Heath problems need to lose weight

I got bad news from my doctor. My cholesterol is 292, my blood sugar is borderline and I'm having heart issues. What a way to start the New Year. I need to get myself motivated to get this weight off.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get a food scale and educate yourself on healthy eating. Track Carbs. and Cholesterol. Check out dlife.com for healthy eating.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Here's another healthy eating and diet site:


    I'd also suggest following your doctor's advice for physical activity ... everyone can start somewhere.
  • pokergal76
    I have similar issues. My cholesterol is high, take meds for high blood pressure, my knees are shot, and now my hips are starting to bother me as well. I have just started as well and I am determined to get healthier by this time next year. It can be done, my friend has lost almost 100 lbs since this time last year. She has been participating with an HGC diet. I plan to do a combo of what I learned at a Diet Center 10 years ago, and limiting calories, carbs etc. to reach my goal. The hard part is sticking with it. I plan to check into this site religiously and keep my food diary. This has worked for me in the past. I just have to stay with it.
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
  • Slackergrrl
    You can do it! It's not an easy feat and old habits die very, very hard. Feel free to friend.
  • MrsRabbit83
    MrsRabbit83 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it. I'm losing weight to try and get healthy too - it seems everyone on here is really good at providing encouragement so you will get there!