anyone have or heard of Biggest Loser SlimCoach?

My boyfriend told me that since i have shown that i am serious about losing weight, he told me he would buy The Biggest Loser SlimCoach for me. I don't know much about it other than from the short thing i read online about how you wear it everyday and it tells you when you have had enough exercise to reach your goal or not. Does anyone have this or know anything about them? Wondering if they are worth the $130? Help please! :)


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I could be wrong but I believe it's just a glorified heart rate montior and calorie counter. You could get one for around $50 in regular stores depending on where you live.
  • Read all about them before you make a decision, They work great and its like having someone there with you all day to motivate you. You can get them fo1/2 the price at use VIP code L2Y1Y