DIET yay or nay poll



  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I heard of this awesome new diet!! I heard everyone was doing it :D

    I think its called the "eat right and exercise diet" I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

    I love you, Sunshine. XD
  • Joobster
    Joobster Posts: 26 Member
    yaaaaaaaaaaay!...........but following these plans I have been able to loose 140lbs over three years.
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Years ago I did the Adkins diet (very strictly) for 7 weeks. I lost 7 pounds, ate 1 regular meal and gained 3 1/2 pounds back! it was a pain in the *kitten*!

    But I do think it works better for men than women.

    I don't think fad diets are the answer. Just eat sensibly and exercise. And track it all on MFP!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I heard of this awesome new diet!! I heard everyone was doing it :D

    I think its called the "eat right and exercise diet" I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

    Coming from someone who is young with a faster metabolism, probably never over weight or dealing with weight issues ooooo at the most what 20 pounds lost?! Ya I am really going to take your advice

    It's been proven that a healthy diet with good variety combined with an active lifestyle is one of the best ways to have long lasting weightloss. Yes, she lost 20 pounds, but she's also built healthy muscle tone and has a wonderful body fat ratio. Just because someone is younger, does not necessarily mean that they have a faster metabolism.

    Good for you if these things worked, but the point is that any "diet" is going to involve restrictions that not everyone needs. For most people, changing their diet is better than going on a "diet".
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Once you lose the weight following one of these diets...then what? How do you plan to maintain that loss?

    That's always been my problem with "diets". Yeah they're great for losing weight quickly. So was calorie restriction. Unfortunately they don't teach you what to do to keep the weight off once you decide you don't want to follow that plan anymore.

    It has taken me nearly 2yrs to lose 70lbs, and yeah that's very slow to some. But this is the first time in my life I have been able to "stick with it", and that makes me very hopeful that I can continue this way.

    I hope you find what works for you too. Good luck!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Your weight took years of bad eating and exercise habits to creep up on you and shouldn't be expected to come off in even a months time. Low carb diets are great if they work for you, but instead of trying to force yourself into a diet because of something you "heard", find something you can sustain, not something you do for 2 weeks before realizing you can't maintain.

    Stay in a realistic (25% deficit or less) calorie deficit and your weight will slowly come off. Patience and persistence.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    HUGE NAY... I despise low carb diets and would never advocate for one.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I heard of this awesome new diet!! I heard everyone was doing it :D

    I think its called the "eat right and exercise diet" I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

    I'm almost 30, have 2 kids and have lost 57 lbs... and I say the same. You have to make realistic changes that will stick, allow yourself wiggle room and burn calories if you want to eat them. She is right-- I don't think it can be healthy to cut anything completely out of your diet,or be so restrictive that it's not something you can keep up with- for good. I mean that with healthy and not so healthy foods. You need to be able to go to a birthday party, wedding or other social even and have cake, dinner or a drink. But if you learn to do that all in moderation and not to overindulge- and to work out extra that week, you will have it and you've learned a "secret".

    Good luck- and happy experimenting. Learn what works for YOU!
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    I just started a new book that looks really promising. " six weeks to skinny jeans". I did Atkins many years ago & had great results but they obviously weren't long term. I actually feel better on a lower carb diet so this one looks doable. It's low Carb, but you also need to stay within your calorie range & it's pretty low fat so I think it's the best of both worlds. By weeks 4-6 you add back in most fruits & some complex carbs. I'm super excited to finish the book & get started! Oh, the author also has a fitness plan to follow. It claims you should drop 2 jean sizes in 6 weeks so I think it'll give me the jump start & motivation to keep eating clean, low carb for the long run. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I think the only real way to lose and maintain it sensible eating, regular exercise. We all know that, right? That being said, sometimes we need a jump-start or boost to get us going.... I have had luck using high protein/low carb eating plans to lose some weight quickly, therefore motivating me to keep going with a reasonable, sustainable eating plan. Or once in a while, going back to it for a few days to get out of a plateau.

    I know this is a lifetime commitment, but I think very few of us will sustain our weight loss without some little tricks to implement when we need a boost. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion... Sometimes the process is stop-and-go. Eventually the timing will be right and the sustainable lifestyle will fall into place.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I follow a common-sense diet, just as many people on here are talking about. I make sure that my calories count (okay most of the time).

    So, I avoid soda most of the time (including diet because studies show it triggers cravings, because you're not satisfied). But I'll have it occasionally. When I do have it, I'm aware that it's a treat.

    I love chocolate and have it every day in some form.

    Basically, I had to find what works for me, and that's a breakfast that keeps me satisfied until lunch or at least until a snack. Snacks that count (nuts, either almonds or walnuts, sometimes with a piece of chocolate). I get my fruit in smoothies that I make myself. I can eat most any vegetable, but I feel it's a chore to eat fruit by itself. I don't look forward to it, but in a smoothie, I love it.

    Basically, you have to figure out what works for you, and what you can live with. Try to increase your fiber so you'll feel satisfied and stay away from gimmicks that you can't do for the longer term.

    One book that helped me was "Volumetrics." It has photos of food with the same calorie values: you can see your choices in color. I prefer to eat more food that has fewer calories, so I feel fuller.

    But, I don't avoid anything ALL of the time.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    These poor carbs, they always get a bad rap. Straight from WebMD,
    -"To meet the body's daily nutritional needs, while minimizing risk of chronic disease, adults should get 45%-64% of their calories from carbohydrates, 20%-35% from fat, and 10%-35% from protein."

    The blanket statement 'carbs are bad' is ridiculous. It's the type of carbs you eat that is the problem. Yes, simple carbs such as whitebread, french fries, donuts etc. are the ones we need to stay away from, but there are other foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are good for not only weightloss, but fueling the body for energy as well.

    Maybe we should stop getting mad at carbs and start getting mad at the high amounts of sugar, sodium and fat we are constantly inundated with. As someone posted above, the eat healthy and exercise 'diet' is the best thing out there. It's a lifestyle change, there is no quick trick or gimmick to follow, just proper food choices and staying active.

    One thing a lot of people don't realize too is that fiber is a major part of weightloss as well, as much as we complain about carbs, a much bigger focus should be put on fiber intake. With carbs it all comes down to what kind; simple=bad, complex=good. Our diets should consist of complex carbs, it's the simple carbs that cause weight gain, low energy and other problems.

    Also, if you're on a special diet, or your doctor says to 'eat lower carbs' or you have your diary set to get a higher amount of protein or something-please don't attack me. This is just a general post about carbs being misconstrued as 'bad' all the time.
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    IMO, I'd rather stick to a low fat diet than a low carb one. I also heard from people around me who tried low carb diets that it could lead to minor health problems.
    You need carbs for fuel and they also keep you fuller. Only it's better to eat them in the morning or for lunch, unless you are planning on a workout the next morning, in which case it may be important to have some at night.
    But I could never do Atkins cos' I don't eat meat... could never have enough protein...
    Don't know enough about South beach diet to talk about it.
    New to MFP but have noticed it seems very sensible in the daily amounts recommended. Have been on low fat low calorie diets before, that was long ago but they worked at the time.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I heard of this awesome new diet!! I heard everyone was doing it :D

    I think its called the "eat right and exercise diet" I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

    Love this!!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I try to use the GI Diet as a rule of thumb as its all about eating foods which sustain your metabolism and keep you fuller for longer. It's a pretty good healthy lifestyle choice and is widely recommended to diabetics as it regulates insulin production.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Everyone's opinion is valuable here at MFP.

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  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    What do you guys think of the Atkins,South Beach or whatever else there is for low-no carb dieting.. Honestly that is the only diet I have done in the past and actually seen results ... Just curious on your thoughts!

    NAY!!!!! Ok, stop the diet mentality. While low-no carb DIETING works for a SHORT TIME, remember you are in this for LIFE, not short term.
    Go for healthy, try to eat clean foods 80 percent of the time. I had a bff who did atkins and went from being a vegetarian to binging on PORK RINDS- YUCK!
    While she did lose weight, she got very ill.
    Do'nt diet- just live a healthy life! Easy as that!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    These poor carbs, they always get a bad rap. Straight from WebMD,
    -"To meet the body's daily nutritional needs, while minimizing risk of chronic disease, adults should get 45%-64% of their calories from carbohydrates, 20%-35% from fat, and 10%-35% from protein."

    The blanket statement 'carbs are bad' is ridiculous. It's the type of carbs you eat that is the problem. Yes, simple carbs such as whitebread, french fries, donuts etc. are the ones we need to stay away from, but there are other foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are good for not only weightloss, but fueling the body for energy as well.

    Maybe we should stop getting mad at carbs and start getting mad at the high amounts of sugar, sodium and fat we are constantly inundated with. As someone posted above, the eat healthy and exercise 'diet' is the best thing out there. It's a lifestyle change, there is no quick trick or gimmick to follow, just proper food choices and staying active.

    One thing a lot of people don't realize too is that fiber is a major part of weightloss as well, as much as we complain about carbs, a much bigger focus should be put on fiber intake. With carbs it all comes down to what kind; simple=bad, complex=good. Our diets should consist of complex carbs, it's the simple carbs that cause weight gain, low energy and other problems.

    Also, if you're on a special diet, or your doctor says to 'eat lower carbs' or you have your diary set to get a higher amount of protein or something-please don't attack me. This is just a general post about carbs being misconstrued as 'bad' all the time.

    I have to touch on this, as I agree carbs aren't the enemy, but I completely disagree with the overly simplistic "simple=bad, complex=good" statement, because that just isn't true. For example, which is the good carb, an apple, or a slice of white bread? If you said the apple, you just picked a simple carb over a complex carb. When it comes to carbs, fiber is what you need to pay attention to, as long as you get the fiber you need, it doesn't matter if the carbs are "simple" or "complex."
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    I heard of this awesome new diet!! I heard everyone was doing it :D

    I think its called the "eat right and exercise diet" I'm jumping on the bandwagon!
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    I heard of this awesome new diet!! I heard everyone was doing it :D

    I think its called the "eat right and exercise diet" I'm jumping on the bandwagon!
