Has anybody done weightwatchers?



  • I have tried WW a few times before. I've always done well on it but then gain back when I stop following the program of course. I was planning to join again when I found out about MFP. In my opinion, it basically comes down to the same thing - eating healthy. I find MFP easier since you don't have to figure out points. I've done well so far so for now I plan to stick with MFP instead of WW. I don't see any reason to spend the money on WW when MFP is such a terrific resource with tons of support. I don't have the time to attend the meetings anyway.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I still do the old Flex Points program with great success this time around. I use MFP to log food and exercise and to keep track of things like protein, fat, fiber and sodium. I'd say give it a try for 30 days and see if you like it. I know when I went to meetings, it made me feel accountable. Now, I am more in charge of my life and can be accountable to myself without "falling off the wagon" so to speak.
  • its interesting to note that quite a few people dont like the new points plus system.... i only did the old points which was good for me, but makes me realise now i may be doing the rite thing by being on hear and calorie counting... im enjoying it to, and very focused ....... so far!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I've done WW online twice and the meetings once. I live in a small town and the leader at the meeting was horrible and there wasn't another option. I didn't do well.

    I felt like the points were difficult to calculate - esp. with new PP+ system - you have to have a calculator or phone app (which isn't free - you have to subscribe online)

    I also think WW focuses a lot on low-fat which just doesn't work for me. I need some fat to feel satiated.

    I did like the WW online check off boxes where you check off your dairy and Fruit and veggies servings. Kept me mindful of that.