Close to 40 and want to live many more years

Hi All, I'm new to the MFP forums but have used this site for almost 6 months. Love this app and tell others to join all the time!

Some of my story: I finally (re)committed to losing weight after many failures, but this time fitness is a priority. I've been working out with a trainer and eating healthier for 6 months and have lost over 60 lbs so far. I have about 60 more to go, and I could really use some extra support and motivation.

A little more about me: I am 38, have one smart and beautiful daughter, and a supportive and handsome husband. We moved to a new town last year, and as part of that move, I suspended my career to stay at home and be a full-time mom. This change has been rewarding and exciting but also challenging. In addition to the rewards to being with my daughter and watching her grow daily and focusing on my family, I have more time on my hands to think about myself. It's pretty cool.

So I'm reinventing myself as a fit person. Can't believe I'm going to say this, but I enjoy exercise (most of the time) and love feeling strong and healthy.

Anyone need another friend to help keep you encouraged and motivated? :) I could use the extra help too!
