Your opinion on Morning Star food

What's your opinion on morning star food?
Are they great? Or something you should only have on occasion? Or maybe even stay away from?

As a pescatarian (yes NOT FULL BLOWN VEGETARIAN, please respect my choices, I have my reasons) who is still in highschool, sometimes I just don't have time to cook, and rely on Morning Star foods every now and then for protein.
I look at the nutrition and like what I see mostly (the sodium could be better), but I look at the ingredient list and question it...
So, anyone have some mind blowing information or opinions on it?


  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I have been vegetarian for over 15 years and I eat Morningstar foods all the time, I really like them.. That said many vegetarian are purists who refuse to eat any processed foods at all. I try to compare the Morningstar foods to their meat counterparts and there is less fat , calories, saturated fat, cholesterol & sodium in the Morningstar foods. I think it's fine to eat these on a semi regular basis and the chick'n nuggets, for example, are much healthier than many frozen actual chicken nuggets and also contain a decent amopunt of protein
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I absolutely love them! I'm not a fan of the breaded things, but the grillers vegan is my absolute favorite. Yum!
  • artcaro1972
    I love Morningstar patties. I wouldn't eat them every day since they are pretty processed but a few times a week? Better in most ways than real sausage!
  • esperluette
    I used to be a vegetarian and I really liked the breakfast sausage patties (found at Costco) for a quick way to get protein for my morning meal. You can use it in breakfast sandwiches, burritos, etc.
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    i eat lots of this stuff. big fan of the yves brand. it's what's available here for me. lemon "chicken" kabobs, ground "turkey", and taco stuffers are my fav. i also like the lunchmeat ones. i use them in my salads for the protien.
  • SerenityRabit
    Thank you guys!~~
    I'm much more confident that it's okay to have them sometimes :3, I was worried I was making a big mistake, hahaha:D.
  • SerenityRabit
    i eat lots of this stuff. big fan of the yves brand. it's what's available here for me. lemon "chicken" kabobs, ground "turkey", and taco stuffers are my fav. i also like the lunchmeat ones. i use them in my salads for the protien.
    The lunchmeat made me so sick D:.
    But the 'chicken'kabobs were really good!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    I'm an omnivore (except for broccoli, yuck) and I've been eating Morningstar foods pretty regularly. Sure they're processed, but as processed food goes I think you could do a whole lot worse.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Delicious and amazing. I've never had a bad tasting product from these guys. I love the grillers original, spicy black bean, pizza basil burger, soy bacon, and meatless ground.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Morning Star Spicy Black Bean Burger w/ avocado and salsa on an Arnold's Thin = Yummy

    I can't speak with any authority on their other products because I've not tried anything else they make. But the Spicy Black Bean Burger gets two thumbs up from me.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I'm not even vegetarian but I really like some of their stuff - the veggie burgers, veggie sausage patties (especially the maple flavor), and the veggie not-quite-beef crumbles (good in lasagna). I like the texture of their crumbles better than the Boca brand. DH also enjoys the veggie burgers and doesn't complain when I make lasagna with the crumbles. :-)

    I tried one or two of their 'entrees' and wasn't too impressed with them, though. Tread with caution on the TV dinners. And the texture of the 'chik-n' stuff is a little odd, just depends on how much texture difference you can tolerate.
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
  • I'm not vegetarian but I love the blackbean burger and chik'n patties...especially the latter! It's a great alternative to fast food chicken sandwhich!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Tread with caution on the TV dinners.

  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Tread with caution on the TV dinners.



    I think the first one I tried was an enchilada-something, not impressed at all.
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    As long as you don't always rely on processed foods like these for your nutrients, they're fine to have on occasion. When I was a vegetarian I'd eat the black bean burgers fairly often. I haven't really had any desire to eat any meat alternative-type foods since going vegan, but iirc the products of theirs I liked weren't vegan-friendly anyway, poo.
  • spookystitches
    spookystitches Posts: 37 Member
    I like them. I don't think it's too horrible to have here and there. Sure it's not fresh food, but when you're in a rush it's a good option. Like someone said, I think you could do much worse. :)

    I have some friends who aren't even vegetarians but love to steal my buffalo wings! lol
  • HealthyisBeauty
    HealthyisBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    I tried morning star patties the other day for the first time and I thought they tasted horrible :( but Im usually a meat eater so my taste buds probably arent used to it.