Why would I do that? Ugh.

Soooo, today was 2 weeks for me and totally committed and working very hard for success. I've lost 12 lbs so far.....today my husband (who is eating healthy with me and trying to get going on working out) was dying to get out and do something. I had worked out for 2 hours in the morning, did some chores and took a shower and still hadn't eaten anything. (I know, should've had breakfast). He suggested let's go "get a healthy brunch." I wanted to not go and we fought about it but in the end, no big deal so we went out. We stopped off and ran an errand and by then it was 1:45 and I had been up since 8:00 so I was starved. Blah Blah Blah we went and ate pizza and this cheese ravioli at the great place. It was totally over 1600 calories!

I could just kick my own a** for doing it. He said I should reward myself for working so hard but I think what a waste.....To make it worse I had planned all kinds of good home cooked food too.

What kind of place should I have suggested we go? Where can we go out to eat that doesn't blow my whole weekend of eating right?

Thanks for any insight or comments!


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    This is why it's always recommended to eat breakfast, keeps you from overeating throughout the day. You really should have considering you worked out for two hours. But, I think you figured that out :)
  • PJcc1205
    PJcc1205 Posts: 11 Member
    Go to Applebee or Panera Bread you can control the amount you eat. I have this same problem with my darling husband. I end up feeling frustrated and angry. But I realized I control what goes in my month. You can go to the same place, but drink water the minute you sit down, no appertizers, order a salad then you can eat a small sllice. I fine carrying small tangerines in my purse help me also. I hope this helps. Don't worry about today--thats done. Look forward too tomorrow where you have the opportunity to start over. Have a great evening
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    You can get some good low cal choices at Panera Bread. You can get some good choices at Chili's, too.
    Stay away from The 99 Restaurant- very hard to stay under calorie there.
  • kittyfoxx
    kittyfoxx Posts: 12 Member
    PJcc, thanks for that. You made me feel better. Have a great evening too!