1 week in


I just discovered this app; a ref from a forum friend on runnersworld. I love this app! I started my journey at 217 lbs size 16-18 and getting out of breath going up a flight of stairs consisting of 20 steps. My fat to muscle ratio was pretty bad. I can now run 45 min straight run and working up to 10K distance. I aslo do pilates and strenght training on my off-running days.I am not sure what my final weight should be; I am 5 ft 1" , however, large framed ( I used to wear a size 7.5 ring even when I was 130 lbs), and packed pretty solid with muscle. I am working towards a size I suppose. I am a 10 now and would like to get down to 4-6 maybe....... I guess I will know when I get there, as I do not feel a number or size is as important as self-image.


  • You are so right that the size and the number don't mean anywhere near as much as how you feel! Good job on your progress so far! :smile:
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Hi - welcome! :)

    Sounds like you're doing great with the exercise! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm 5' 3ish and currently about 130lb, but want to drop 10lbs - I've got a really small frame so extra weight shows on me.

    Good luck in your journey.

    H :)
  • My name is Teri Smith and I started this app in November but didn't follow through. I am now starting and serious about losing weight. I am a stay at home mom these days and have backed on the pounds. I do have fibromyalgia which has gotten me to the point that I think I can't do this but I know I can. I got an exercise bike today and plan on using it twice to three times daily. Please wish me luck as I am on an adventure to lose almost 90 pounds. I wish all of you luck as well in your adventure.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    you seem so nice! i too am a stay at home mommy...a little taller than u at 5'7 current weight 170 looking to lose 30....friend request sent....
  • lvmyequines
    lvmyequines Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    hbunting I added you:)

    Teri, My mom has been diagnosed with firbromyalgia and I have shown many , many signs myself but not tested. Mom has been doing great wtih water exercise and Wii fit. It still burns calories, but low impact. From both my mom's experinece and mine working up to exercise is better than trying to jump right in (less pain) If 5 min is all you can do one day, don't beat yourself up. Just do 6 the next..this is not a race. Best of luck!