Does anyone here have Rosacea?

photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
I've had mild rosacea (just super rosy across the bridge of the nose) for years but had a bizarre and crazy breakout last night. I have a patch 2"x3" across one cheek that is completely broken out. It looks like the worst case of acne you've ever seen, and is swollen and stiff.
I was looking at various websites about rosacea (not the best, I know, but no money for a doctor's visit) and they said that flare ups can be caused by raise in body temperature. They recommend only doing a vigorous workout for 10min and then resting for 10.
!!! Really?!?!?
How on earth am I supposed to get my workout like that?

(I've been working my butt off at the gym for months, but had to take last week off due to snow closures. I *just* got to go back yesterday.)

Do you change your workout to avoid breakouts? What other recommendations can you give?


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    watch your dairy, including all dairy proteins: whey, casein, lactose.

    some meds, including synthroid.

    google for info on homeopathic remedies and appropriate diet to minimize outbreaks.

  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I do. That was one of my excuses I used to not exercise before but now I said screw it. I can't recommend certain things to stay away from. However, my dermatologist recommended using Cetaphil as a facial cleanser and Cerave facial lotion. They can be found at any local drug store or regular store. On exercise days I use the Cetaphil on the non-exercise days I use Neutrogena deep cleanser exfoliate. I still exercise like no one’s business. I think the best thing is to figure what works best for you but don’t be afraid to work out. I did have to go to a doctor when I first had an outbreak because it was horrible! It was alllllll over my face. They tried numerous creams to help it and it took a looong time to go away. Now it’s under control so that’s probably why I can exercise without issue so far. Good luck! I know the pain.

    ETA: Btw, it can be caused by anything. The sun, make-up, stress, etc. I had my outbreak due to probably a combination of being in the sun, stress, and paint. I was painting outside the first day it happened and was stressed at the time.
  • mjett82
    mjett82 Posts: 1 Member
    I've also had Rosacea for as long as I can remember. Mine flares up pretty badly when I'm overheated. What I do that helps is I keep a towel wrapped with an ice pack when I work out. The ice pack keeps the towel cool and when ever I feel my checks heating up (I don't know if you notice that but I can feel them getting hotter) I place the towel on them. This cools my checks down and doesn't look obvious since it looks as though your just wiping sweat. It helps keep my flare up to a minimum. I hope that helps.
  • SteffieSunshine
    SteffieSunshine Posts: 61 Member
    I WALKED a 5K last April, and I was as RED AS A BEET! When I get overheated from exercise, it's crazy! I was very embarrassed at first, because so many people would ask me if I were ok. Like laloquiata21 said, screw it! I have used a lot of different products, and nothing really seems to work. I just stay away from harsh soaps, and stick with Oil of Olay moisturizers.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I can deal with red, it's this weird rash/breakout that's driving me nuts. I caved and am going to the doctor tomorrow to try and figure it out. Rosacea is still the #1 suspect (the pictures look the closest) but the details are so weird (from the bridge of my nose to under one eye ONLY and itching like crazy today, the other side is perfectly normal though it's its usual rosiness).
    I might try the ice-pack-in-a-towel idea. That sounds like it might help.
    I don't know how on earth I could give up dairy. I've been a BIG dairy person all my life and just started culinary school (dairy is in almost everything in some form and tasting is required). Cheese is right up there as one of my favorite foods and I love drinking milk when calories allow.
    Thanks for all your advice!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Good luck! I also do the ice pack when needed. Forgot to mention that. I sounds like it can still be the culprit. It can show as very strange patterns that's for sure. :drinker:
  • dosmundos
    Yup - been living with it like forever. I just go on with my life and deal with the outbreaks as they come. I am not willing to sacrifice anything because of it. If I have real bad days - there is always make up.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Another vote for Cetaphil. I use the cream at night when I have "the bumps" pop up.
  • Sianarella
    I do!
    Meds made it worse. Now I ignore the medication, I use Bare Minerals make up now. Seriously you can’t tell until I take my make up off how red I am – my friends were really shocked by it.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I found when my diet cleaned up my skin improved.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I am red like a beet when I exercise, but there's no way I'm stopping. When you're feeling so good after a workout, you don't care what people think.

    As for products that I've found success with - has something called "calming cream". It is WONDERFUL. If you go to their website, they have a "consultation" area with a questionnaire. Fill out the questionnaire and they send you generously-sized samples of products they think would work best for you. They have an entire line dedicated to rosacea and sensitive skin in general.

    I've tried the prescription Finacea and other things like that - no go for me. I've learned to identify my food triggers. As for the exercise-induced redness, like I said - I just live with it.

    Good luck!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Another thumbs up for the Bare Minerals makeup! It hides the redness very well, goes on smooth, non irritating, and my skin feels like satin after using it. When I worked in the drug store a lot of women asked me what I used to make my skin look so good (and 10 years younger).... if they only saw me without the makeup! :noway: