800 calories a day?



  • Not in my dorm. I live in a box and the only thing my dorm has is a communal bathroom)
    and at least a cup a day (I don't usually count it and its usually skim or one percent so I really eat 900 cals a day)

    You should log anything that has calories. It's the only way to know for sure what you're taking in. That's what got me starting to lose weight....being mindful of everything that goes in my body.
  • Not in my dorm. I live in a box and the only thing my dorm has is a communal bathroom)
    and at least a cup a day (I don't usually count it and its usually skim or one percent so I really eat 900 cals a day)

    Well, do you have outlets in your "box"? If you do, then buy a lean mean grilling machine for $20 at Wal-mart and grill vegetables and chicken on it. Also, you can buy frozen vegetable steamer bags for your microwave.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    honestly I work through the dinner shifts and have class during lunch so I pretty much on my own and I so don't have any money lol
    at work I try to eat some turkey on wheat
    and I drink lots of milk.
    DO you guys think the 800 cal plan is dangerous I am only going to do it to lose ten pounds then I will be at my goal weight and go back to maintence cals which I can usually pull about 1500 off

    I hope you really do go back up-- unfortunately I've seen lots of people who just continued to restrict until they were at 400 cals per day. When you do increase do it gradually and give your body time to adjust so that you won't gain your weight back overnight.

    ETA: the best way to boost your metabolism is through exercise. If you're restricting calories for a slower metabolism you usually end up slowing it more. Just FYI before you decide.

    ^^This...can you get some exercise in to boost your metabolism so that you can eat at least 1200??
  • Not in my dorm. I live in a box and the only thing my dorm has is a communal bathroom)
    and at least a cup a day (I don't usually count it and its usually skim or one percent so I really eat 900 cals a day)

    Is there anything else that you are eating or drinking that you dont count, maybe you are getting more calories then you think you are getting?
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Ok so here is the deal I am not losing weight on 1200 calories a day. I know my body and I have a very slow metabolism. So therefore I am going to be starting a diet of 800 calories. I am a broke college student with only a microwave to cook in. I try to eat as healthy as I can but usually I get crap like mac and cheese or cup o noodles....Now my question if I am limiting to myself to 800 and everyone thinks I should eat at least 1200 why? I mean all I am going to do is eat more of the junky stuff. and do I really need to eat more of that?

    With that being said if anyone has any HELPFUL suggestions on how to get all the nutrients I need to keep my body healthy (vitamins or something) I would appreciate being told. Thanks and be polite folks

    as someone who used to have an eating disorder, I urge you not to do this..I started by decreasing for just two weeks..yes u lose, but you will throw your body into starvation mode and ultimately gain..I understand the lack of funds..but try to buy frozen veggies, lean proteins, and healthy food..it can be done on a budget. ..

    instead of going to 800, try 1200 but with sodium under 2000, more water and whole grains, veggies and protein...it's better for u in the long run..
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member

    You can repair a slow metabolism. It takes work, but it's worth doing, and in my opinion it's a much much smarter plan than eating 800 calories a day. 800 calories a day will only trash your slow metabolism further... you might lose weight, but at what cost? Do you really want to live your whole life on nothing but 800 calories a day? I can eat twice that and still lose weight.

    Think about it. Do you really want to damage your body further than you already have?

    As for eating healthy in college with a small income and only a microwave: Find an Asian Food Market. I'm talking one of those discount places where everything on the shelf is labeled in not-english I know that sounds crazy, but I've had great success finding very very cheap and healthy veggies in an Asian market. You'll need to be a bit daring and try things even when you don't know the name of what you're eating, but it's green stuff and its good for you.

    Also... rice = very cheap. Lentils = very cheap and good for you. Buy a tiny crock pot. That should fit in your dorm. It's well worth the price.
  • Bree2B
    Bree2B Posts: 2 Member
    Chances are, your body thinks it's starving and is slowing down your metabolism further so it can survive. There are lots of ways to save money, like making your own soup at home on the weekend and having it for lunch all week, but if you have a slow metabolism the best thing you can do is eat more often, like every 3 or 4 hours. Break what you are eating into smaller portions and eat more frequently, rather than cutting out more calories. There are lots of cheap, good foods out there too, like oat bran. You can buy it in bulk and make it like instant oatmeal in the microwave in the morning. Add a little milk and cinnamon - yum.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I know what you mean about not being able to have the money/ resources to eat healthy. I rented a room, and they didn't allow more than light cooking in the facilities. I was only working part time and trying to make rent.

    I survived by buying whole wheat bread, lean deli meats, and lettuce (maybe the occasional tomato) and making sandwiches. I used relatively healthy spreads like salsa or grey poupon mustard. For snacks, I ate yogurt and fruit or veggie sticks. It was hard for me to finish a loaf by myself, so I refrigerated/ froze anything I didn't think I could finish. For example, if you buy the duo pack of bread, it's cheaper. Freeze all but half a loaf. Defrost it a night before you consume it in the fridge section.

    You don't want to put canned food/ microwavables in your body too often. The sodium level in those products will bloat you, and cause health issues down the line.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    If you're not losing on 1200, you might not be getting the nutrients your body needs, or you might need to consume more. Once you drop below 1200, it's difficult to get the nutrients in. Your body needs energy to run on, especially if you're working out. I'd say try RAISING your calorie intake first and see what happens. Most of the time, weight will fluctuate up a little first, and then you begin losing steadily again. The jump from 800 to 1500 will cause another bought of weight gain, not only because of the calorie difference, but because the body will have to reset the way it uses those calories.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    One thing I will not force myself to do is to eat food I don't like. I do try to eat food that is healthy when I can. Like I will choose fruit or turkey over chips at work. But to be honest I can only eat 800 calories and feel full. I am not hungry at the end of the day. And the over eating I am doing now is a result of boredom. I don't want to be unhealthy but I don't want to be chubby either I am 5'1 and weigh 129 which is at the top of my weight chart.
    Oh and the other thing I live in Joplin Missouri
    you might have heard of it (half of it just recently got blown away) :( So there isn't things here like Asian Markets and such there is walmart or food for less
  • lvnnlfe
    lvnnlfe Posts: 10 Member
    @Debs She's a young adult why are you being so harsh? She needs direction and love. We're all here for help!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    One thing I will not force myself to do is to eat food I don't like. I do try to eat food that is healthy when I can. Like I will choose fruit or turkey over chips at work. But to be honest I can only eat 800 calories and feel full. I am not hungry at the end of the day. And the over eating I am doing now is a result of boredom. I don't want to be unhealthy but I don't want to be chubby either I am 5'1 and weigh 129 which is at the top of my weight chart.

    and I get that...believe me.but u don't want to gain..what about drinking orange juice for more nutrients? I notice you do a lot of quick add calories in your diary..maybe try for a week of adding it all in and see what the trend is? Maybe it's sodium? Try adding more protein..
  • CronoCX
    CronoCX Posts: 59 Member
    When you don't eat 1000 calories at least a day that puts your body into starvation mode. You definitely don't want this because you won't lose weight at all. You body will do the complete opposite and will store everything you eat because you are eating so little. I would recommend eating all the vitamins and minerals you can get. Also you can just about include everything else in to your diet. Also if you do work I would keep track of how much you work and if your burning calories throughout the day such as standing or walking around a lot. So if you burned 500 calories throughout the day and you ate 1200 calories that means 1200-500=700 calories. You are eating under and that's whats happening. So if your extremely poor, which I know how that feels I would change up what your buying. Sodium causes your weight to fluctuate around 2-4 lbs so if you ate a lot of sodium one day then the next day you would be full of water.

    First of all Maruchan or Top Ramen noodles are awesome!!! The problem with them is the amount of sodium they contain so when you make them I would dump out a majority or the broth or just use less of the seasoning packet when cooking them.

    Second canned soup is great!!! Once again problem with it is the sodium contains so be wary of them. They contain protein though so that helps a lot.

    Bread!!! Bread is awesome most wheat (real wheat). some breads also contain iron. Iron is a must is a woman's diet. This shouldn't be the only thing you get iron from.

    Multi-Vitamins!! They are great but, don't just rely on them for all of your nutrients (vitamins,minerals, etc).

    If you really have any questions just ask I took a nutrition class last semester at my college and it taught me a lot also I've lost 51 lbs., So I know it works.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    When you don't eat 1000 calories at least a day that puts your body into starvation mode. You definitely don't want this because you won't lose weight at all. You body will do the complete opposite and will store everything you eat because you are eating so little. I would recommend eating all the vitamins and minerals you can get. Also you can just about include everything else in to your diet. Also if you do work I would keep track of how much you work and if your burning calories throughout the day such as standing or walking around a lot. So if you burned 500 calories throughout the day and you ate 1200 calories that means 1200-500=700 calories. You are eating under and that's whats happening. So if your extremely poor, which I know how that feels I would change up what your buying. Sodium causes your weight to fluctuate around 2-4 lbs so if you ate a lot of sodium one day then the next day you would be full of water.

    First of all Maruchan or Top Ramen noodles are awesome!!! The problem with them is the amount of sodium they contain so when you make them I would dump out a majority or the broth or just use less of the seasoning packet when cooking them.

    Second canned soup is great!!! Once again problem with it is the sodium contains so be wary of them. They contain protein though so that helps a lot.

    Bread!!! Bread is awesome most wheat (real wheat). some breads also contain iron. Iron is a must is a woman's diet. This shouldn't be the only thing you get iron from.

    Multi-Vitamins!! They are great but, don't just rely on them for all of your nutrients (vitamins,minerals, etc).

    If you really have any questions just ask I took a nutrition class last semester at my college and it taught me a lot also I've lost 51 lbs., So I know it works.

    Maybe it is my sodium levels..I am not really aware of this can someone explain how to much sodium will hinder my weightloss? Thanks

    and Thanks all for trying to help me figure this out
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    You will not lose weight on noodles and mac. The sodium in those bad boys will have a reverse effect, and cause you to GAIN weight.. water weight. If you're only going to eat 800 cals, it would be in your best interest to get as much nutrient-rich food as possible. You need fruit and veg, grains- bread, rice, beans, etc., yogurt (greek is a power house), nuts, etc. Get a cheap, small slow cooker and make pots of rice and beans- it's a complete protein, and insanely cheap if you make it from dried beans.

    Also.. childrens Flintstone vitamins are actually a cheap, and good source of vites.
  • I would say stay at 1200. Log everything, snack on fruit and vegies. and stop eating mac and cheese and such haha :) good luck xx

    this may help too - read it
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Youll slow the metabolism more and start hurting your vital organs.

    If you are around 5'3" and working out 3 times a week you burn about 2200 calories a day so you should be losing weight at 1600 calorie deficit.

    If you think 1200 calories is a failure wait till you eat 800 calories for a week.
    Most people wont want to be around you.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    just eat as raw as possible. fruits and veggies all day! those dont need to be cooked, and are high in viatamin and minerals. i would also try to fit in a couple high protien shakes throughout the day. i get what your saying, 1200 cals a day in nothing but crap and 800 a day in nutrient rich foods. when people get lap band and such, they are on very restrictive diets, and cannot consume much, so what they do consume, must be very high in nutrients and protien! i would atleast shoot for 1000 calories a day, and make those calories count. raw, in my opinion, is always best... but you also need protien to keep from loosing muscle, so make sure to fit in some protien shakes. walmart sells a good jillian micheals powder, high protien, low cal, great price! just be healthy about it, you know your body more than us, but everyone requires nutrients! good luck!
  • I'd suggest maybe cutting your calories, but not to 800. Maybe try 1,000 first and see how that goes? I have a friend who is about the same height/weight as you and she cut to 600 at one point. As soon as she began eating her maintenance calories she began gaining weight again because cutting her calories to that point actually further slowed her metabolism. If your maintenance calories are 1,500, then cutting down to 1,000 would put you at a deficit of 3,500 calories/1 lb. a week.

    I also think since you mentioned drinking so much milk maybe you could mix in something with more nutrients like Instant Breakfast or something similar to that. It would add calories, but it would add much needed nutrients that your diet is missing, especially since you're a busy college student.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'd suggest maybe cutting your calories, but not to 800. Maybe try 1,000 first and see how that goes? I have a friend who is about the same height/weight as you and she cut to 600 at one point. As soon as she began eating her maintenance calories she began gaining weight again because cutting her calories to that point actually further slowed her metabolism. If your maintenance calories are 1,500, then cutting down to 1,000 would put you at a deficit of 3,500 calories/1 lb. a week.

    I also think since you mentioned drinking so much milk maybe you could mix in something with more nutrients like Instant Breakfast or something similar to that. It would add calories, but it would add much needed nutrients that your diet is missing, especially since you're a busy college student.

    ^^^Dont listen to this person.
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