800 calories a day?



  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    apples!!! they r inexpensive and good for u. ever heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away? well it's true! also if u must eat mac n cheese or noodles buy some frozen vegies and mix them through.But it really sounds like you've got way too much sodium in ur diet which will restrict weight loss as u retain water. If u can try switching a few of ur foods first before limiting ur cals u may just find u'll lose weight. it sounds crazy but eating MORE, not less, is more beneficial in losing weight than the other way around. good luck with whatever u decide!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I would say stay at 1200. Log everything, snack on fruit and vegies. and stop eating mac and cheese and such haha :) good luck xx

    this may help too - read it

    1200 isn't right for a lot of people. I wrote a topic about it, here...


    This is great stuff.

    some of the girls i'm helping right now started off with VLCD of about 800 cals a day.
    They are now between 1600-2200 and losing weight and maintaining lean mass.
    At 800 cals you would look like Golem from Lord of the Rings.
  • lala26105
    i dont blame her for yelling...ive met a lot of people on here who if i say ive been taking diet pills and i lost 7 pounds in a week people do yell and criti you so shes not being rude shes just asking for others not to be to her
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'll be honest... I would do a serious evaluation of your food and your activity level. If you're busy (and I suspect you are), then it is very possible 1200 calories isn't enough. If your body feels like it is starving because of a lack of proper nutrition, it won't lose weight. It will hang onto all that it has for fear you will just plain stop feeding it. Starvation mode doesn't happen overnight, but long term severe calorie restriction will result in a slower metabolism and other negative symptoms (some people report thinning hair or hair loss, some report a feeling of general "blah", etc).

    I wouldn't lower your calories.

    I would, however, log ALL of your food and drink for an entire week to get a good idea of how much you are REALLY consuming. It is a proven fact that most people underestimate the food they consume. Also, stop drinking your calories. You need to use those calories on real food - not on milk.

    I just think it is time to REALLY evaluate what you're doing. I think once you take an honest look you may find things are far different than you think they are.

    As for too much sodium - it will cause your body to retain water. However, not everyone is negatively affected by sodium - I'm one of those people. I can consume large quantities of sodium and be just fine. So, not everyone has to worry about it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Typing all in upper case = yelling.

    As for the nutritional response - why would I bother, you won't hear from me again.

    What's with the negative posts? She's asking for help and I don't think being rude or harsh with her is going to help her out any.
  • KarleeS92
    KarleeS92 Posts: 27 Member
    I have a few Ideas for you:

    You can steam your veggies in the microwave. chuck them in a microwavable container, a little water and put some cling wrap over the top let them cook. Veggies are VERY low in calories so you're better of cutting those mac and cheese and other meals you've been eating in half and LOAD up on the veggies.

    Add a tin of tuna (flavoured is good) in with salads. You can make it into a wrap or sandwich or just a salad.

    You need protein too, so maybe buy some eggs. You can make scrambled eggs in the microwave. throw it in a microwavable container, whisk it up microwave it, mix it then chuck it back in again.. you can add diced tomato, onion, ham etc, and there you go another meal :)

    Food is important. you need it to fuel your body. Try not to eat less than what they recommend. Know your Metabolic Rate.
    Leaner bodies need more calories than bodies that are less lean. This site will tell you how many calories you should eat at the LOWEST to be able to lose weight (go through the steps to see)

    Also, a Multi-Vitamin wont hurt. :)

    Hope this helps a little.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i cant stand when people are rude on these boards. someone comes on asking for help, and some of you blast her. its really sad that some of you feel that you are so much better, that you would treat someone asking for help, the way some of you do. i would take the time to re-evaluate yourself, before you come to a message board scolding and lecturing in such a rude way to a young girl asking for help and direction!
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    Eating unhealthy bc you dont have money and time is an excuse. I live a hectic life and I get up early in the morning and prepare my meals in advance and take them to work. Instead of buying mac n cheese and noodles invest in healthy options.
  • mandy2794
    those prepackaged foods are full of sodium and preservatives, try going with the suggestions of other members and get some fruit, veggies and healthy deli meat. you may lose a few pounds quickly eating only 800 cal but as soon as you start eating a normal amount of cals, you'll gain it back and be discouraged
  • mammothdoll
    When I went below 1200 calories, my metabolism just stopped. Like, stopped dead. Right now I eat between 1200 and 1800 each day and I've lost about 18 pounds. (Joined MFP after losing most of them.) So yeah, that's something to consider.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks guys...Lately I have been over eating although luckily not gaining. Honestly I think if I could get to even 125 I'd be happy.. I want to lose ten pounds by April 18th because it will be my 21st birthday.

    And I do seriously want to start eating healthier. I may never be able to give up junk completely (lol its just to yummy) But I graduate from college in May 2012 and will probably be living in an apartment on my own..
    I try to read every post and learn everything I can so when I am a true "grown up" I will be able to keep my body healthy..and somewhere down the line hopefully I will have kids to keep healthy too.
    So thank you and any advice anyone wants to give me is appreciated

    AND FINALLY I really wanted to thank the people who stood up for me it is obvious you understand I am not trying to yell at anyone just to not have people start fights.

    Also When I say I am broke I mean it I only make 90 dollars a week and do have bills to pay I literally have like 20 dollars left over every two weeks for groceries
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    800 cal's is not enough - especially if you plan on exercising- there are lots of options for clean healthy foods - I've been there done that - and in the long run - It actually made me fatter - i went down to about 650 cal's on dr bernstein - I lost weight fast, but I also lost the hair on my head, and energy - couldnt work out and i ended up gaining it all back and then some because it was too extreme - your body needs more than that to function.

    Just remember - if you're body goes into starvation mode it will attack the muscle, not the fat - so, it wont be sustained weight loss.

    if you have access to a fridge there are so many healthy options and cost effective. if you're living on carbs - that's not a healthy option.
    Good luck with your selections - Im sure you'll do great. Just keep in mind, it's got to be a lifestyle change, something you can live with for a long time - yes there are days when you'll eat KD and of course that's fine !
  • jennahiggins
    jennahiggins Posts: 56 Member
    Honey, have you tried going back in a recalculating your settings. You may find that you need to up your calories, not lower them.
    Our bodies burn different calories differently. For example, an apple that is 100 calories will be burnt differently than a 100 calorie candy bar.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Thanks guys...Lately I have been over eating although luckily not gaining. Honestly I think if I could get to even 125 I'd be happy.. I want to lose ten pounds by April 18th because it will be my 21st birthday.

    And I do seriously want to start eating healthier. I may never be able to give up junk completely (lol its just to yummy) But I graduate from college in May 2012 and will probably be living in an apartment on my own..
    I try to read every post and learn everything I can so when I am a true "grown up" I will be able to keep my body healthy..and somewhere down the line hopefully I will have kids to keep healthy too.
    So thank you and any advice anyone wants to give me is appreciated

    AND FINALLY I really wanted to thank the people who stood up for me it is obvious you understand I am not trying to yell at anyone just to not have people start fights.

    Also When I say I am broke I mean it I only make 90 dollars a week and do have bills to pay I literally have like 20 dollars left over every two weeks for groceries

    I also want to mention that the closer you are to your ideal weight, the slower your body will lose weight.

    I also truly believe that each one of us has an "ideal" weight. This is a weight that our bodies are comfortable at, we are healthy, and we can easily maintain this weight (for me it is right around 145lbs). I've found that trying to fight against this "ideal" weight is tough because my body doesn't want to go any lower - it is happy and healthy here. Instead of trying to force it to go lower (which in my opinion will require some drastic measures), I have accepted that it is happy and healthy here. :) BTW, I'm 5'4" and 145lbs is the upper weight limit for my height too and I'm truly okay with it.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Thanks guys...Lately I have been over eating although luckily not gaining. Honestly I think if I could get to even 125 I'd be happy.. I want to lose ten pounds by April 18th because it will be my 21st birthday.

    And I do seriously want to start eating healthier. I may never be able to give up junk completely (lol its just to yummy) But I graduate from college in May 2012 and will probably be living in an apartment on my own..
    I try to read every post and learn everything I can so when I am a true "grown up" I will be able to keep my body healthy..and somewhere down the line hopefully I will have kids to keep healthy too.
    So thank you and any advice anyone wants to give me is appreciated

    AND FINALLY I really wanted to thank the people who stood up for me it is obvious you understand I am not trying to yell at anyone just to not have people start fights.

    Also When I say I am broke I mean it I only make 90 dollars a week and do have bills to pay I literally have like 20 dollars left over every two weeks for groceries

    go to your local food banks
  • rikapeas
    if you limit yourself to only 800 cal a day, your body will think it is starving and your metabolism will slow down even more. then it will suppliment the lack of calories by eating your own muscle tissue (not body fat). muscle is what helps you burn the fat, so you definately don't want that to happen.
    to understand why this happens you have to understand a thing called the glycemic index. basically, when you eat (carbs) your body breaks down these foods into glucose (sugar) that is absorbed into your blood stream where it can be available to be delivered to every single cell in your body for energy. when your blood sugar (glucose) is high, like after a meal, your body releases insulin into your blood stream. this allows your cells to take in those sugar molecules to use for metabolism. a normal blood sugar is between 100-120. anything below 60 and your body goes into starvation mode, slowing down your metabolism. anything above 120 and your body stores the excess as fat.
    when you eat just carbs (like the foods you described above) it creates too much glucose floating in your system at one time. your body must then release an overabundance of insulin, and all that excess glucose that was floating in your blood that can't be used for metabolic purposes is now stored as fat. but it gets worse. if your blood has too much glucose in it, say from a nice carb meal, too much insulin is released at once in a rush to absorb all that excess sugar. then your bodys blood sugar drops too low (below 60), your body thinks it is starving, and it will slow down it's metabolism. aka, first you make more fat, then your metabolism drops and you can't get ride of it.
    so basically, don't eat ramin or mac and cheese, or if you do, take that cup of noodle and space it out between two/three meals instead of just one. these foods are really bad for you and are all carbs (glucose) and fat (not to mention preservatives-which hinder your liver from properly digesting fat as it is too busy riding your body of these posions). these types of carb loaded meals will make your blood sugars sore and you will store all the excess as fat.
    and don't starve yourself. i don't mean to be harsh but that is what 800 cal a day is. this will make your metabolism crawl so even if you eat nothing you will never lose weight. plus you will hate life, and that's no good.
    every person is different. some people need to eat small meals all day long, and some people only need two to three portion controlled meals a day and a snack. but no matter what kind of person you are, if you are not eating the RIGHT food in the right combinations in the right portions, you are setting yourself up for failure. and that is soooo hard to do if you can't cook and you are on a budget. but your can do it!
    vegetables: salads (think dark, leafy veggies) with low cal/sodium/fat dressing, celery, carrots, cucumbers, tomatos, onions, green/red or yellow peppers, brococci, ect.... anything you can think of to eat by itself or mixed in a salad. you can stuff yourself silly on veggies and as long as your not adding too much dressing or others (peanut butter, hummas, ect)
    fruit: any fruit will do. the are portable, delicious and don't need to be refrigerated. need i say more.
    eggs: they do sell hard boiled eggs at 7-11 now, which is awesome
    meat (chicken/fish): if you can't cook it look for it in frozen meals such as kashi. these little guys are well balanced meals in nice portion sizes with very reasonable calorie counts. i really like the sweat and sour chicken. also imitation crab is super low in calories and a good sorce of protein. tuna is okay if you don't stick a ton of mayo in it. sardines are great if you can stand them.
    nuts: almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds are great snacks and support brain function. skip peanuts, pisachios and anything that has too much salt added to it.
    carbs: get a rice cooker so you can make good carbs for your meals. they sell them for $20 at wallmart. a cup of rice a day is better than mac and cheese any day. if you need to make it taste better cook it with low sodium chicken broth or vegetable broth. and you can also use it for other rice like products like couscous or quinoa (which is the only grain that is also a complete protein!). and best part is, it also steams veggetables so you can expand your horizon when it comes to veggies!!!
    cut out as much as you that is a cracker, cookie, chip, or premaid meal with ingrediants you can't pronouce.
    and eat, eat, eat, in moderation, to keep your energy levels up and be a healthy, happy person. remember fat and carbs are not "bad," You NEED a certain amount of fat to sustain normal function and your energy is literally derived from carbs. so please, please don't cut them out. eat, in moderation, in the right portion sizes, of the right types of foods in combinationand you can't go wrong.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    if you limit yourself to only 800 cal a day, your body will think it is starving and your metabolism will slow down even more. then it will suppliment the lack of calories by eating your own muscle tissue (not body fat). muscle is what helps you burn the fat, so you definately don't want that to happen.
    to understand why this happens you have to understand a thing called the glycemic index. basically, when you eat (carbs) your body breaks down these foods into glucose (sugar) that is absorbed into your blood stream where it can be available to be delivered to every single cell in your body for energy. when your blood sugar (glucose) is high, like after a meal, your body releases insulin into your blood stream. this allows your cells to take in those sugar molecules to use for metabolism. a normal blood sugar is between 100-120. anything below 60 and your body goes into starvation mode, slowing down your metabolism. anything above 120 and your body stores the excess as fat.
    when you eat just carbs (like the foods you described above) it creates too much glucose floating in your system at one time. your body must then release an overabundance of insulin, and all that excess glucose that was floating in your blood that can't be used for metabolic purposes is now stored as fat. but it gets worse. if your blood has too much glucose in it, say from a nice carb meal, too much insulin is released at once in a rush to absorb all that excess sugar. then your bodys blood sugar drops too low (below 60), your body thinks it is starving, and it will slow down it's metabolism. aka, first you make more fat, then your metabolism drops and you can't get ride of it.
    so basically, don't eat ramin or mac and cheese, or if you do, take that cup of noodle and space it out between two/three meals instead of just one. these foods are really bad for you and are all carbs (glucose) and fat (not to mention preservatives-which hinder your liver from properly digesting fat as it is too busy riding your body of these posions). these types of carb loaded meals will make your blood sugars sore and you will store all the excess as fat.
    and don't starve yourself. i don't mean to be harsh but that is what 800 cal a day is. this will make your metabolism crawl so even if you eat nothing you will never lose weight. plus you will hate life, and that's no good.
    every person is different. some people need to eat small meals all day long, and some people only need two to three portion controlled meals a day and a snack. but no matter what kind of person you are, if you are not eating the RIGHT food in the right combinations in the right portions, you are setting yourself up for failure. and that is soooo hard to do if you can't cook and you are on a budget. but your can do it!
    vegetables: salads (think dark, leafy veggies) with low cal/sodium/fat dressing, celery, carrots, cucumbers, tomatos, onions, green/red or yellow peppers, brococci, ect.... anything you can think of to eat by itself or mixed in a salad. you can stuff yourself silly on veggies and as long as your not adding too much dressing or others (peanut butter, hummas, ect)
    fruit: any fruit will do. the are portable, delicious and don't need to be refrigerated. need i say more.
    eggs: they do sell hard boiled eggs at 7-11 now, which is awesome
    meat (chicken/fish): if you can't cook it look for it in frozen meals such as kashi. these little guys are well balanced meals in nice portion sizes with very reasonable calorie counts. i really like the sweat and sour chicken. also imitation crab is super low in calories and a good sorce of protein. tuna is okay if you don't stick a ton of mayo in it. sardines are great if you can stand them.
    nuts: almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds are great snacks and support brain function. skip peanuts, pisachios and anything that has too much salt added to it.
    carbs: get a rice cooker so you can make good carbs for your meals. they sell them for $20 at wallmart. a cup of rice a day is better than mac and cheese any day. if you need to make it taste better cook it with low sodium chicken broth or vegetable broth. and you can also use it for other rice like products like couscous or quinoa (which is the only grain that is also a complete protein!). and best part is, it also steams veggetables so you can expand your horizon when it comes to veggies!!!
    cut out as much as you that is a cracker, cookie, chip, or premaid meal with ingrediants you can't pronouce.
    and eat, eat, eat, in moderation, to keep your energy levels up and be a healthy, happy person. remember fat and carbs are not "bad," You NEED a certain amount of fat to sustain normal function and your energy is literally derived from carbs. so please, please don't cut them out. eat, in moderation, in the right portion sizes, of the right types of foods in combinationand you can't go wrong.

    Well said for your first post!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You would probably lose weight at 1200 calories a day, though possibly slowly, if you were eating more nutrient rich food and less sodium enriched processed food. I understand budgets are tight but there are ways to eat healthily.
  • klynn22091
    klynn22091 Posts: 47 Member
    I wouldnt suggest doing that, i agree as a college student ti is hard to eat well and its sooo much quicker and cheaper to grab that cup o noodles instead of making a salad, but instead of a cup o noodles why dont you buy a can a veggies, not much more expensive, you can microwave them, and they dont go bad either, tuna is also a great canned item, and also fruits too. I would also suggest more exercise, because that boosts your metabolism, eating that few calories will only lower it even more. hope this helps be careful
  • thinnerisstronger
    thinnerisstronger Posts: 124 Member
    Your body can't live on 800 calories a day just because you decide it can. Google 'BMR calculator'.
    Eating healthy on a budget IS possible, it just takes a little effort. And it's worth it! Your body will thank you. Try looking online for coupons, look for sale or clearance signs. Sometimes products get put on clearance because their packaging is changing, not always because the food is about to go bad.
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