raw food diet

Newbie here.
Is anyone on a raw food diet - green smoothies, juicing, dehydrated meals, etc?


  • natalieanthony
    natalieanthony Posts: 6 Member
    I am not but i am a Pescetarian who refrains from occasional eats purely raw or purely fruit and veggie to detox and fast. I am well read and have a keen interest in Raw, I happen to be a vata though and do not enjoy food cold for the most part.

    If i can be of any help let me know.
  • ravikrishna
    ravikrishna Posts: 51 Member
    I'm basically a vegetarian and now a days am mostly turing on raw foods. I mostly consume one raw vegetable/fruit before the meal which helps to speed up the process of fat burn.
  • farmerstan
    I basically eat nothing but raw food. I cook two eggs in the AM and the rest of the day I eat raw foods every two hours I will eat a piece of fruit or a veggie or some kind of dried nut. It holds me over quite well and I seem not be having any energy loss. Once a week I will have a cheat day which will consist of cooked food but that's it.
  • nrothgarden
    I eat mostly raw foods (85-95%). I personally wouldn't call it a diet because it's more of a lifestyle. If you want to get into it, there's a a lot of information to get you on the right track and making great raw meals. You just need to stay motivated and organized!

    Check out my raw food review blog at rawfoodland.com!