Making a difference!

So Biggest Loser Australia has started tonight and it reminds me why I'm on my own weight loss journey but also of the bigger picture, that in my upcoming professional career I hope to support, motivate and help my patient's change their lives through healthy living. I've found the MFP community crucial in my success so far and I hope that all the new members that have joined recently have the same experience. I'd be happy to "friend" anyone who's looking for a little more support, friendship or guidance. Together, we can do this!


  • mizzy84
    mizzy84 Posts: 9 Member
    I got to the gym this evening and i jumped on the cross trainer and the biggest loser was on the tv so i decided to watch it while training and i actually worked harder while watching it than i usually do while listening to my music because all i could think about while watching it was all the weight i have to lose at the moment might have to make it my nightly time to train if its going to keep me motivated lilke that!!