Need help fighting the Failure Fairy....

Hi, I've been using MFP for a while but never seem to stick to it for more than a few days, I blame it on the Failure Fairy.... :mad:
I'm hoping that adding a few like minded friends will give me the push I need. I always seem to be quick to let myself down with the diets but I'm not too keen on lettting others down so if you've a little spare will power for me I'll do my best to pay you back :blushing:
Please feel free to add me
Thank You and Good Luck


  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I think, like anything, schedule time to do it during your day and commit to it. Once you do it for a week or 2, it will become habit!
  • waterhaunted
    waterhaunted Posts: 21 Member
    I agree. Give it a couple weeks and stick to it. I had 3 down falls using this app helped me get over. I don't eat enough, so my metabolism was slow. I was a huge soda drinker about 3-4 cans a day, and since as far back as I remember I have had 6 Oreo cookies and milk after supper.
    Eating the right foods in the beginning and having snacks was a challenge. I think at was the hardest part. I was most of my life skinny underweight until my mid 40's. Then everything changed. For 8 yrs nothing I did made any difference. Lose 2 gain 4.
    Using this app helps big time. After a couple weeks I wasn't looking for that soda or cookies. Instead I was looking for a dozen almonds and Greek yogurt. Since August when I decided to stick with the app, I have lost over 20lbs.
    Pay attention to the nutritional facts. For me potassium is where I fall short and need make sure is get enough each day.
  • kjlgcz
    kjlgcz Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'd love to be your friend :-)

    I am new to MFP and i'm still in my first 2 weeks of healthy eating and lifestyle change and could use some support!
    Sending you an add :-)

    KJ x
  • BevP123
    BevP123 Posts: 58 Member
    35 days down and 8lb lighter :smile: Had great days but also very bad days and not shifting at the speed I'd hoped :explode: Would've usually given up by now. Having friends on here has kept me going:heart: . Sharing the good and bad, highs and lows. Also looking at the various diaries has been a massive help but still got a long way to go.
    Anyone else looking for support please add me, bevp123.