i am soo frustrated this morning :(

hey guys..

week 3 of my diet has started... i weigh myself once a week..
started at 188.4lbs. last week i had 183.6 :) i was eating good excersing and it was fun.
i was sooo motivated this last week hoping for a nother 4-5 pounds.. BUT NOTHING,,
i weight the same as i did last week.. WHY! I worked out everyday... and watched what i ate and all...

this is not a good start in to the new week :(


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well considering you're only supposed to lose about 1-2lbs per week, I would assume it's a good thing you didn't lose that much. Your body is catching up.
  • bitterbrownie
    one week will be different to the next - don't sweat it! be glad you maintained :)

    try keep mixing up your exercise and eating routine to keep yourself motivated and to keep it fun - this is life, not a temporary thing so you need to enjoy what you're doing

    don't give up =]
  • suey11
    suey11 Posts: 3
    sorry do you know how to change kg to stones please?
  • shelley234
    shelley234 Posts: 150 Member
    H I know how you are feelingi Im in the same boat as you.

    Iv been told you always loose the most in your first week then your weight loss slows down so dont worry about it.

    Also if you are doing a lot of exercise you are better to messure your self as well as weighing, because your fat will be turning into muscle which is heavier. So even if your weigh isnt going down your messurments will be.

    Good luck xxx
  • StacehRAWWR
    Im feeling the same.. last week i lost 4pounds and this week ive gained.. urrghh
    Just like everyone else i need as much help and support as possible!

    Pleasee feel free to add me!
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    Keep doing what is right and focus on your long term goal, delaying gratification is a sign of intelligence, weekly variation will occur, but keep logging and training and you will achieve your goals :-)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    hey guys..<snip> I worked out everyday...

    Always weigh after a rest day :) You retain water after exercise and the amount can vary, so you won't get an accurate figure the next day.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    When I have too much sodium, I retain water for three days.... Could you have eaten something high in sodium?
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Losing 4 to 5 lbs in a week is so very unhealthy. It will also cause sagging of the skin, which is sometimes more embarrassing than the extra weight.

    Give yourself a break, it took more than 3 weeks to put it on, so it is going to take longer to take it off.
  • Fififantastic
    I know how you feel. I put on 2lbs after my first week and was soooo disappointed. But I kept going, and this week I have lost the 2lbs I put on plus another 1lb. I know i will have good weeks and not so good weeks on this journey but I am not going to give up, because giving up is what lead me to piling on all this weight in the first place. Good luck and keep moving forward, eventually your body will recognise that you are serious about this and start showing results that match the effort you put in.
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    had the same issue yesterday, no budge on the scale. Sunday is usually my weigh in day.
    Decided to jump on it again this morning, 1lbs lost. (Not as much as I would like, but not too bad).

    Some days the scale just won't work with you!
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    The same thing happened with me this week. And I was totally bummed out yesterday. But just do it again this week, and the benefits will outweight everything else. One of the reaons this web-site works. :) When we are having bad days or feeling discouraged we have other people going through the same thing who understand, and can offer helpful tips etc.
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been the same for a week to. What matters to me is the way I feel and that is lots better than I did before I started this. I am considering throwing away my scale and letting my jeans be my judge. I have my "skinny" jeans hanging on my closet door and when I can fit in them comfortably, then I'm done.
  • DoDar
    DoDar Posts: 4
    Hang in there.. Don't undo what work you have already put in.. Are you maintaining calories.. If you go too low, you will stall out. Have you checked out the Jorge Curize, Belly Fat Cure.. It's so easy to follow and you never feel deprived... It's not a diet anymore.. Just rethinking sugars and carbs.. No calorie counting unless you are too low... Don't be discouraged.. Hold the battle... :)
  • Shelly2706
    Shelly2706 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for your support everyone..

    The thing is that my lil one just turned 3 months old so what i am getting rid of right now is still the babyweight..
    I am a person who just LOVES Carbs and sweets. and its sooooo hard to stay away...
    i am sp pround of myself that i cut that so good these last 2 weeks. but i also weighed myself 2 days ago and had 181.2 . now i am back at 183.6. thats what i am not understanding.. :(
    i have one cheat day which is saturdays.
    my husband said to try more cardio. i was doing more strength training since the main problem are my legs.
    i dont have the OK from my doc to run yet so i am doing aerobics ( no jumping) Zumba, and ellptical.
    do you think that could be it? i mean that i need to do more cardio than strength?
    i thought that if i build up my muscels i burn more calories that way???
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    hey guys..<snip> I worked out everyday...

    Always weigh after a rest day :) You retain water after exercise and the amount can vary, so you won't get an accurate figure the next day.

  • jjohnboy2000
    jjohnboy2000 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm now into my third week, of doing this properly, and have loast 5 pounds in 2 weeks. The first week I only lost a pound, and was disappointed, but have stuck at it, adjusted a couple of things.

    Just stick to small steps and goals, thats what I'm doing. Log on here and get support. You will get there.
  • Zainy_Zoex
    Don't be put off to much by what the scales say, I have put in my idea weight on here because it asks us to but realisticly I'm measuring my size lose, Waist, hips, thighs. I'm only 5'2" so im fairly short but my bone structure is bulky. When I was at my fittest and healthiest I was still deemed over weight because of my height, If you feel down about not losing the weight you wanted to in a time period try measuring instead. You are probably doing alot better than you think :) Good luck hun, and keep it up :D xx
  • aim2234
    aim2234 Posts: 13
    In your first week you usually lose a big amount, the second week is when your body goes " WAIT JUST A MINUTE" and trys to go into starvation mode. Second weeks are usually bad. Give yourself a break and look at your diet, if you are not giving yourself enough calories your body will hold on to whatever it can. Good Luck!:wink:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I am a person who just LOVES Carbs and sweets. and its sooooo hard to stay away...
    i am sp pround of myself that i cut that so good these last 2 weeks. but i also weighed myself 2 days ago and had 181.2 . now i am back at 183.6. thats what i am not understanding.. :(
    i have one cheat day which is saturdays.

    Is it possible that on your cheat day you went way overboard on the carbs and sweets since you're denying yourself them the rest of the time? The key to anything is moderation - and your body actually does need some carbs. Like everything else in moderation. I'd recommend moderating everything out rather than cutting them totally out only to perhaps go overboard on a cheat day.

    And as others have said, second weeks are usually tougher. Even the people on The Biggest Loser who have all that access to seemingly near-constant training, to nutritionists, etc. have tough weeks the second week.