i am soo frustrated this morning :(



  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    From my wall after a weigh in yesterday morning:
    +2 for the week. Strangely, I'm not sad or annoyed. Through the week, I did eat some pizza, a doughnut and a twice baked potato. I also killed in the gym 5 days this week. I ate white rice and steamed veggies at the chinese place well everyone else ate my favorite FRIED treats. I traded carbs for veggies, and I walked all over campus rather than drive (even in the cold rain). I can't control what my body does with what I give it, but I'm really happy with what I can control. Suck it two pounds! :)
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Eh, cut yourself a break. Keep on keeping on. I only weigh myself once a week now, on Friday morning right when I get up.

    No exercise = no weight loss for me. I think that is the hardest thing I am dealing with. Cutting calories is not enough when you have to lose 16lbs.

    I lost 2lbs last week on the weigh in my first week but realistically I am sure it is closer to the 1/2lb a week I am shooting for.
  • i have actually gained 2lbs so don't feel bad. And then while the games were going on yesterday my skinny husband was eating whatever he wanted while i was eating healthy! i am very frustrated and just trying my hardest to stay positive.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Remember a lot has to do with your girlie cycle too. Don't get freaked. Just keep up the good work. You are awesome.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I understand! Don't feel too bad. Make sure you give yourself a rest day. That is when the repair to the muscles happen...and the results. Drink plenty of water and watch your sodium..water weight! You're doing GREAT. Dont give up!! You got this. ;-)
  • sjbuescher
    sjbuescher Posts: 45 Member
    Depending on how much you retain water and what time you weighed yourself, your weight can dramatically fluctuate. As a test to this, I weighed my self multiple times in one day after various activities just to see.

    After I eat a meal or drink some water, i can be up to 5 lbs heavier.
    After exercise, depending on how much water I drank and how intense it was, I wan weigh 2-5 lbs more,
    After using the restroom, I can drop a lb or two.

    This is all within just 24 hours! That's why it's important to try and weigh yourself once a week. I know my husband likes to step on the scale everyday, but he only records his Monday weight (his weigh in date). He fluctuates throughout the week, but as long as it's within a 5lb range he knows he's still probably on track to maintain or lose that week.

    Just this weekend I was discouraged because I started at 199, in 2 weeks was down to 187 and then nothing. Saturday I was back up in the 190's, but then I realized I hadn't been drinking my water that day (something I struggle with on the weekends). I drank away and sure enough, I was down to 185 this morning. Don't give up!! In weight loss, slow and steady definitely wins the race!!
  • JC98
    JC98 Posts: 21
    I felt the same this morning. I've been doing really well and losing pretty steady, but I think it's slowing down now that I'm on week 3. I weighed myself this morning and it said that I've gained 1/2 lb. For a few minutes I was upset, but I got rid of that feeling real quick when I reminded myself of how much better I feel/my body feels. I can see/feel the changes even when the scale says different. I think everyone that says to take measurements are right and I'm going to start doing that. Don't get discouraged!! :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    hey guys..

    week 3 of my diet has started... i weigh myself once a week..
    started at 188.4lbs. last week i had 183.6 :) i was eating good excersing and it was fun.
    i was sooo motivated this last week hoping for a nother 4-5 pounds.. BUT NOTHING,,
    i weight the same as i did last week.. WHY! I worked out everyday... and watched what i ate and all...

    this is not a good start in to the new week :(

    You've only just begun. This is not a race. Diets do not work, THIS is a lifestyle change. You may not lose every week, but as long as you continue to make healthier choices it will come off.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    Don't give up, this happens to just about everyone when they first start a lifestyle change......we are here for support eat healthy and exercise as you have been and it will catch up with you. Like someone else said check your measurements if your scale doesn't change your inches may be slimming...............good work
  • I find that I lose 1-2 lbs a week and then the next week stay the same. The week after that I lose 1-2 lbs again and then stay the same the week after. Don't get discouraged! The key is to stick to it, make small changes, and keep moving. (Also, I find that I tend to sabotage all of my hard work with evening snacks...)
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    sorry do you know how to change kg to stones please?

    What's a stone? Translation to Canadian please?
  • We all go up and down, Do not sweat it. Just keep your eye on what your doing and kep after it you will win this fight.

    ps: 1 kilogram = 0.157473044 stones
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    hey guys..

    week 3 of my diet has started... i weigh myself once a week..
    started at 188.4lbs. last week i had 183.6 :) i was eating good excersing and it was fun.
    i was sooo motivated this last week hoping for a nother 4-5 pounds.. BUT NOTHING,,
    i weight the same as i did last week.. WHY! I worked out everyday... and watched what i ate and all...

    this is not a good start in to the new week :(

    You've only just begun. This is not a race. Diets do not work, THIS is a lifestyle change. You may not lose every week, but as long as you continue to make healthier choices it will come off.
    Stay motivated and keep punching.
    Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Its only a week. Relax and recalculate!
  • Don't let the scale de-rail your long term goals!! There are many reasons that the scale didn't move, but what is a fact is that you made healthy choices last week and you will make healthy choices this week. Remember you are creating a new life style and success comes in steady, consistent changes. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Cardio, strength training, healthy eating.. it's all required!

    Sometimes I find that I am my own worst enemy, and what I really need to do is RELAX about the whole thing. By that I don't mean slack off. I mean go to the gym without any time limits. Stay on the elliptical until you're too tired to keep going (or too bored not to switch machines!). Do as much strength training as you feel you can that day. If it's only 15 minutes, that's okay. But maybe it will be longer! Sometimes you need to focus on feeling good about your positive choices rather than the amount of time spent dragging yourself through a workout.

    I also avoid the scale for weeks at a time. Yes, I like to check my progress. No, I don't think that's a bad thing. But like you said-- you were feeling great about your positive lifestyle changes until the moment you stepped on the scale. The scale is not the be-all and end-all. Try skipping it for a week or two and keep riding that high your healthy choices produced. Especially when you've just started out, you need to focus on whatever it is that is going to keep you going in this direction, and avoid what is going to discourage you.
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    hiya iv just started week 3 and iv lost 5 pounds over ther last 2 i dont have cheat days i get the choclate cravings and the fatty foods craving but i just go and make myself busy or have a glass of water because if i start eating them again il not stop. i find it very hard to loose weight and have usally given up by now but i havent and i feel so proud of myself for sticking to it. this week im trying to exercise more . dont feel down because you,ll only feel worse if you go off track and be pleased that you dident put any weight on
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    A number of things could be factoring into the scale not moving. One your body is adjusting because such a big loss the first week will take your body some time to adjust to the changes. 2. water. I assume you are like most people on this journey, increasing your water intake. Anything from high sodium intake to excercise and TOM can bloat you with water weight. 3. You are working out, so you could be gaining muscle but losing weight. A pound is a pound, but not all pounds are created equal, they just weight the same. a pound of fat is just that a pound of muscle not only makes you stronger it also helps you burn fat.

    While we all like to see the numbers on the scale drop it should not be our only way of judging our success.
    ask yourself a few ??'s how do you feel over all? How are your clothes fitting?? Do you see a difference in your shape??

    Words to live by~
    Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson
    Thought this was a good one to be interpreted as: Don't judge each day by what the scale says but by the effort that you put in! ~

    Good luck on your journey~
  • After 50lbs of loss I can tell you an important fact.
    Throw away everything you have been conditioned to think about weight loss and make it very simple.
    If calories in is less than your break even amount you are losing fat.
    If you let your scales rule your life you are in for some big disapointments and some big highs.
    Weigh only once a week and realize retention changes according to how much muscle is added from excercize and how much fat is lost.
    Adjust your mentality to the long term and stay with it. Do this to change your life not go on a diet. Losing the weight will happen then you have to keep it off which will be even harder than what you are doing now.
    When you get smart enough to know that and totally believe in the fact that if you cut calories you lose weight you will smile when you weigh and dont get a loss. Its just the nature of your body. I have gone 10 days on 800 calories a day and not lost weight and then all of a sudden 3 lbs drop off. Those scales are reading water weight, muscle gain, etc. You are losing at a steady rate but your scales absolutely will not read that way.
    Hope this helps someone.
  • I can sympathis, I've lost nothing the last week, and been as good as gold done excersise everything but not a smidgen came off, Infact Im not sure I've really lost anything as my scales were all over the place so I bought new ones.. Just keep trying I guess, It really is demorolising though.:sad: