Neutral helpers

I'm 32 years old and recently joined Myfitness pal. I'm a mother of a 2 year old boy! He's all boy too. I'm married to a wonderful man who I helped loose over 125lbs in a year time. I'm a nurse and it was easy for me to help him. Not so much for me to help myself. I'm at the highest point of weight gain that I've ever been at. I have 4 friends from work on this site helping me out but I would like some neutral helpers too. I'm realizing that I'm severely addicted to candy, mainly chocolate but candy of any kind. I mean seriously addicted. I find my self hiding out just to eat it. So, didn't think it could be a real problem. I've been on my diet since Jan 1st and have cut out mainly all my candy/chocolate intake. I've lost 6lbs. The cravings are severe lol but I'm trying to get thru it... so if this story hasn't made you consider me a freak feel free to send me a add request... much love and much luck!


  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    Good luck to you on your journey:)
  • slipinluv
    Thanks and good luck on yours!:happy:
  • Bev_Q
    Bev_Q Posts: 7
    I'm also a sugar addict. Don't feel so bad, I've read that sugar affects the brain just like a heroin addiction, and that's how I feel sometimes. I will eat healthy all day long, lots of salads and fruit and raw veggies and then the sugar craving gets me and I just want to stuff myself with candy or cupcakes or anything to give me that delicious sugar rush. If I don't have any change on me for the vending machine, I will pretty much go crazy and all I can think about is where to get sugar.

    I know there's also a connection there between candida in your body and an imbalance of proper bacteria. I've been taking Dr. Ohirra's probiotics as well as digestive enzymes. I think the only cure is fighting the addiction and giving up sugar for more than 30 days...not that I actually believe I can do that. So what do you do for your cravings?