
hi, started my journey last monday (16/january/12) and had my weigh intoday.
starting weight : 163.7
weigh in today: 158.2 = 5.5 loss

im on a 1200 cals per day.. i excercise as much as i can..

my question is 5.5lbs is alot to loose in a week right? dont get me wrong im very happy but it cant be healthy? how do i get the ballance right or keep going the way i am as my weight loss will slow down as ive herd you loose the most weight your first week .. please help im so confused???


  • surgesilk
    Don't be surprised if a bit of that comes back the next week. After your body gets used to your new routine, at 1200 cals/day, you should be in the 2-3lb loss range.
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    Its your first week so a big loss is quite normal, you get rid of quite a lot of excess water in the first week too. Dont underestimate how many cals you were perhaps eating before so this reduction has kick started your weightloss.

    I would be surprised and maybe concerned if this kind of loss appeared again.

    Well done for sticking to it and enjoy your transformation in lifestyle and body image!
  • keggreen
    Just keep in mind that you'll lose a lot of water weight the first couple of weeks. It'll slow down.
  • Auspiciousgirl
    Hey there! Congrats on this decision and on making healthy choices!! Typically more than 2 lbs per week is considered to be too much of a loss... but since it's your first week, I really wouldn't worry about it. When I first started (I lost 40 lbs in 6 months) I had a week when I lost more than 5 lbs, but as I went on I also had weeks that I lost less than 1/2 lb. Overall I averaged less than 2 lbs per week. One week of a huge loss, especially right away, is probably fine. Just make sure you talk to your doctor if this keeps happening :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Just keep in mind that you'll lose a lot of water weight the first couple of weeks. It'll slow down.

    yep. I lost 30 my first week.