Newbie :)


Im new on here and i was just wondering if anyone had some advise for keeping the diet up and not going off the rails.

And does anyone else feel so bad when no weight has been lost in a week.

Im eating (well i think iam) correctly and i walk to and from work everyday and i do an exercise dvd but i cant seem to get any lower than 10,10

Any advice :)



  • taylormeskinny
    Hi there,

    I am a newbie too. I have never had a ton of weight to lose, so I seem to plateau pretty easily. My suggestion is to try to switch up your exersize as much as possible to "trick" your body.

    As far as keeping on the healthy eating track.. that is my biggest problem. I love unhealthy food. I have noticed that when I have a hard work out, I usually tend to crave more healthy foods.