BMR VS. 1200 calories?!?!?!?! HELP!

Im semi-new to this site and not just trying to loose weight, I am trying to tone and live a healthy lifestyle with healthier foods!! I have been doing much reading on this site about eating 1200 cals (or whatever MFP sets for you) vs. eating more then that. Some say you should, some say you shouldn't and I can't get a clear reading on what to do...

So, here is my question (which Im sure has been asked thousands of times) : If my BMR is 1425, and MFP says I should eat around 1250 to loose 1 lb a week, is eating that going to be enough to not hit starvation mode?! I DO eat back my exercise cals...



  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    it probably depends on how much you have to lose.

    You could try eating that much and see how you feel. Or you could set it to 1/2 pound a week and have more... probably 1500 about would be what MFP would set on 1/2 pound.
  • PirateJohn
    You should be okay. You don't actually have to eat as many calories as your BMR. Plus, if you're burning, say, 500 calories in a day via exercise, then you can eat 1200 + 500 = 1700 calories that day. As long as your body is getting enough carbs, it will be able to use your bodyfat as fuel, which, of course, is what you want it to do!
  • missa5683
    I honestly don't know. However, I eat my exercise calories too. So I'm thinking in order to lose weight you would want to use MFP recommendation. So you have a calorie deficit. However, if your not eating back your calories from exercise maybe you should be eating your BMR. A calorie deficit is what you need to have in order to lose weight. That much I do know.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Did MFP calculate the 1425 as being your BMR or your TDEE (sorry for all the acronyms) They are not the same thing.

    If you are confused by what the two mean check out this link:

    Generally, eating under your BMR is not advisable. Eating under your TDEE however is definitely necessary.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The MFP plan is a good one. If you stick with it and eat good foods, you should be fine.
  • kathymurt
    You are burning the 1400 calories a day but to lose weight you need to take in fewer calories then you burn. It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound of weight. Other quick weight loss or gain is usually due to water retention.
  • corbinam
    corbinam Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the responses, I should also point out that I never go hungry, and eating usually 1300-1400 NET cals keeps me very full and never leaves me wanting more.... so if it were recommended to eat more then that I honestly do not know how I would stuff it in my belly haha :)