Stretch marks!



  • Hi Everyone, I've had mine for 25 years now. They do get smaller, however, I really don't believe you can totally get rid of them all other than having plastic surgery.. Ladies be proud those are your battle scars!!! Sure it would be nice to have my stomach pre-baby but sometimes it's just not meant to be. My husband says they're beautiful. :blushing:
  • That's beautiful!!!:cry:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I have stretch marks and before I had my last baby, I had a flat stomach and a 6-pack but the marks were still there. I did some reading about stretch marks after I had my 2nd baby 9 years ago and I found that it's basically dead skin. So I found this Chinese 'cure' for them. I figured I'd try it out. Here's what you do. Get one of those wooden massage toys with the balls on it. Like this one:

    Next use a good quality lotion with vitamin a and e in it. Bio-oil works well. You put the bio-oil on your stomach and you use the massage tool to massage it in vigorously. The idea behind this is that the massage will help to re-stimulate the dead skin so that blood will flow to them again thus 'removing' them.

    Now here's the kicker. This is painful. Not a little bit of pain like a pin prick, this is painful like having children with no epidural. When I did this, my stomach was sore for days afterward. It worked great but it was excruiating. Since then, I've had 2 more kids and decided that I love my stretch marks.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I have stretch marks and before I had my last baby, I had a flat stomach and a 6-pack but the marks were still there. I did some reading about stretch marks after I had my 2nd baby 9 years ago and I found that it's basically dead skin. So I found this Chinese 'cure' for them. I figured I'd try it out. Here's what you do. Get one of those wooden massage toys with the balls on it. Like this one:

    Next use a good quality lotion with vitamin a and e in it. Bio-oil works well. You put the bio-oil on your stomach and you use the massage tool to massage it in vigorously. The idea behind this is that the massage will help to re-stimulate the dead skin so that blood will flow to them again thus 'removing' them.

    Now here's the kicker. This is painful. Not a little bit of pain like a pin prick, this is painful like having children with no epidural. When I did this, my stomach was sore for days afterward. It worked great but it was excruiating. Since then, I've had 2 more kids and decided that I love my stretch marks.

    By, "it worked" do you mean it got rid of your marks?
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    By, "it worked" do you mean it got rid of your marks?

    Yes, no more stretch marks. And they stayed away too until I got pregnant with baby 3, then they came back.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    By, "it worked" do you mean it got rid of your marks?

    Yes, no more stretch marks. And they stayed away too until I got pregnant with baby 3, then they came back.

    I might be willing to endure the pain for that lol, thanks for sharing!
  • Depending on the severity - Bio Oil works wonders :)
  • I had stretch marks on my legs and butt, from losing and gaining weight too quickly back in high school. By the time I started living a better lifestyle in university, I had some pretty bad stretch marks. I used Nivea (the thick one from the tub) and Bio Oil as topical applications. I also bought a body brush and exfoliated daily. That made them fade quickly. Then I started taking Biotin and now they're completely gone.

    Good luck.
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    Mine were terrible with my first (5lbs 9oz) -- super thick and all below my belly button. I also had PUPPPs and scratched those suckers until they bled. I got a second batch above my belly button with my second (8lbs 5oz). Youngest is 18mo and they actually look fine, they have gone from 1/2" wide, to thin and silvery now. Didn't do a thing to them.
  • At least the mothers can say they were worth it for beautiful healthy baby's. ME, well I got mine from eating a WHOLE lot and not being very active. Would love to have a great excuse, but oh well. The worst part is that no matter how much I lose I will always have them. At least my wife has hers from baby's and she has clothes to help hold them in. I guess mine will always just have to hang there and be flabby. :sad: I am trying to use them as some motivation and a reminder of what over eating and being lazy got me.
  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    I have tons too. I can deal with my stretch marks it's the flab from having 2 kids that I hate! :smile:
  • Thanks for posting this. I have stretch marks too, and now I know that I actually have some options for getting rid of them. :smile: