All my childhood I was an active kid, running around playing getting into all sorts of mischief ( what kid didn't). Everything was all rainbows and sunshine till I entered the dreaded Junior High, I think thats when you became more self-concious about yourself, I know I definitly did I had a butt ( still do but now I realize its not such a curse as I once thought). I had friends all through school but lets say they werent the best influence. I started experimenting with drugs when I was 14 nothing serious just smoked alittle, as time went by I tried other things nothing crazy serious like those hardcore drugs, but what I did had an effect on me. When i was 20 is when I realized this isnt the life for me, so drugs were not happening anymore. Time went by and I realized HOLY COW ive put on weight more time went by and I was like OMG What have I done to myself (ME NOW). I realized that the smallest I had ever been was when I was on drugs hardley eating and so on, and I want to be that again minus the drugs and not eating. I want to do it the healthy way. When I was that small I wasnt happy I still thought I was fat and didnt understand life. Well now i AM fat and i understand life, I love my life I just dont love the way I feel and losing this weight is just going to be another journey I need to take to feel better about me. This story may not make sense to any of you, some of you may think oh this is your typical story, but its my story and i needed to write it so I can remember why Im doing what im doing right now. =)


  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • C_Lopez
    C_Lopez Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to a healthy life!!
  • Good Luck to you!!!! :happy:
  • mcarden86
    mcarden86 Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it! Here's to you getting healthy, in more ways than one :drinker:
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    Good luck.

    Anything is possible now you've made a decision to change things.

  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    You can do whatever you commit to do. Stay focused on what you want (to be healthy) and you will do it!:bigsmile:
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    I loved your story. Congratulations to you for working so hard to turn your life around. I know this journey of weight loss is far from easy but you're doing it for the right reasons and working hard to do it the right way. You will succeed!
  • girl tell your story, because one day you are going to look back and smile