Should fitness fanatics be easier on January gym-goers?



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I think it's great that people get motivated to go, but I wish people would be more considerate. Like wipe down your machines, don't hog machines while sitting there doing nothing on your phone. I understand everyone starts somewhere, but look at the people around you who are rocking it out, and take tips from them. Watch them as they clean the machines, as they are efficient in getting on and off the machines in a proper amount of time, watch them as they use their phones for music, NOT FOR TALKING AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE ON THE PHONE. If you can carry a conversation, you need to kick it up a notch!

    I ran on a treadmill one night and had went about 3 miles and the calorie count was close to 800 calories per the machine, but before I could get back and wipe it down, a woman got on it and started walking and talking.. Apparently she hit something and it started and my calories and such were picked right back up.. I got on a bike behind her to loosen my knees up and to wait to wipe it down. After 10 minutes of her walking she looked down and said.. Man I been on this thing for 40 minutes and I've already went over 3 miles and burned 900 calories... Wendy's here I come. Girl you need anything? I'm getting me a Triple.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    This is why we should lift weights. Newbies don't do weights, they do the machines and treadmills.

    Newbies curl, but i don't so they can curl all they want.

    I was doing a triple set Sat. Squats, military press and curls. One dude (bigger than me) was sitting there doing curls with a 50lb barbell. One set, sat there for like 5 min, does another set. I squatted(225lbs for 8), did my military presses (55 lbs for 8) and walked over and picked up the 65lb barbell and did a quick set of 10.

    People waste so much time in the gym
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    From what I have heard by the end of Jan-Feb the new ppl don't stick with it and give up. I don't have this issues but I can see where it could become a problem for regluars. Life is to short to get upset over it. It will work out in the end. I myself don't have a problem with this for I have most of the stuff to work out in my basement. That and I have a 6 week Boot Camp class Signed up for 3 days week.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    This is why we should lift weights. Newbies don't do weights, they do the machines and treadmills.

    Newbies curl, but i don't so they can curl all they want.

    Double post as this forum is slow today.

    I also don't dedicate that much time to curls. Only as a side exercise to complete a double/triple set.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I think it's great that people get motivated to go, but I wish people would be more considerate. Like wipe down your machines, don't hog machines while sitting there doing nothing on your phone. I understand everyone starts somewhere, but look at the people around you who are rocking it out, and take tips from them. Watch them as they clean the machines, as they are efficient in getting on and off the machines in a proper amount of time, watch them as they use their phones for music, NOT FOR TALKING AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE ON THE PHONE. If you can carry a conversation, you need to kick it up a notch!

    I ran on a treadmill one night and had went about 3 miles and the calorie count was close to 800 calories per the machine, but before I could get back and wipe it down, a woman got on it and started walking and talking.. Apparently she hit something and it started and my calories and such were picked right back up.. I got on a bike behind her to loosen my knees up and to wait to wipe it down. After 10 minutes of her walking she looked down and said.. Man I been on this thing for 40 minutes and I've already went over 3 miles and burned 900 calories... Wendy's here I come. Girl you need anything? I'm getting me a Triple.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    What I really enjoy is that next to the gym I'm at now, there's a Chinese buffet next door and you'll see all these people come in, hope on a treadmill for 20 minutes, go change, and leave.

    When I leave the gym an hour or so later they're walking out of the Chinese buffet.
  • I love all the newbies. I am a people watcher and newbies are the best entertainment. I use to go to a gym that only had 30 treadmills and they were always packed in January. I started to run the track instead and just people watch as I went around. Yes, I felt like a hamster running in circles but it was a great challenge mentally because I cant zone out on a TV like I do on the treadmill.

    Also, I have a feeling that newbies quickly get weeded out because they always feel like outsiders. If you see someone that clearly needs a lesson on gym etiquette why not politely introduce yourself and fill them in. One of the previous posts said "everyone starts somewhere" and I agree! I vote for being more accepting.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    This is why we should lift weights. Newbies don't do weights, they do the machines and treadmills.

    Newbies curl, but i don't so they can curl all they want.
    Hey I curl and I'm not a newbie.

    Your face when i do weighted chin ups when ever i want to work my biceps.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    Everyone deserves the chance to be healthy. We should smile and encourage them, then maybe they will no longer be just a "January gym-goer."
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I can't honestly say how I would feel if all the machines were full because of newcomers. I would be irritated, but I don't know if I would have a right to be.

    With the free weights, I don't mind so long as when I ask said newcomer to trade off weights between sets, they don't give me attitude. I've had people almost want to give me attitude, but no one has refuted me yet.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    I think it's great that people get motivated to go, but I wish people would be more considerate. Like wipe down your machines, don't hog machines while sitting there doing nothing on your phone. I understand everyone starts somewhere, but look at the people around you who are rocking it out, and take tips from them. Watch them as they clean the machines, as they are efficient in getting on and off the machines in a proper amount of time, watch them as they use their phones for music, NOT FOR TALKING AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE ON THE PHONE. If you can carry a conversation, you need to kick it up a notch!

    I ran on a treadmill one night and had went about 3 miles and the calorie count was close to 800 calories per the machine, but before I could get back and wipe it down, a woman got on it and started walking and talking.. Apparently she hit something and it started and my calories and such were picked right back up.. I got on a bike behind her to loosen my knees up and to wait to wipe it down. After 10 minutes of her walking she looked down and said.. Man I been on this thing for 40 minutes and I've already went over 3 miles and burned 900 calories... Wendy's here I come. Girl you need anything? I'm getting me a Triple.

    :laugh: :laugh:

    ROTFL!!! I'm sorry, that's just hilarious.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I just think that if they were really serious about losing weight, they wouldn't want to wait until January 1st to do it. Every day is a new day to make a positive change in your life, and I wish everybody saw it that way.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Everyone deserves the chance to be healthy. We should smile and encourage them, then maybe they will no longer be just a "January gym-goer."
    I think alot of the newbies come in wanting to drop 50 lbs in a month or wanting to bulk up over night while still eating McDonald's or Pizza Hut 4 times a week. And when it doesn't happen an they see zero results, they lose patience and leave.

    Now the younger ones will stay. The guys want to get "cut up" and the girls want to cut 10 lbs off of that 110 they weigh so they'll look good in a bikini.

    Wow.. I sound like a jerk.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    My gym doesn't have reception. I think they placed the gym in a no reception zone on purpose.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I think we all need to remember that once upon a time we all started as january gym-goers and here we are today! Most of the newbies will stick around long enough to realise its working and make the committment. Its so easy to get all high and mighty but we need to remember that we all had to start somewhere- give these people a break.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I have not noticed the gym I go to being any more crowded this month than in the last few months of 2011.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I think we all need to remember that once upon a time we all started as january gym-goers and here we are today! Most of the newbies will stick around long enough to realise its working and make the committment. Its so easy to get all high and mighty but we need to remember that we all had to start somewhere- give these people a break.

    You're right.. But if one more points at my Vibrams and laughs, I'm passing out swirlies.
  • Think about it -- if it wasn't for all those January joiners who go 8 times never to return, do you think your gym cost would be nearly so low? Or do you think your gym would even be in business? You should thank them!
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    The only newbies that bother me are the ones that walk in thinking they own the gym and have no reagard for anyone else. i can definitely tell the different between someone that is just trying to figure things out and learn the ways of the gym world as opposed to those that want to come it do what they want when they want to lose their 10lbs and thats it. If they come in with attitude they desever to get it back, I don't like divas new or old.

    That being said.... I, however, love to help a newbie in need, makes me feel like I'm contributing to their journey. The gym can be a very intimidating place for someone that has never been or is trying a new place out. Every gym has a differenct culture and the fear of doing something wrong could stop someone dead in their tracks as trying to lose weight is scary enough.