New and looking for support & friends! :)

Hi all! My name is Angela and I am new to the chat part of MFP. I did MFP over the summer, along with exercise regularly, and I lost roughly 30 pounds! I love the app on my phone and am giving the website a shot! :) I started a daily blog and hope to make new friends so we can support each other and our goals. I recently gained about 10 pounds of my weight loss BACK over the holidays...I know, BUMMER! :( Now that I am back on track, with new goals in mind, I plan to lose roughly 30 more pounds. I am basically losing baby weight. I have two boys, one will be 3 in March and the other just turned 1 last month. They are my pride and joy and I love playing with them and seeing their happy faces! :) Another goal I have is to STOP SMOKING! I have smoked now for a little over 6 years and I want to stop. This will all happen in due time, I know :)
Anyways, if anyone wants to be friends and cheer each other on, ADD ME so we can get to know each other and keep in touch! :)
Hope everyone out there is doing well and slowly inching their way towards their goals. xx


  • susankaye123
    Hello, stareted this diet just a few daays ago.. Im giving it all I got and hope to see results. You can to but is harder with little ones..:love:
  • AngelaG2006
    Thank you! I am going to send you a friend request, is that okay? That way we can help each other :)
    Hello, stareted this diet just a few daays ago.. Im giving it all I got and hope to see results. You can to but is harder with little ones..:love:
  • sunshineshell81
    sunshineshell81 Posts: 34 Member
    I will add you, I love having motivating people on here, it does help :o)
  • esperanza77

    We can be friends. I'm also trying to loose weight, but I find it hard to stay motivated . My brother recommended this site, and here I am. I tried a few months ago, but didn't take it seriously. This time I really want to do it. I'll send you a friend's request in a little bit. I also have a little one who will be 3 in April.
  • susankaye123
    Hi Angelag2006, hows it going for you. The baby in my picture is my grandchild. But I know it will be harder for someone with small children..Good luck and talk to you soon to see how your doing...::bigsmile:
  • AmandaPandaEverett
    Hi im 37 and A mum of 3 and grandma of 1. I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago but 2 stone has krept on slowly and now i not only do i want to shift it but also the remainder 1 stone i had wanted to loose to get to goal . This totals to 42lb . Im posotive and know il do it . My daughter is also dieting with me so we can suport each other but i believe with loosing weight you have to do it for yorself .
    Woop Woop to a new healthier slimmer me xx
  • EjQMi
    EjQMi Posts: 1 Member
    Do you mind if I tag along as well? It seems as though we have a lot in common. I also have 2 boys, one who will turn 3 in March and the other who's turning 1 next month. This past summer I also tracked my progress on this site and lost 22 lbs. However over the fall I got a little side-tracked and am now trying to get back into a healthy routine so I can lose at least 30 lbs, if not more. This is the first time I'm reaching out to the community for help/motivation, and I thought it was such a neat coincidence you had a similar story. I just started working out again today and am hoping to keep up with it at least 4-5 times a week. Here goes nothing!
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    Feel free to add me - I have lost 110 with MPF and am currently working on my last 30!!

  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Angela
  • swimnurseteacher
    I need help and support also. It is usually hard around the holidays, but now is the time to get back on track. :wink:
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome Angela
    Congratulations on the great results! I thought I would pass on some tips that helped me quit smoking. (I have been smoke-free for almost 4 years now).
    I used a free website called Go there and download the E-book "Never take another puff". There is a ton of excellent information in it. It explained a lot of things I had issues with in my numerous other attempts to quit in myprevious 2 decades. I tried many methods. Hypnosis, nicotine gum, the patch, zyban. Long story short: cold turkey is the best way to quit. Why? My belief is that the initial withdrawal symptoms are so bad in the first week that you will *never* want to go through them again. It will also give you an idea of just how powerful a drug/poison nicotine actually is.

    I learned that nicotine-replacement methods (gum, patch) had a very high failure rate. All they do is drag out your withdrawal phase.
    (I was very surprised that doctors are not very informed on how to quit smoking and will often just suggest pills and patches and not realize how ineffective these methods are.)

    I also learned that your body will try and convince you that you need nicotine even long after it has completely left your system. Scary!
    The philosophy to remain a non-smoker is you just have to focus on one simple rule: "Never take another puff".

    What used to mess me up was I could never figure out why I still had cravings many weeks and even months after I had quit. I know *now* that these cravings will go on (much less intense mind you) for several years. When do these cravings completely go away? I have spoken with a few long-term ex-smokers and had various responses ranging from 15 to 20 years. Knowing this, I won't worry about the occasional nic-fits any more as this is normal. A few seconds per week isn't so bad. When I first quit, I used to have a nic-fit about every minute.

    Just be careful not to replace smoking with a worse habit. I replaced it with eating. In the first 60 days, I gained 27 pounds - a pound every 2 days! At my heaviest, I was up about 50 pounds. I was thin like a rake initially but then soon had cholesterol issues (and a spare tire and man-boobs LOL). Thanks to mfp I am back to a sane weight and I now eat in a much healthier manner (smaller portions, better food etc).

    You've already proven to yourself you can set a goal and get results so I think you can do the non-smoking thing too. It will be very tough but you will be rewarded with many more years of health (and life!)

    All the best!