I just started MFP last week (after having an account for months) and so far I'm doing really well. I'm down 4 lbs already which is amazing. For some reason this time around seems to be easier and more organized than I was in my previous weight loss journeys. I'm finding out that the trick is..... TO PLAN! I have to have my days organized and planned out or else I won't succeed. Hopefully I form a habit to where I don't have to plan as much and I'll eventually just learn to do the right thing.

In the meantime, I'm looking for new buddies to meet, share stories with and lose with. My family and most of my friends aren't on the "health" kick like I am so I kinda feel alone in this. Having friends on here that I can relate to will totally help.

Can't wait to meet some of you! :-)



  • feel fee to add me, I am a regular gym goer and love the outdoors too, and will help encourage you.
    Planning is the way forward, I plan at least 5 days meals in advance and shop from a list so I do not binge or buy unnecessary things.
    Good luck!
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I joined months ago but did not stay on top of it. I am finally back and ready to get to business. So far ive been working out regularly for the past 2 weeks but could also use encouragement. Feel free to add me and we can share experiences. =)
  • mjok31
    mjok31 Posts: 84
    Just want to start by saying that your profile pic is beautiful! Anyways, add me if you would like! I have about 20-30 lbs to go and have been here on MFP for about 5 weeks now and really loving it! I would love to help motivate anyone I can and get some encouragement back too! Good luck!!!!
  • sunshineshell81
    sunshineshell81 Posts: 34 Member
    I will send you a request :o) I love having motivating people on MFT, it has helped me loose weight and keep a positive outlook.
  • Hi,

    Your story sounds similiar to mine. I joined months ago per my brother's recommendation but didn't really do anything. I'm back here with a lot of motivation, but I know I will need more for those days when the motivation starts fading away. Let's support each other :o)
  • piratetink
    piratetink Posts: 46 Member
    HI! I'm new to posting here too. I agree with you about planning - there's less of a chance for me to grab something less healthy if I've planned what I'm going to have. I need to work on planning some exercise next. I'll send you a friend request so we can help each other.

  • holly1007
    holly1007 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I'm fairly new as well, about two weeks in now.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey, please feel free to add me, i also need motivation as i really need to shift this weight, but at th same time i love helping and motivating others - good luck :):)
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    :smile: Feel free to add me. I can relate well with you. None of my family or friends are really into the health, or weight loss thing so it makes it difficult. It is always good to have friends to help support one another, and the more the merrier I think!
  • carlywilkins14
    carlywilkins14 Posts: 21 Member
    I joined a while back. Lost 13 pounds. But put it back on. Although when I weighed myself again I was 7 less than I thought I was! I've lost 4 pounds this week. I have only used the app to count calories. I don't have any pals. And really need help with motivation! I'm not keen on exercise. Have only lost weight through food.
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    You can add me as well!! I have around 30 ish pounds to lose and love this site and have the app! Love to help and motivate the best that I can!
  • draayer7
    draayer7 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello and welcome back! I have been on for almost a month now and don't know what I would do without MFP! It IS my support group! I love making new friends on here and the motivation and encouragement! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Ajmead
    Ajmead Posts: 56
    Hi, you can add me. We need help and support from others when we are having a bad day
  • tattooedtealady
    tattooedtealady Posts: 81 Member
    Hi :)

    It's great to see you are feeling more concentrated and organised with MFP! I definitely agree that planning is vital. When I plan ahead, I do well. When I don't plan ahead, I hit problems and eat the wrong things!

    If you would like to add me as a friend, feel free! The more support for each other the better! I'm 23, from the UK and aiming to lose 6st overall, at least 2.5st of which I want to lose by mid-April xo
  • Hello! My name is Jessica. I have been on this website before and I didn't have the motivation to continue. I hope to get back on track. I have been married 3 months and I lost 15lbs for that. After the wedding, I unfortunately let myself go a bit and I wish to get back on track.
  • beccas27
    beccas27 Posts: 200 Member
    Hello ALL... I'm looking for female friends on here to motivate each other & become friends... I just started this account 2 weeks ago.. I'm pretty pumped.. Feel free 2 send me a request.. FYI: I have a crazy sense of humor.
  • tamara306
    tamara306 Posts: 1 Member
    I need buddies too! Just sent a friend request!:happy:
  • I am just getting started but would love some MFP buddies.
  • You can add me as a buddy! I am new to this site, just joined today. We can do this together. I am working out 5 times a week currently,
  • kathleen2112
    kathleen2112 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me :)