Shirotaki noodles...yuk

I thought I would try these wonder noodles, but was sorely disappointed..yuk. slimy, and strange tasting, no thanks.


  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    They are an acquired taste that is for sure, but I love them, especially for 20 calories. I cover them in rice cheese and chimmy churry and serve as a side with fish. Or with some sesame oil , cracked black pepper and a teeny bit of fresh grated Parmesan. They for sure are not something I would want as my main dish, but as a side dish I find them to be quite good, especially if you flavor them up real good.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    They are pretty nasty and smell like an old fishing boat. I would rather eat reasonably sized portions of real pasta and noodles.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Real pasta >>>>>>> Imitators (miracle noodles, spaghetti squash, fungus noodles...:sick: )
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    I bought them and couldn't get over the smell. I didn't even try them.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    The first time I bought them and opened them, I threw them out because of that smell. Now I just rinse them off and throw them in the pot, they do not taste like that smell, kinda weird to me that it works that way.
  • AmandaPandaEverett
    They are pretty nasty and smell like an old fishing boat. I would rather eat reasonably sized portions of real pasta and noodles.

    Ive never tried these noodles or an old fishing boat for that matter lol
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Just tried these and loved them!!?
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    I got over the smell (my mom warned me) but I couldn't get over the texture... they were too slimy.... not for me!
  • CocoNuttie
    the smell is in the water it sits in, all you need to do is take it out, rinse if u like, but I just boil it and once cook it never ever has any smell. Just like strings of tasteless jelly.

    Also I suggest don't try using it instead of anything, that's why u can't get used to the texture. I think having it as a replacemrnt of pasta is just weird. Have it the original way the Japanese does, dont forget this noodle is not even made as a diet food, simply a lovely ingredient in japanese cookig. Search it on google, I cook mine with traditional sukiyaki which is a lovely beef, veg, tofu hot pot. Absolutely delicious and healthy as hell. Cooking it with Korean hot and spicy soup is also great (kimchi chige, again google).

    Hope that helps
  • starznholes
    starznholes Posts: 170 Member
    Hahahahaha my friend always talks about these noodles and keeps telling me to buy them...Thanks to this thread, i will not be trying them anytime soon.
  • dominarrygel
    I love them- A good way to have have them:
    -Rinse very well in hot water
    -Boil for three min.
    -Pad dry
    -Fry them
    -Add them to stir fry (thus frying them even more)

    Use a sauce with your stir fry and they will absorb it and taste great, dont add a sauce and they still taste good!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I heard these things are awful...I haven't tried them for myself
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Never tried them... that said I have tried Spaghetti squash- YUM! I'd top it with a hearty tomato sauce... delicious!!! Not exactly like spaghetti noodles, they have a little bit more of a "al dente" texture, but still a great substitute!!!
  • fmorpurgo
    Fishy snot:laugh:
  • dsoucy03
    Thank you all for this thread. I was going to try these, but now I think I will pass.

    "fishy snot", really???:sick: