Need Guidance

Im deployed and there is really nothing to do but the gym but here is my dilema. Im trying to lose gut but gain muscle... Am I hurting myself with protein shakes? Should I not be doing cardio/ should I be doing more cardio? I just want good leag nice chest and back and get rid of the keg I have aquired....

6'2" M 200 lbs...


  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Cardio and strength plus the added benefits of protein? Keep at it :) Your muscles won't show with the jiggely stuff on top, so keep up with that but try making it a circuit training to keep you heart rate up (to burn fat) and work as many muscles at once so you aren't wasting time at your workout.

    And, most men hate this suggestion, but try some yoga in there. This works the deep down stabilizing muscles and also helps to prevent you getting too tight from the rest of your workouts. And trust me, it's no pansy workout!
  • YOGA!?!?!? I think they do have a class here so I could give it a shot. So I shouldnt change anything and just keep shedding the fat with the cardio but continue on with the workouts for the muscles to show... I do insanity on occasion but recently my mission has changed and Im not able to go to the location I did it before... Or that could be just the exuse I plan on using right now...