help! starting to lose motivation :(

i was doing all right with the healthy eating and then i got back to college. now im stressed and i don't want to diet! in need of some motivation


  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    It is so hard to stay motivated!! I completely understand I am also a student (also a single mom) and it is hard to want to care when you stressed. I have to say this is the best time for you to care no matter how hard it is. I am preparing to take the nursing entrance exam and all of the study guides I read push for healthy eating and excersize a week before the test. There are more benefits of doing this, its not just weight loss. You will feel good and think better!! Keep it up, you can do this!!!
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28
    thank you! sometimes i just see some progress and then subconsciously think i don't need to put much effort into it anymore, which i do! i know, i feel much better when i take care of myself, and i see benefits like stronger nails and nicer skin.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm back at school as well, and I'm finding it really hard to motivate myself to work out. The only thing keeping me going is knowing how good I will feel after getting it done :D It's really the best reward!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Oh that's the worst! I'd say just try to get exercise and good eating in, and it'll help you destress anyway. Stay away from the coffee too. And don't get stressed if you don't stay on track as well as you want to, it'll just make it harder. Credit yourself for successes, but don't beat yourself up if you go off track a little. There are some easy foods you can do to avoid the junk as well. Oat meal is a good one, lentils are good (but make sure you don't undercook them!), and whole wheat tortillas with refried beans and a little cheese/salsa/hot sauce are a great, easy, non junk thing to eat!
  • I need help to! I cant seem to keep motivation. I have tryed everything someone please help!
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28
    for snacks in my room i have trail mix and yogurt and popcorn, the dining halls don't have much selection but i always go with the fresh veggies or fruit. my roommate is naturally skinny so she's eating way more than me! i might be a little jealous haha
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Dining halls are the worst! But even with most dining halls, they should have a decent salad bar, including yogurt and granola... There's a reason I gained 30 lbs in college, and it has a lot to do with greasy foods from the dining halls. And overly processed foods. Try to stay away from the grill station! Good luck!
  • lisasmith1968
    lisasmith1968 Posts: 13 Member
    try thinking about it this way....if your l ife depended on you eating healthy and exercising how would it change your attitude/motivation? WELL, it does depend on it!!! I was able to find motivation and good attitude towards healthy eating when my Doc told me that my cholesterol and triglycerides were too high ( probably why I was having chest pain) so for my health, my life, I choose to eat healthy and get fit....not just lose weight, but that is a bonus!!! You can do it!!! think healthy not weight loss!!!! good luck
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28
    thank you everyone for the motivation! tomorrow is a new day and i don't want to make the same bad food choices i did today. maybe i was just stress eating today, i became an auntie for the first time to a beautiful baby girl!
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    I would say to write down how your feeling before you mindless eat. Force yourself to confront the reasons you're stress eating so you can break the habit. Also, try to have apples and bananas on hand. Have one of those or drink some water before you dive into an unhealthy snack. I would be surprised if you would still want to eat something different!

    Another good tip is to exercise in the morning. I know it can be daunting and annoying to get up super early before the day, but it will give you more endorphins, energy, and stress relieving goodness that will fight off urges later on.

    Lastly, don't beat yourself up for not sticking to your healthy choices to a T. Part of it being a "lifestyle" is remembering you're human and you aren't off the path unless you are in denial and this is 6 months down the road and you're completely going in the other direction. Recognize that being aware is the best thing you can do for yourself and tomorrow is another day! :)

    I was rambling a bit, but I hope some of those tips help! :)
  • You really should try the GNC's lean shake too... Just add 12 oz of water! Perfect for in class when you get hungry! Ton of protein and vitamins.
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    set a goal for the rest of the week...exercise for 30mins a day, be under for 5 consecutive days, stay under on carbs today, etc. That's where I've had most of my success...add me if you wish I love support & giving it
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28
    i'm not so sure if i know what goes into a protein shake, are there any animal products involved? and i heard they arent good for your teeth? i do know that i need to start doing something differently! i always plateau :( i'm loving the motivation by the way!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    My thoughts are these:

    1. Who are you doing this for?
    - If it is for others and their oppinion of you then motivation can lack
    - If it is for you... then you should start to find that motivation again
    - If both of those are what you are doing it for then you should be able to search deep and find that motivation

    It can be hard and sometimes life gets heavy... But just think of how much better you feel when you eat healthier. The Energy you have and the outlook on life that you begin to shape.

    Try and look at the things that make you feel amazing when eating healthy and exercising!

    You can do it! you just need to believe in yourself :D
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    i'm not so sure if i know what goes into a protein shake, are there any animal products involved? and i heard they arent good for your teeth? i do know that i need to start doing something differently! i always plateau :( i'm loving the motivation by the way!

    nah a protein shake (if you buy 100% whey protein) is simply protein in its most basic form...all the major amino acids are covered and you get about 24g of solid protein with just around 4g carbs and 1g's perfect if you are having trouble getting protein sources from food.

    protein supplements are a common misconception that they're for "meatheads" or people trying to gain weight...there's not much difference between a chicken breast with 24g protein and a scoop of whey protein with 24g protein.

    you NEED protein to lose weight! it helps keep you full longer, only 70% can be stored as energy (excess protein, after it rebuilds your muscles), and it helps keep your metabolism high because you retain your lean body mass (muscle) and lean body mass burns fat very effectively
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28
    i looked into it an they seem kind of expensive for me right now, where do you get it/ what kind do you get?
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Motivation is always fleeting. Some call it hype. Call it whatever you want. If you know what you NEED to do.... just DO IT. If you don't already know seek it out or (with my PT voice !!!) just give up and find something else to be committed to.

    Hard message I know. I treat it like a job to do, or even a marriage. The honeymoon finishes but you are still committed to do this, right ?

    So, that said. Let's do it !
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    If you diet and exercise with the mindset that you do not want to do it, you will never do it.

    Think about all of the people who have had great success and you will find one thing in common - a drive to accomplish their goal no matter what it takes!

    If you don't have that drive, you will drag your feet towards the finish line and almost always fall short of your mark.

    So, how do you get that drive? Remind yourself of the main reasons you decided to begin losing weight and never let it out of your mind. Remind yourself that a minute of happiness while eating is nothing compared to a lifetime of happiness at your desired goals.
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    i looked into it an they seem kind of expensive for me right now, where do you get it/ what kind do you get?

    Whey protein is whey protein, so there are a lot of brands like GNC and ON that may be ripping you off when they say they provide better results but I'm not sure...if I were you I'd start with the brands from Walmart...I know they have two pound tubs for like $15 or something. And if you want a better deal, get a 5-pound tub if you can. Just make sure it has 20+g protein, less than 5g sugar and less than 2g fat

    I use the ON 100% Gold Standard because it comes in 5 pound tubs and comes in all natural forms
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28
    i had more motivation today, was too busy to get to the gym but i ate healthy food! thanks everyone!