


  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I have Slim Fast Shake Power Mix stuff...I mix it with Fat Free Skim milk and drink a shake for lunch and maybe a snack if I'm up for it. It keeps me full until dinner and I had no horrible side effects. Plus the French Vanilla taste great.

    But don't take my comment on it, it's just my opinion on the subject.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Why don't you try spending a week eating below 5% fat
    Because your body NEEDS fat, and 5% is nowhere near enough.

    Seriously to the OP, sack the slimfast stuff, it's icky and doesn't work, maybe keep their shakes for breakfast (but having a protein shake is a better idea), and make your own lunch and dinner. I dunno what calories mfp has set for you, but follow them, and you can make huge filling meals using tons of veggies, and load up on lean proteins like chicken, beef, etc

    Have a couple of nice full meals a day, and have things like nuts, cheese etc as snacks if fruit just ent doin it for ya!
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    Why don't you try spending a week eating below 5% fat
    Because your body NEEDS fat, and 5% is nowhere near enough.

    Seriously to the OP, sack the slimfast stuff, it's icky and doesn't work, maybe keep their shakes for breakfast (but having a protein shake is a better idea), and make your own lunch and dinner. I dunno what calories mfp has set for you, but follow them, and you can make huge filling meals using tons of veggies, and load up on lean proteins like chicken, beef, etc

    Have a couple of nice full meals a day, and have things like nuts, cheese etc as snacks if fruit just ent doin it for ya!

    Only problem with that is, I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat any meat, or fish....but I see what you're saying
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I was trying the Slimfast in the summer. When I joined mfp in September, I noticed I wasn't getting enough potassium, fiber, protein, etc... I had to give up the Slimfast. (I actually liked the chocolate shake)I still have a box of bars in my cupboard in case of an emergency, though. (What kind of emergency? Winter in Chicago kind... )
    I don't recommend that you use Slimfast for your regular daily nutritional needs, but I think you can keep what you bought and eat it when you run low on food or wake up late and are in a hurry, or whatever else constitutes an emergency for you.
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    So, I'm weird. I LOVE hot cocoa, but I've been avoiding it since I began watching what I eat. Then, it hit me: Why not replace regular hot cocoa powder with Slimfast powder? Add a teaspoon is sugar free vanilla syrup (zero calories), and you have a nice little after-dinner hot chocolate with lots of vitamins to boot!

    However, as a meal replacement? Oh, no no no. Even if it were a miracle shake that had everything I needed, I need to chew. Oh wow, I sound like a dork, but it's true! If I can't chew food and feel different textures and tastes on my palette, I feel deprived.

    With the meal bars, I use Zone Perfect, Special K, Atkins -- you name it. I don't use them as meals, though. I use it as a snack for when I am dying of hunger for no reason, but am stuck at work and/or too broke to buy anything. Again, however, I use them as snacks and not as a whole meal replacement.

    Amazingly, even though I don't replace meals, I still am around 1200 calories a day. Yes, I'm a little hungry most of the time, but because I eat food and not slurp shakes, I'm okay. Of course, I'm currently living on Lean Cuisines, which is a whole other beast to contend with, BUT that is another post. For now, dayum. :)
  • avapgh
    avapgh Posts: 1
    I have done slim fast before as well and it left me feeling hungry as well. I think adding the whey protein shake is beneficial. Fiber is bulky so it fills you up sooner and last longer so I think it is a good idea. Just research the product to ensure your not getting one with a lot of fillers.
  • bump

  • Only problem with that is, I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat any meat, or fish....but I see what you're saying

    But Slimfast uses animal based products...:noway:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member

    Only problem with that is, I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat any meat, or fish....but I see what you're saying

    But Slimfast uses animal based products...:noway:

    I believe it is "vegans" who don't eat any animal based products, while "vegetarians" don't eat animal flesh, but will drink milk and eat eggs.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Try reading South Beach Diet Supercharged.
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    Today was the second day I was on SlimFast, and it actually went a lot better than yesterday...the shakes made me feel full, and helped keep me that way for a while. I also ate almonds with it, and/or fat free yogurt, & oranges. I used the snack bars if I wanted a snack. For breakfast I ate a delicious home made vegetarian's basically a vegetable soup but instead of chicken broth I used vegetable broth .

    I think what I'm going to do is keep using the shakes and bars until I go to the store to buy more fruits and veggies. So probably just a few days.

    Any certain brand you guys would suggest to use for a protein shake? I know some of you have suggested stuff, I'd just like to see what else there is so I can compare prices and stuff.
  • arlyn70
    arlyn70 Posts: 55
    Today was the second day I was on SlimFast, and it actually went a lot better than yesterday...the shakes made me feel full, and helped keep me that way for a while. I also ate almonds with it, and/or fat free yogurt, & oranges. I used the snack bars if I wanted a snack. For breakfast I ate a delicious home made vegetarian's basically a vegetable soup but instead of chicken broth I used vegetable broth .

    I think what I'm going to do is keep using the shakes and bars until I go to the store to buy more fruits and veggies. So probably just a few days.

    Any certain brand you guys would suggest to use for a protein shake? I know some of you have suggested stuff, I'd just like to see what else there is so I can compare prices and stuff.

    with all respect:: why do you ask a question if in the end you will do what you think i good for ya?

    i read all the comments, and all of them said: not to drink those shake, they not healthy.. to much sugar.. etc
    maybe is better to take a litle more time for you self, go to the store, grabe some fruit and do your own healthy smothie?

    why put in my body something that doesnt have any nutrient??

    just saying

    have a great day
  • A girl at work swears by it, but I know someone who drinks them and then still eats full meals... The sugar content in those things is crazy, I'd say find food that works for you.

    As for shakes, when I have one its Reflex Diet Protein
  • Why don't you try spending a week eating below 5% fat
    Because your body NEEDS fat, and 5% is nowhere near enough.

    Seriously to the OP, sack the slimfast stuff, it's icky and doesn't work, maybe keep their shakes for breakfast (but having a protein shake is a better idea), and make your own lunch and dinner. I dunno what calories mfp has set for you, but follow them, and you can make huge filling meals using tons of veggies, and load up on lean proteins like chicken, beef, etc

    Have a couple of nice full meals a day, and have things like nuts, cheese etc as snacks if fruit just ent doin it for ya!

    Only problem with that is, I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat any meat, or fish....but I see what you're saying

    I'm not a vegetarian but about 80%-90% of my diet is vegetarian (not for any weightloss reasons, I'm just not a fan of meat). It's not really a problem at all, there are non meat based sources of protein readily availble. Use quorn, tofu, eggs etc. and use pulses to bulk out the meal for little calories. I'd be happy to recommend some recipes if you like.
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    Today was the second day I was on SlimFast, and it actually went a lot better than yesterday...the shakes made me feel full, and helped keep me that way for a while. I also ate almonds with it, and/or fat free yogurt, & oranges. I used the snack bars if I wanted a snack. For breakfast I ate a delicious home made vegetarian's basically a vegetable soup but instead of chicken broth I used vegetable broth .

    I think what I'm going to do is keep using the shakes and bars until I go to the store to buy more fruits and veggies. So probably just a few days.

    Any certain brand you guys would suggest to use for a protein shake? I know some of you have suggested stuff, I'd just like to see what else there is so I can compare prices and stuff.

    with all respect:: why do you ask a question if in the end you will do what you think i good for ya?

    i read all the comments, and all of them said: not to drink those shake, they not healthy.. to much sugar.. etc
    maybe is better to take a litle more time for you self, go to the store, grabe some fruit and do your own healthy smothie?

    why put in my body something that doesnt have any nutrient??

    just saying

    have a great day

    I'm going to continue drinking the shakes and eating the snack bars until I run out. It would be a complete waste of money to just throw them away. Sorry, but throwing them away or discarding them completely is not an option. I'm going to do like everyone said, and drink a shake for breakfast since I'm not exactly a breakfast/morning person, or have a snack bar if I just want something small instead of replacing a meal completely.

    And it's not like I can just go to the grocery store whenever I want. I don't have a vehicle or my license so I have to pick a day when my dad and I are both off work to go grocery shopping. I'm the one who pays for it, and I don't even get 40 hours a week, so I'm not going to be able to buy every single thing that I want. Buying protein shakes will have to wait, until then I'm going to keep drinking SlimFast.

    So basically, I asked a question to get everyone's thoughts and opinions, yes. But I'm going to do what works for me for the time being.
  • ncw89
    ncw89 Posts: 61 Member
    I see Slimfast as more of an occasional, if I'm not very hungry but haven't eaten in aaaaages then instead of waiting til I'm suddenly starving I'll have a slimfast for lunch or something. If you need to eat breakfast on the go then maybe stick to just the one a day and have 2 balanced meals at lunchtime and evening plus your healthy snacks. That way, you've got the low-cal breakfast instead of grabbing the first thing that comes to hand (from my own experience that usually tends to be something majorly high-cal!) and if you'd struggle to keep paying for the slimfast then it lasts twice as long that way anyway :flowerforyou:
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    I see Slimfast as more of an occasional, if I'm not very hungry but haven't eaten in aaaaages then instead of waiting til I'm suddenly starving I'll have a slimfast for lunch or something. If you need to eat breakfast on the go then maybe stick to just the one a day and have 2 balanced meals at lunchtime and evening plus your healthy snacks. That way, you've got the low-cal breakfast instead of grabbing the first thing that comes to hand (from my own experience that usually tends to be something majorly high-cal!) and if you'd struggle to keep paying for the slimfast then it lasts twice as long that way anyway :flowerforyou:

    This is what I figured on doing. I'm not going to buy anymore SlimFast, but I'm not throwing away what I have either. Just going to use it til I run out.

    Thanks for the tip =]
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I think you have the ability to make smarter food choices at work, too, when you do eat there. For instance, I noticed you drink a lot of Mountain Dew. I get the need for caffeine, but that's a HUGE source of sugar and calories. There is no good reason to drink that many empty calories. at least switch to diet. Also, when I go to TB I get salads and I skip the sour cream and cheese sauce. OK, you're vegetarian, so you might want the cheese, but you can have salads and beans, and skip the fried stuff. The tortillas alone are very calorie dense. I get a salad and don't eat the taco bowl.
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    I've actually never tried their taco salads lol.

    And as for drinking soda...yea you're right. I don't have any soda in my home as of right now so that's a start.

    Thanks for all the help
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Kaylyn - since you work there, can't you make your own food? I sure did when I worked at McD's years and years ago. TB actually does have a lot of fresh ingredients on hand. you just have to make smart choices.