Eating After Midnight lol



  • JansterL
    JansterL Posts: 28 Member
    It is bad to eat after midnight.....but when I'm on 2nd shift and I work until midnight, get home at 12:30am.....I have to eat something before I go to bed or else I can't sleep. I try to keep it light.... I'm usually up until 2-3am.

    I'm new to this site and new to documenting all this stuff. It just occurred to me (DURR!) that I should log my midnight snacks to the previous day...... It's still the same day (to me) until I wake up in the morning.

    On 2nd shift, I generally don't eat breakfast at all (because I'm out of bed by 10am) and my lunches aren't until 2pm and my dinner (lunch break) isn't until 9pm.
  • rahonda28
    I work nights This is my schedual

    Monday 7am morning kids to school I go to bed or stay up depending if I worked the sunday before.
    if I went to bed I get up around 1:30 or so I may or may not eat and workout before kids get home
    at 3 then its after school activites and homework and supper together and I get to get them ready
    for bed. I may or may not have a snack before I go to bed.

    Tuesday I get up get kids ready for school may or may not eat and may or may not go back to bed depending how I feel get up at 1:30 eat and workout before kids come home help with homework take kids to grandmas I come home eat and go to bed and get up at 10 and go to work

    Wendnesday 7am go to grandmas get kids up and ready for school take them to school go home sometimes eat and log in if I ate at work then go to bed after i have wound down sleep till 1:30 or so eat and workout before kids come home and it repeates tuesday night.

    Thursday is the same as wednesday

    Friday morning is the same as wednesday morning I sleep till 12:00pm workout and eat before kids come home then its family time and supper together. I may or may not snack and Im in bed by 12:00am with my hubby.

    Saterdays and Sundays are play days all day if I dont work and I eat whenever everyone else eats IF I do work (every other weekend) I spend as much time with my family as I can and go to church on sundays (if Im not to tired on the ones I work )When I work I go and sleep after supper (around 5) and sleep till 10pm like I do durring the week and luckily Jim is home and kids dont have to go to grandmas.

    So I log from midnight to midnight no matter what and I always log in before I go to bed when I get up also before I go to work and when I come home. So If Im working and I get hungry for green been casserole at 3am I will either log it in under snack or breakfast and I watch my calories throughout the day. I also eat small porportions all day long. Good luck
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Midnight snacks are my weakness. I usually eat for the first time each day at two in the afternoon, because I tend to not get hungry any earlier. That's when I have lunch, and a few hours later is dinner. I do have a snack or two or after dinner as well. But when I have nothing to do but lay in a bed when my insomnia makes it impossible to fall asleep, I meander up to the kitchen and fix myself something. I try to keep it to a minimum, but it happens!
  • spskinny
    spskinny Posts: 96 Member
    I think it depends on what time you go to bed and how active you are at that time. I get more done after midnight than I do most of the day ( I have 2, 2 year olds) . I have horrible insomnia, and I am usually up till 3am and on bad nights 5-6am. I am cleaning and doing laundry. I think a better rule is don't eat 3-4 hours before you go to bed. Even then, if you feel like you have to eat, have a small apple and a bottle of water, hard to sleep with a growling tummy.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    My days are weird - I wake anywhere from 5am-8am (the toddler), and then I don't usually get to eat breakfast until about 10-12. So some days, I eat breakfast at noon, then have a snack or two, then eat lunch at about 3ish, have another snack or two then eat dinner at about 5-6ish (depending on if I work out before or after), and then I snack until I go to bed. Most of my after dinner "snacks" are mini-meals. Tonight my mini meals were a grilled turkey ham and cheese on Flat Bread with raspberry jelly on top, a bowl of cereal, and tuna and Parmesan on a piece of toast...with some blueberries, a bowl of popcorn, a frozen smoothie bar, a cuppa coffee and a glass of Almond milk.

    So yeah - most of my eating is at night, and no matter how late I stay up (usually until 1-2, depending on how much studying I need to get done) I log it as the same day until I've actually gone to bed. Hasn't hindered my progress at all, because frankly, my body doesn't know what time it is - I had that part taken out. :laugh:
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I always have a snack before bed (usually between Midnight and 3am) otherwise I'll lay awake or wake up later in my sleep feeling famished. Having a spoon of PB or some nuts or something can actually help you sleep better, and help you make better breakfast choices in me morning since it makes you feel fuller, you don't wake up feeling famished and are less likely to just grab something to eat.
  • vanzylgreg
    Think of your body as a furnace. Eating three times a day means you will have a slow burning fire (fat storage). Eating more often will stoke up the fire (boost metabolism). Eating late at night is not a bad thing. Unless it is jam packed with sugars, bad carbs, bad fats. Focus on lean proteins as always. When you sleep, your body is basically fasting. It is the longest period you go without food during the day. That is why Breakfast is so important.

    Log the food whenever you eat it. Sliding it around is not accurate.
  • monseybaby
    monseybaby Posts: 2 Member
    working the nite shift is hard, and lack of sleep does not help with weight loss. I just started fitness pal so I was putting my 2am treat under the snack area of yesterday. When I go home I start all over again
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I don't think its really the time that matters. I could eat a whole meal at 1am and go to the gym at 3am and then sleep at 8am . That would be fine . But if your eating stuff and then going to bed like an hour later that's bad.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    But if your eating stuff and then going to bed like an hour later that's bad.

    Why do you believe this???
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I don't think its really the time that matters. I could eat a whole meal at 1am and go to the gym at 3am and then sleep at 8am . That would be fine . But if your eating stuff and then going to bed like an hour later that's bad.
    i do it all the time - i dont get home from the gym until after midnight sometimes and i always have a protein shake and maybe other snacky things before bed around 1am
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I understood it as if you eat right before you go to bed the calories will be stored due to lack of you burning them off.
  • Brandonajm
    I just did this and regretted it. Then I wanted to look up how bad eating right before bed is hoping to get relief, sadly I did not. Oh well, lesson learned. I added the calories to the next day and I am just going to get up early and go on an extra run and eat low calorie foods for the day.
  • leanby2013
    leanby2013 Posts: 137
    I dont think it really matters when you eat tbh, the only reason i dont like eating late is because i dont like feeling bloated going to bed but if i found myself hungry, i would most definitely eat after midnight
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    I count midnight to midnight. If I do eat something after midnight, I log it onto the next day and as a snack. :)
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Honestly, I don't believe there's anything wrong with eating late at night or "after 7pm". The only thing that matters is what you eat. I've learned that its best to eat 2 hours before bed, but like most of us know, that's hard. But when you have that urge to snack on something, make it healthy. Protein is the best late night snack in my opinion.