Exercise hurts!!!

I don't exercise. I need to.

I went to my apartment's gym for the third time in 2 years. I went on that little bike thingy... I was on it for 15 minutes. I almost died.

I know I have to keep going at it, and it will get easier eventually...

I tried doing a 30 minute simple Pilates video tonight. I survived it.... but I feel so gross with work out videos. I can't grab my ankles like they do and it's sad. I have trouble keeping up and I'm extremely uncoordinated.

Any advice, video recommendations, work out recommendations, or inspiring stories anyone wants to share?

-- btw, the gym at my apartment sucks. There is ONE treadmill that is always in use and ONE bike-thingy... and a trampoline.


  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member

    I tried doing a 30 minute simple Pilates video tonight. I survived it.... but I feel so gross with work out videos. I can't grab my ankles like they do and it's sad. I have trouble keeping up and I'm extremely uncoordinated.

    The good news about this is that no one can see you if you're in your apartment so it doesn't matter how uncoordinated you are.... I like the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred... but it will kick your *kitten* ;)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i always felt kinda weird when i did videos at home - but now i think its fun!
    i started out with Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds.. probably the cheesiest video ive ever done (not counting richard simmons vhs i had to do in PE in high school lol) - its pretty much walking in place with some arm movements, but it got me to a point where i could do more. i started with the 1 mile and worked my way up to the 4 mile.
    from there i jumped into 30 day shred >.> i lasted two weeks and then gave up. but i went back to it last year and did the full 30 days. it still kicked my *kitten*, and i still cant do hardly any of the hard moves - but i loved it.

    start with what you CAN do, and add a bit as you can :)
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member
    Oh!!! I think I have that Leslie Sansone DVD at my moms!!!! I think I have some Kathy Smith stuff too. I love her.

    I forgot all about that one.
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member

    I tried doing a 30 minute simple Pilates video tonight. I survived it.... but I feel so gross with work out videos. I can't grab my ankles like they do and it's sad. I have trouble keeping up and I'm extremely uncoordinated.

    The good news about this is that no one can see you if you're in your apartment so it doesn't matter how uncoordinated you are.... I like the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred... but it will kick your *kitten* ;)

    SO much *kitten* kicking!
    I have a Jillian Michaels cardio DVD and I get angry that they can jump around and only the parts of their bodies they're MAKING move are moving. I'm big- many parts of me move and make things like jumping jacks not only an exercise, but an adventure.

    The first night I did the Jillian dvd I posted a status on facebook thanking her for reminding me of just how graceless and uncoordinated I really am.

    You're not alone- hang in there!
  • amberkitchener
    I do minstry of sound pump it up, the ultimate workout! Its fun and broke down into sections so you can work your way up, it absolutely ruins me but each day I get a little further!
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member

    I tried doing a 30 minute simple Pilates video tonight. I survived it.... but I feel so gross with work out videos. I can't grab my ankles like they do and it's sad. I have trouble keeping up and I'm extremely uncoordinated.

    The good news about this is that no one can see you if you're in your apartment so it doesn't matter how uncoordinated you are.... I like the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred... but it will kick your *kitten* ;)

    SO much *kitten* kicking!
    I have a Jillian Michaels cardio DVD and I get angry that they can jump around and only the parts of their bodies they're MAKING move are moving. I'm big- many parts of me move and make things like jumping jacks not only an exercise, but an adventure.

    The first night I did the Jillian dvd I posted a status on facebook thanking her for reminding me of just how graceless and uncoordinated I really am.

    You're not alone- hang in there!

    Oh man... I feel you. I have netflix, and they have a handful of instant-play workout movies on there. My son (who is 7) and I tried doing this Crunch dance workout... we were both confused and upset after 5 minutes and we ended up watching a movie-movie instead.

    I guess some inspiration is that if I stick with it, eventually I will be able to grab my ankles.... and not jiggle as much.... and not feel like murder after just the warm up.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yeah, exercise definitely hurts. I like that one saying though, "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." :laugh:
    Let me tell you something that might make you feel a little better. When I started working out, I could barely even do 2 minutes of the cardio classes on the Turbo Fire DVDs. Every time I tried to exercise at all, whether it was jogging, bicycling or the Turbo Fire classes, I would be in agony all during it and after for about 2 months. It slowly got better though. The reason it hurt so badly for me was because my muscles had partially atrophied, due to such low activity for the better portion of 5 years. I sat on my *kitten* and played computer games (WoW mostly) ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT sometimes. I almost lost my husband over it too. I literally did nothing, and if you do nothing for too long... muscles atrophy. Luckily for me, it was reversible since it was from that and not trauma. Pain is good, pain means your muscles are alive and working. Embrace it. Learn to love it. Understand that it won't hurt forever, and eventually it WILL start to feel good. Trust me! I love my workouts now - I no longer have pain in my legs anymore other than the normal amount of soreness when I push myself really hard. :smile: Don't give up! It's worth it, just keep pushing yourself! :heart:
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    practice makes perfect!

    when i started with the workout dvds i was ungainly, uncoordinated and just looked down right stupid!

    i could walk for days after working out BUT the more i did the better i did, now i can even keep up with p90x ! !!

    so keep at it, you'll get there and when you do you'll feel amazing!
  • hybridscientist
    hybridscientist Posts: 93 Member
    have you considered the couch to 5K program? http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

    it literally is for couch potatoes to get them running! i know it doesn't sound appealing, but it's very liberating to be able to just put on some shoes and go rather than having to drive to a gym or waiting for someone to finish using a piece of equipment. also, it gets very exciting seeing how well you do each week, the progress you make on this program is phenomenal. tons of people who have never run in their lives swear by it, including me.

    if you have a smart phone (andriod) or iphone you can go to either the market or itunes and download the app. it makes it super easy... you can listen to your own music and someone tells you when to walk, run, cool down etc.

    otherwise if you just have a standard mp3 player or ipod you can download pod casts which are great too.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    The important thing is to keep moving forward. I started barely getting through 10 minutes on the stationary bike. Now I try to ride every day. It gets easier.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Do you have a Wii or similar? I know they no real substitute for a gym/workout class but I like how it gives feedback, I thought EA Active was quite good and I'm sure there is others.

    Can you get to any gym classes? I went to my second one (since I moved 3 months ago) tonight and there was a few people who had never been before but they all went, tried and finished it (I was bright read and hate to think how unfit I looked!) and nobody took a second glance. I think it really helps for motivation.

    Also I just bought a HRM and am hoping it will make me compete with my previous workouts to get better and better...

    The hardest thing is initially going to exercise I find, I'm always fine when I'm there x
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Ooh also have you seen this thread?

    I'm looking at starting that too if you fancy it?
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    I was gonna suggest walk off the pounds too. :D
    I am way out of shape and I can totally keep up with her, and really work up a sweat. I don't find it boring because I really stay busy and all the weight lost on my ticker below... about 90 percent of that is all from that. So I'd recommend it to anyone!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Another vote for c25k! Exercise does get easier, you just need to stick with it!
    It's easy, it's free, doesnt matter if you have no coordination, and you really feel like you have achieved something instead of just doing exercise for the sake of it :)
    I started at the gym in October, I was so unfit, 244lbs, thought I was going to die after 1 minute on bike / crosstrainer etc. I kept going, it got easier, so 2 months ago I started running, could only do 30 sec to start with, now can do 40 mins and am down to 221lbs!
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I started going to the gym 3 times a week and I did zumba an hour each time. I thought I was going to die!

    When I started I was 400 pounds I have a bad knee and a bad ankle. The first time I went in I wanted to give up. same thing the next 3 or 4 times. added to the fact that I was huge and here were all these sexi looking people doing it seemingly with ease.

    I kept at it and before I knew it, I was able to keep up and increase my excercise to 5 days a week (M-F) still doing Zumba 3 days along with weight training/intervals. The other 2 days weight training and basic cardio. (treadmill, bike, epilep) etc. but no zumba. I swam for fun on saturdays with my kids. but nothing crazy. And Sunday was my total rest day. I lost 65 pounds in 5 months. I will not claim it was easy and even after being at it for a month I still had days I wanted to quit but I didn't. If I absolutley needed a rest day I took it. But the important thing was that I did it and I didn't let myself stop me.

    If life had not dealt me a bad hand I would still be where I was but I screwed up. Gained some weight back but here I am again starting again and guess what? I will carry my butt right back to the gym after I lose the inital 15-20 pounds using diet and walking. I know I will have to rebuild my stamina. Probably wont be able to do more than 5 mins on the bike but atleast I will put the effort in! You CAN do it!