Closet FULL of clothes that don't fit.

So, I must confess. I am a clothes *kitten*. I have more outfits than an entire third world country, I'm sure. I have clothes that I bought 3 or 4 years ago, have worn once or twice, and have been hanging in the closet ever since. I TRY, on regular basis, to go through my dressers and closets (that's not a typo, I have two closets full in this house) and give clothes away to Goodwill or to my sister and friends, but that's only when I run out of hangers or can't cram them all in my drawers anymore. I have clothes from 10 years ago, and LOTS that I don't fit into anymore, and haven't for about 5 years now. But I can't get rid of them. Even though I can't even get those skirts or pants over my hips, let alone be able to fasten them up, they still hang there. Why? Because I feel as though if I get rid of that size 10 skirt that I wore 6 or 7 years ago, then I am admitting defeat. That I am resigning myself to a size 14 forever. I want desperately to wear those clothes again. I don't want to have to buy new clothes when I finally lose this weight because I like what I have. I bought them to wear them and i don't feel as though I got enough use out of them.

Does anyone else struggle with this?


  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    I gained 200 lbs in 5 years from binge eating. I have everything from size 0 all the way up to 24! I have everything boxed in order from largest to smallest so I can take things out as I lose the weight ;) You're not alone hehe
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I refuse to keep more than one or two garments that don't fit. I have ONE pair of pants from my skinny days, just to see if I can get in them again.

    By the time I lose all the weight I want to lose, none of the clothes I had before will still be fashionable.

    I also feel that by constantly donating and purchasing thrift store clothes, I'm somehow donating to charity. :) Obviously, my real motivation for going to Goodwill is because I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe new every time I change sizes, but I see those commercials that tell us how they are creating jobs for people who might not otherwise have the opportunity or skills to work, it makes me feel better about it.

    Anyway, getting rid of your ill fitting clothes isn't about admitting defeat. It is about loving yourself for the way you are, right now. Even when you lose the weight, you might not be the same shape you were, and I hate to say it, you won't be young again either. When you lose the weight and you are the weight you were 3 or 4 years ago, that time will still be over, and those clothes will show it unless they are timeless, classic pieces.

    I urge you to donate them to Goodwill, but even if you don't, at least toss them up in the attic where you don't have to see them every day. Only keep clothes in your closet that fit RIGHT NOW.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have a huge wardrobe of size 0-2 clothes that I know I'll never wear again ( I was very unhealthy during the years I was that size) Just incase though, I kept all the basics from that wardrobe- things that won't go out of style- black pants, a few jeans, some basic shirts, little black dresses, etc. Everything else I gave to my little sister who is 3 inches shorter than me and has always been naturally petite. I know what you mean- I gained 100 lbs in a year, so I have everything from a 0-16 and maternity clothes too ha.
  • Alex_on_the_Rocks
    I used to be this way... but then I moved 3 times in 3 months... and once more a year later... I got rid of A LOT of stuff that I no longer wanted/needed during all those moves. Kept a few sentimental pieces.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    I totally feel you. Get rid of them in REVERSE :))) Stay on track. Think of working out the way you think of taking a shower- it's not optional! It's what you gotta do to take care of yourself. Eat healthy. Be postitive.
    As you shrink out of your bigger clothes, donate or sell them. Or better yet, burn them. That feels really good :)
  • ncw89
    ncw89 Posts: 61 Member
    Why not box up each size of clothes and put them away somewhere so all you have in your wardrobes are things that fit NOW? Then, set yourself small goals, like 5lb, 10lb, whatever, and each time you make those goals put a little bit of money aside. Then when you reach the next size down, as a reward to cheer yourself on, you can get that box of clothing out, go through it and see whether not seeing them all for a while has made you go off anything: anything you don't want anymore can be donated and you will have a little bit of money put aside to get some new things to jazz your wardrobe up :D

    I kept telling myself I was going to do this...but I can't decide on a value to put aside at each 10lb haha :)
  • tazzzydevl
    tazzzydevl Posts: 37 Member
    The majority of my clothes dont fit. I refuse to get rid of, i refuse to buy so i wear the same things over and over and over. Im sick of it!!! So, yes. I feel your pain :)
  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    If they are in good shape, I say sell them. Try craiglist or your local buy-sell-trade page (I frequent one on FB). If you donate them, then you're out all that $ you spent. At least if you sell them, you can get some of your $ back and put it away to buy new clothes when you're down a size again!
  • Kay1226
    As you know, being my sister, I gladly take your hand me downs, but now that you're losing and i'm not, I have a closet full of clothes that don't fit as well. They used to be some big and some small that I was hoping to get back into. Now they are mostly too small but I am determined to lose this weight and won't give in and get rid of them! Even if they do end up outdated! lol
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I was this way too and got totally brutal. Ever watch the TLC show "What Not To Wear?" I followed that example and spent one entire Saturday trying on everything, and I mean everything! Other than a couple of expensive and classic evening gowns, if I could not wear it THAT DAY it was gone. If I could wear it again but it was so old that it had gone out of style, it was gone, even if I had only worn it once or twice (or even NONE in some cases) if it was actually worn out, it was gone. If it fit but I had not worn it in over a year, it was gone too because I obviously did not like it as much as I thought. It was hard and in some cases quite sad, but I felt lighter and clean and fresh when all I had left was a wardrobe that fit. I resigned myself to buying new clothes with the money I used to throw away on junk food. And I resolved never, never to buy anything that did not fit that day, no more "this is such a good deal and I'm sure I'll fit into it in just a couple of months." I had plenty of room in my closets (plural) and the clothes were no longer pressed so tightly together that they got wrinkled--if something came off the hanger, it no longer just stayed there suspended among the other clothes! Good luck!