drinking more water

Seems everywhere I turn, people's advise is to DRINK MORE WATER.

I have been following MFP calorie suggestion faithfully, and even exercise now (shocker for me!), but when it comes to drinking water, i am lucky to get 1 or 2 glass per day down (even that is a struggle quite honestly). I don't know what to do to get more of it in me. It has no taste, and I'm really just not thirsty. Having the goal of 8-10 glasses is extremely out of reach, I just hate drinking it.

Anyone? any suggestions? because it seems this is the only part of MFP I am not following, and wonder if it is related to not losing as much weight as I had hoped by this point (2lbs in 3 weeks).


  • I work in an office and I place a 1.5l bottle of water on my desk daily and top up my glass every time I finish, (small plastic cup) Sometimes I just down a glass to get another one out the road

    but I find having it sit there helps me drink it and also see how much I am drinking daily, I don't count my cups of tea but you can and I have 4 of them at work a day, so on top of the cups of tea I have up to 6-7 glasses of plain water
  • xxoNikkioxx
    xxoNikkioxx Posts: 9 Member
    The first thing I do when I get out of bed is drink a glass of water. When making breakfast, I have another. It was hard at first as I'm like you, but it has become routine now.

    I have a bottle at work on the desk and I find I drink more if I have a straw, I sip at it all day. I'm not quite at 8 glasses, but usually at least 6 a day I'm up to now :smile:
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I have mad issues drinking the water too, but I'm up to 6 cups a day reliably now. Here's how I do it:

    First of all, I get a big cup (24 oz) and fill it with ice all the way to the top. Then I cover the ice with water, squirt in a little lemon juice, mix it up (well!!) and chug it down. It helps to do this right after a good workout, so you're thinking more about cold liquid going down your throat than what that liquid is. Set it aside for a while, and when the ice is almost gone finish it off.

    Also, I set limits for myself. I can't have ANYTHING else to drink (after my cup of coffee) until I've finished at least one of those cups of water. Then I can have one small cup of something else as a reward, no bigger than a soda can, then I HAVE to drink another big cup of water.

    I don't try to do more than one of those at a time, though... we have city water and it just tastes nasty.

    Good luck!
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    I assume that you are drinking other liquids, right? Those certainly are needed. Some say it needs to be only water (the 64 oz. per day thing) while others say pop, coffee, etc. count. Certainly the pure water is probably better for us but as long as you are taking in enough liquids you're probably okay. Then again...what do I know? It's just stuff I've read online.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    The 8 glasses of water thing is very much overrated, and not proven by any scientific studies. At most I get 6 glasses a day, but usually it is closer to 2. So far I have lost 15 pounds since November.
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    I used to have a hard time downing one glass a water a day - let alone 8. However there is a simple solution - seriously, it has worked wonders! Buy a straw! I'm not being sarcastic. I easily drink 10 glasses a day with my water bottle and straw. I can totally tell that it works because twice last week I forgot my straw and could not physically force myself to drink it. It was horrible!
  • I also count my tea (as long as it's decaf), so that helps. Have you tried flavored seltzer water? I usually have the Trader Joes brand (delicious!) but the Polar brand has some good flavors as well..
  • I am the poster child for hating water. I got Mio and squeezed it into a dropper bottle because it was too strong for me. I am up to at least 15 glasses of water sometimes 17-19 a day and now mainly with no Mio.
  • well to be honest. if you can get down 2 glasses a water a day.. and drink crystal light.. which is what i usually do.. i just get a bottle of water and add a packet of crystal light to it.. seems to work for me!!
  • Every morning I fill an old 2 litre water bottle up with fresh water and drink this throughout the day.
    Admittedly, at first it was really hard to drink what seemed like such a large amount of water, but through perserverance I manage it no problem now. It is easier because the water is convenienetly on my desk so I've got no excuse really and I've found that my skin looks better and it does fill me up when I'm feeling hungry, so that's my incentive to keep up my water intake.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Stop stressing about it and do what works for you. If you eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh veg/salad then that provides fluids. I hardly ever drink water ...never have.....can't stand the stuff......and it's not doing me any harm at all.

    Whatever the subject is read a cross section of posts on here to get a balanced view.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I used to have a hard time downing one glass a water a day - let alone 8. However there is a simple solution - seriously, it has worked wonders! Buy a straw! I'm not being sarcastic. I easily drink 10 glasses a day with my water bottle and straw. I can totally tell that it works because twice last week I forgot my straw and could not physically force myself to drink it. It was horrible!

    I agree!!! My water bottle has a straw and I realized I drink water a lot faster with it verses a cup... wierd but so true
  • patsyanne
    patsyanne Posts: 111
    I, like you did not care to drink water...no taste but all you hear is how your body needs it. We started buying bottles of flavored water which I was able to drink. Now with my sports bottle I find that I am craving water but I have to sip it from the sports bottle and have it very cold. Good luck... I do believe that our body really needs lots of water because of how the body cells are made up.
  • I'm the same! Although yesterday I managed 5 glasses which is HUGE for me!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i have mine in a 500ml bottle - 4 of those a day is 8 cups. it seems to go down a lot quicker than when i drink out of a glass! add a bit of lemon / lime juice or sugar free juice if you cant stand plain water.
  • I was told because tea is a directic, you end up needing to drink EXTRA water to make up for it....so I've been avoiding my usual tea drinking
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I used to have a hard time downing one glass a water a day - let alone 8. However there is a simple solution - seriously, it has worked wonders! Buy a straw! I'm not being sarcastic. I easily drink 10 glasses a day with my water bottle and straw. I can totally tell that it works because twice last week I forgot my straw and could not physically force myself to drink it. It was horrible!

    I agree!!! My water bottle has a straw and I realized I drink water a lot faster with it verses a cup... wierd but so true

    This is me too...way easier to drink with a straw!!
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    Wow I dont get how people cant drink water I drink 8 glasses of water, 3 or 4 mugs of tea and then a glass of cordial with meals!

    If you really cannot drink water putting a small amount of no added sugar cordial is fine as this really makes little difference ... unlike coffee which is a diuretic!
  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    I just invested in a "Sodastream" machine - it carbonates the water - I just add a bit of carbonation, and squeeze in lemon or lime juice - much easier to drink - I take a 1-litre bottle to work with me every day (about 4 cups of water) - and it's usually empty by 10am!
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    I used to drink nothing but soda......but I have gradually increased my water intake in the last couple months and am now up to 6-8 (8 oz) glasses a day. You just have to make yourself do it. I too always keep a large glass at my desk and sip on it throughout the day. This is how I get at least 4 of my glasses in per day! I feel WAY better since drinking water instead of soda all day, though I do still have 1 soda per day.